*Neshca is right at robin side, sword and shield areadied. Calling the other mates to pull a half wing wedge off of Robins side. *
'You know Robin this is like pulling hern whales out of the sea with a net. Nothing I care to do again.. and Doole is gone to be pissed to high heaven when he has to run. You know him he is not a bird, like me."
*grins at Robin.*
Assault on Zander
Moderator: Admin
As the havenites flee the outpost, the bear riders that were surrounding the building begin to follow them in a pattern where half rides about 20 yards behind the group while the other half stop and turn to assure no one or nothing follows. The riders that stop, wait a minute or so then catch up with the group, at wich point the helf that was following stops and turns.
This pattern continues until the Havenites stop.
This pattern continues until the Havenites stop.