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Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:25 pm
by Kidwynn
Spaking of npcs, did you guys have lots of extra spell packets for I'm severly down from where I started from at the beginning of the event.

Do Chris and Wayne have the extras???

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:29 pm
by Sara Gordon
most of the packets we used belonged to and have been returned to Nelkie

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:31 pm
by McEwan
No, I'm just pretty mutch on standing orders not to talk to strangers. Everyone seems to think that I cause trouble when I speak :D

It may have to do with the fact that I average one blowup per game :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:31 pm
by WayneO42
I have no extra spell packets.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 3:59 pm
by Corbyn
Brian's assessment is correct, the PC's (at least the ones I deal with) were working towards getting the peace talks going, and once they did, were not to speak unless asked a question by the council. I felt a bit bad for the people who were out by the fire for so long, but the story inside was very good. Any combat/monster/npc consistency issues were noticeably better on Saturday, so thanks Brian for cleaning that up. Overall a nice job! My only regret is apparently missing the pre-game notice that the fourth cabin was inhabited by non-event campers. I would definitely have not led the House on the warpath to that cabin had I known. I'm happy that no one was apparently in there, and that it was not full of crazed, armed hunters who thought that we had escaped from the men in the white coats.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:12 pm
by Wyrmwrath was full of crazed gun toting hunters I belive, when Marvin/Vug and I were scouting for a place to hold the yetti/bear rider test encounter, we drove by and there were a half dozen or so folks there and they had hunting gear in one of the pick ups....I am glad Dallid didnt have to try healing a shot gun wound. And all that over a few lepers...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:18 pm
by Sara Gordon
when i drove out to the cabins to pick up the npc brigands, they informed me they were "sending out a party to help the lepers" i was very confused, having gone over and memorized the plot.

and when i asked them where these lepers where they said "cabin four" i was like... um... you.. mean the cabin full of... regular people??

it wasn't until later i found out my hand maiden/ spy had told you she was there to warn you of the lepers when she got caught spying! ahhaahhaha

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:20 pm
by Robin
It was just me, Arthos, and Corbyn who went anyway. Thankfully no one was really there... *tucks four leaf clover back into pocket.*

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:28 pm
by Corbyn
Lol wow, I can see it now, we barge in yelling about damn lepers stealing our hunting party...and the real hunters make short work of our tirade. Sara, we were told about it by Travis when he was organizing the hunting party, and Dallid and I offered to help the lepers and were told it wasn't necessary. Travis thought we had all heard it at the pre-game meeting, so a minor communication snafu. We thought it was odd that they didn't want our help healing their citizens, so suspected it was a place the Frostfellians didn't want us to go, maybe where they were holding our buddies.

If EVER there was a reason for one of us to bring a camera, it was Nelkie going to war clad only in long johns, a satchel of packets, and his hat. We must never miss an opportunity to capture such a moment again!


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:46 pm
by GM_Chris
I want to be a leper


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:50 pm
by McEwan
I'm a leper, he's a leper, she's a leper, wouldn't want to be a leper too?
Be a leper, drink doctor leper.
(repeat choris)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:15 pm
by Claude du Sinjin
Just adding my 2 cents here... even if it is a lil' bit late. The event was great!! I cannot praise Brian, Tonia and the rest of their team enough for the excellent use of costumes, makeup and of course the FrostWyrm!! Just the fact that whenever that creatures blinding blue lit gaze settled on you, you immedietely thought "Oh shit!!! This is gonna hurt!!" There was great roleplaying, some great fights and wonderful plots twists. Any of the minor problems that other folks here have listed, did little to diminish the fun of this event.

Also, a big round of applause to various players, specificly.... Dallid, for his amazing new outfit and his comforting presence. "We have Dallid, with us... we'll be fine!"

Duegar the dwarf, was no end of fun to have around. Be he holding a door from attackers, using his uniquely blunt approach to politics or simply owning the ass-end of a Frostwyrm. Duegar kicked much ass!

The rest of the GMs, it was a pleasure having you out there with us for a change. All your characters were different, unique and no end of helpful! Hope you all had a good time!!

Plus a big thanx to everyone else that fought alongside Claude and the rest of the Phoenix guard. I'm eagerly awaiting next years games in our new home.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 6:32 pm
by Dallid
The event was fun. I was upset to hear Saturday night that the NPCs thought I was cheating, but I do need to learn to talk louder with that muzzle covering my mouth. They apparently couldn't hear my 'no effect' calls.

The new land, peoples, customs, monsters, etc. were a nice change - kudos on the creativity! :) Awesome icewyrm!!! :D You did a great job of depicting an ancient people with ancient customs.

Thanks for the costume compliments! :) Yes, the horn did get initially get caught up on branches frequently, but I quickly learned to keep my head low and shield up while going through woods. The glow was an RP choice that I figured would just make me more likely to be killed - particularly while among the magic-hating Frostfellians! Very glad to hear it's got some positive effects, too. :) I was blissfully ignorant during the fighting that some people would initially percieve Dallid (dressed all in white) as a wraith when they saw him. Thank you for not striking. :P

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 3:54 pm
by Wyrmwrath
Actualy Doug, thier concerns were about more than you. It seems they, not being plot, were unaware there were so many men at arms in game and t hat some PCs had switched to that discipline. When you were refferenced, what was said was" i dont think he even knows we are hitting him". Wasnt that you were cheating. Nuff Said.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:15 pm
by Annika
All the points were well taken and appreciated. As we said in undertaking this endeavor, the event was run as a "tribute" of sorts to a game we very much enjoy and to allow the GMs the chance to sit back and relax... and enjoy the game from a much different angle. This was especially true since we suspected (and it's now confirmed) that the group was going to be moving to Ionia and we unfortunately will not be able to make that trek... we wanted this to be a gift of sorts to the game and its makers.

Two quick notes about the event:

#1 - There were a couple of unexpected things that happened behind the scenes that the GMs had to account for (and this is true of any GM and any event). One of those things was that a primary NPC (Severin/Louis) was MIA on Saturday morning/afternoon, so we had to account for that and shift things around, and unfortunately, the trek to the encampment/talks with Zander got all messed up and there wasn't as much action for the PCs as we wanted. The second thing was a couple strong-willed NPCs who decided to make things up and alter previously planned and balanced incidents. This is by no means an excuse, I'm quite pleased with how things went, but keep in mind that even the best laid plans can go awry during execution. It was a learning experience for all those involved.

Additionally, Chris is absolutely right about a few of the parts being more like a movie. That, however, I attribute to the PCs choosing not to interfere and interact more... as we expected them to. Perhaps Marvin was too intimidating as his Bear Rider Council Arbiter or Vince played Corbyn more laissez-faire than expected, but ultimately except for the first encounter everything else was supposed to be much more interactive. We've got a few ideas on how to account for that phenomenon the next time we run an event.

#2 - Hits/Stats/Combat: This is absolutely a LARP cultural thing and I really hope that NO ONE takes it personally. At the two other LARPs that I've heavily participated and marshalled, it was a very simple thing for a PC to say to an NPC or vice versa, "Hey, I hit you... take the hit" and there was a no argument policy. The player (whether PC or NPC) just assumed they didn't feel it and took the hit or attack on principle. There was never a squabble and it really never interfered with combat.

Final Haven/CARPS players find this offensive, as it is not standard practice and that somehow it reflects an accusation. Please understand that our NPCs (most of whom were originally Shifted Lands or Edam players) don't intend it to be offensive. And whether the PC is a GM or "helped to create the game," they can easily make the same mistake and shirk off a hit. If any of my NPCs actually called someone a cheater, I want to know about it, because we're having a serious talk. Otherwise, please all accept our collective apology at enforcing a game the way we'd enforce it in our own system, rather than recognizing the way it was done at Final Haven.

Aside from that, I'm very pleased that the game was enjoyed and people had a good time. I had no lofty goals of coming into someone else's system and "showing them up" (as Mike warned us not to do, LOL), I simply wanted to share a story and entertain the FH folks, especially considering it was our last event.

A special thanks to Mike for paying for the event for everyone (and any of the other GMs who might have chipped in), to Chris for letting us interpret Phantara as we would, to Wayne and Trevor for help with the cultural stuff, and especially to Todd, who initiated the idea and was the one GM who had to have all the good stuff ruined in advance to approve our plotline and monsters.

Thanks to Sara for cutting out nearly ALL OF THE SCALES of the Frost Wyrm, to Cam and Angel for help with the Zander tabards, to Travis for help with random crafting stuffs, to Anthony for taking time out from his play debut weekend to play icky Ether Wraiths, and to Marvin, Michael, David, Brad, Katie, Erika, Dan, Louis, and Timmy for NPCing and generally putting up with me for the past 3 weeks while learning a new job and planning this event. Finally, thanks to Brian for being my Muse and Mentor and keeping me in line.

God, I feel like I'm at the Oscars...

I hope you all just understand how appreciative and grateful I feel to have been a participant in the system and know how much I'll miss you all!