Returning to Haven

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Ug »

*Shale leans over and whispers something to a cloaked figure in the back corner. The figure responds and Shale steps away. After a bit, the mumbling, shivering figure begins to shake uncontrollably. His mumbling stops and a large gout of flame leaps into his hand, forming a spiked ball of flame. His other hand comes up from under the table and as he states DAT IZ ENUF!!! and SCREAMING in a GUTTERAL RAGE, his free hand FLINGS the table across the room to rest up-ended in the center. With his hands outstretched to either side, one hand with a ball of flame, the other empty, he ROARS in a blind fury. The hood of his cloak falls back and sweat can be seen beading down his green face. His roar slowly subsides and his breathing is heavy. When he notices that there are several people staring at him, he looks at Corbyn and states...*

Dat all me got tay fer now.

*He looks over to Eli.*

Eli, youse come wit Ug.

*He looks back to Corbyn.*

Dey rite, youse got sum splainun to do, but dat wait latur till Ug calm down.

*Ug drops his left arm to his side and clenches his hand in a fist, the other still holding the ball of flame.*

Eli, u cummun wit Ug? We gotta go aftur 'dira.
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Post by Woden »

*Woden listens to the goings on in the background though never takes his eyes off of the new come Dwarf*
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Post by Eli »

*When Corbin comes into the room Eli embraces him and cries for the lost people.

Slowly his tears begin to dry upon his face and when he sees his near mad friend flee from the inn Eli begins to follow Ug from the inn to find her.

“She does need our help. It is precisely this that prevents those of us with sanity from attempting to re-embody our fallen. I was there when Florin took her the first time, and I saw him rip her apart. She was the first of my dear friends to pass away, and when she returned to us I believed it was a happy day, but look at what has returned to us. Look at how she is and what his “magics” did to her. She is no longer the friend that left us, she is more and she is less. So before you who would call yourselves mages decide to go and start playing with spells and rituals that are far older than you and have been kept hidden for millennial go and screw up that which is nature, think twice. There was another mad man who tried to do such, who played with the dead and acted as though he was the light himself. Look at what this path leads to. Don’t talk about her look at her! Help her.”

With that Eli leaves the inn to go find Ug and his friend Indira.
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Ug »

*As Ug leaves the Inn, he cocks his head back toward Vaun and states...*

We talk latur.

*He leaves the Inn with Eli on his heels, running toward the woods in the direction that Indira went.*
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Post by General Maximus »

*As soon as the general see Ug throw the table he stands up placing himeself between Woden and Ug. He draws his sword and a red flame starts to grow above his hand. The flame contuines to grow larger and larger until Ug leaves the Inn. At no time does the gaze of the general leave Ug. After Ug leaves the flame disappears and the general sits back down and picking up his ale. He turns to Woden*

Aye yes, I will tell you my story of who I am, but first, is that orc part of this town? And if so why does this town put up with his temper and actions? He is an orc and there fore can not be trusted. I'm having trouble understanding this town you have chosen to live in. The world must have changed greatly for this type of town to have come together.

I would like to ask one more question before I tell you my story. Has there any dwarves that tried to gather the remaining dwarfs? A dwarf that has tried to salvage what was?
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Post by Midnight »

*Midnight rises silently to her feet and follows Ug and Eli silently, sparing a brief scowl at the newcomer dwarf for his clear breech in courtesy*
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Post by General Maximus »

*The genrals eyes gleam happly with the news the dragons have risen again, but the look is replaced with saddness at the menitioning of the lost of the city under the mountain*

My story is long, but short.
My name is General Maximus of the Helfurry Clan keeper of the dragon stones. Lets just keep it at that. As you know us Helfurries did what needed to be done for the dwarves. Some say we hate all outsiders, but we just don't trust ones that are not dwarves. I have served King Gimily and his Champion Blackthorn Heldrummer for many years. Blackthorn and I became friends and battled the enimes of the dwarfs side by side many of a time. Grom and his hoard, the elves, the goblins, the orcs, and finaly the dark elfs. That was the battle (to defend the dwarven city under the mountain) where I was captured within the crystal you all say you found me in. My men where all killed and I wasn't long following them when I rushed one of their mages. All I remember is a blue light envolping me and than meeting the people of Haven.
I find myself adrift in a new world with no king to serve and all that I once loved gone. I don't know if I could follow a human, even a human that is a friend us dwarves. I have many more stories and tales, but for now I think I will watch and learn what type of world I live in now.
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Post by Woden »

*still staring at the new Dwarf*

'As I said.. Whats left that arent here are being seen to by Galen. He is as close a Dwarf as any Man. There are elements of your story that ring true, and things that dont fall clear. You claim to use dragon magic, but magic is far different now then when you left, and a Dwarf using magic!? Only some of the Drummers and Singers would dare, and NO hellfury would have made it into haven without blood on his hands. If you are, or used to be, Maximus you need to know two things.
One. You are no general here.
Two. Your life will be saved or taken by someone in this town. I guarantee it. Either way you need to embrace this town, including those like Ug, or move on.'
*points with his mace*
'Whats left of the mountains is that way'

'Now that that is said. Welcome to the new world Brother. May we live long enough to enjoy it.'

*takes another long pull draining his mug*
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Post by moonstone »

walking in to the inn moonstone walk slowly of to the table with all of the Dwarfs. Looking as if she has aged quit a bite moonstone sites down at the table. “Will I be welcome here or do I need to find a haven else were? I still remember very little but what is coming back makes me want to company of Dwarfs.”
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Post by Lambic »

Lambic watches Indira's friends follow her and then turns his attention to Woden, Maximus and Moonstone. As Woden finishes, Lambic puts the axe in his hand on the bar top. Politely waits for Moonstone to finish her question and then begins:

"You will be welcome here, as will Maximus, as long as they do not seek to harm those that seek haven here. We may seem unnatural to some, but in truth we are what nature has shaped us into. Magic and the world have clashed just as hammer and anvil. We are the steel worked between it. We have come through this cataclysm transformed. I cannot speak for you but I have come through hardened and true and I will break the steel that is tainted by darkness, evil and corruption, that has become brittle and weak with it. This is not just a haven. This is our Haven. I claim it as my home too and welcome you to it. The woman who ran from here and the Green Elf that flung the table and chased her claim this Haven. Thus it is them that I will fight for.

Maximus, those of us who went through the portal and have returned did so in search other Havenites. One whom I call brother, was among those we went after. He is not dwarven. Yet my brother he is still, but oath and blood split, he is my brother. We lost many on this trip. And only returned with one. However, we did so while holding true to what this Haven is all about, we stood as a light in the darkness. Struck against evil with all of strength and although that evil struck back we did not lay down our arms but stood our ground. It hurt us, cut us, made us bleed. But in the after that attack, the Haven has not been ended. It is still here as you can see.

Maximus, Moonstone, and all the rest of you who have come here through the portal. Welcome to the Haven. Anyone who drinks to our fallen friends tonight drinks for free."

Lambic grabs a pitcher fills a mug and slides it down the bar to the Captain and nods to him. Then he waits to see who will drink with him.
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Post by Corbyn »

*Strides over to the bar and table with the dwarves*

Well spoken Lambic. You articulate our mission with uncommon clarity. Allow me to be the first to drink with memory of comrades lost, and in celebration of new friends.

*To Maximus*

I welcome you to the Haven as well, good dwarf. Heed the words of Woden and Lambic. In this place, race and the old views mean nothing. Here, a being may be defined by his or her actions...nothing more is relevant. With the notable exception of Lambic's ale, which is always relevant.
Corbyn Gravesbane
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The Hand of Woodhold
Elder of Final Haven
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Post by Captain Aran »

*raises his mug*

A toast then, to the ships of the navy... no wait, wrong one.

*smiles wryly*

Today, and tonight, and every time it is relevent, may we lie, cheat and steal.

To lie with a beautiful woman, to cheat death, and to steal victory from our enemies.

*raises his mug again*
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Post by cole45 »

Sen raises a silver goblet, tarnished and dented with age. It was once beautiful, but now seems wore and lusterless.

"To friends. Old, new, and dead. Those that gave their lives deserve our respect. And those that have just come into our lives deserve a chance to earn it. May the winds of Mistrialla blow our prayers upon the storm." Sen says, taking a long drink.

"Captain, I see you are a sailor. Someday you will have to tell me upon which vessel you sailed. I once worked in the Port Town of Red Bluff, and fed many sailors. My fish head stew was quite well received. No other stew could quench a sailor's appitite, and be used as sail tar once cold. I can not make it here in haven, but I have other recipes."
Travis Cole
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Post by Woden »

*wiping the Ale Foam from his lips, and Thumbing at Lambic*

'What he said'

*offers Lambic his Mug for a refill and signals to the girl*

'..and do we have a clean mug for the little sister?'
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Post by moonstone »

Moonstone raises her glass and says “ale more ale”

She then lowers her head and is quiet for just one moment. When she speck again you can see a defiant change in her face, the years that where not there are evident now. “I think that a place of peace is needed in these dark times. So let us drink to the fall and live on to fight again.”
Last edited by moonstone on Mon May 22, 2006 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.