Siege Weapons, 3/1/05

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Siege Weapons, 3/1/05

Post by GM-Mike »

Siege Weapons

Cost: 8 iron 4 stuff
Upkeep: 3 iron

Ballista takes x hours to make. It deals a base damage of 5 vorpal and has a load count of 30. It can be used by the craftsman, or in conjunction with an archer to increase damage, as per a ranged missle weapon. Must be phys-repped.

Light catapolt/Trebuchet:
Cost: 8 supplies 4 steel
Upkeep: 4 supplies

A Light catapolt/Trebuchet takes 5 hours to make. It deals a base damage of 5 crush and has a load count of 15. The Light catapolt/Trebuchet requires a crew of two people, one of which must be either a craftsman or a grenadier. The grenadier may increase the damage to 10 crush (30 count) but only a single packet may be thrown. Alternately, the grenadier may choose to throw up to 5 packets at a time instead of increasing damage.

10 direct hits from a Light catapolt/Trebuchet throwing a single projectile will destroy a wooden building and 20 direct hits will destroy a stone building.

Heavy catapolt/Trebuchet:
Cost 16 supplies 8 steel
upkeep: 4 supplies

A Heavy catapolt/Trebuchet takes 5 hours to make. It deals a base damage of 5 crush, but can be loaded with multiple projectiles - up to 10. It takes a 60 count to load and requires a crew of three people (one of which must be either a craftsman or a grenadier). The Grenadier can add an extra 5 projectiles.

5 direct hits from a Heavy catapolt/Trebuchet throwing a single projectile will destroy a wooden building and 10 direct hits will destroy a stone building.