Improved endurance question

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Improved endurance question

Post by Wyrmwrath »

If a PC has Imp Endurance but not Imp Determination(which would allow him to stand and talk and walk) how does the PC use Imp Endurance?
Are they allowed to physically parry but only from their knees or while proneor are they allowed to defend themselves standing but unable to move from that spot, unless crawling, or speak?
If they are being carried, can they still defend themselves, and possibly the person carrying them?
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Post by GM-Phil »

They would be allowed to block any incoming damage with their weapons or shield from most likely a prone position - if they were being carried I would say they could block with at least one hand (as the other should be on the person carrying them).

Usually if you do not have this speciality, and you are in the negatives you have absolutely no ability to lovk any incoming damage, whether you have a weapon or shield.

Although it is best paired with Improved Determination for its best use. But is not useless by any means even by itself. Could mean the difference between being at -5 or -25.
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