About a Dream...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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About a Dream...

Post by Grimm »

Orien wandered into the inn, looking a bit bewildered, and sat down near Korrigan. She'd always gotten on well with the man, and his gruff but honest nature appealed to her.

"You know... it's nice to be able to come back into town and visit. I think people forget that we're out there... though the village folks keep me busy dawn till dusk. Sometimes even I need a moment away, though." And she gave him a gentle smile.

To no one in particular, she continued in a cautious voice, indicative of Orien being Orien and not wanting to bother anyone, "I... I had an unusually telling dream last night... the first in a very long time. Since I came back from the Dreaming... I've Seen little. But this dream... like light in the darkness."

She then smiled like the dawn of a new day. "My Lord Donovan... Paladin of the Light and Preceptor of the Phoenix is not lost to us. I have seen him... dreamed of a day when his courage, steadfast dedication to justice, and strength will stand among us once more. He gave his life and so much more to this town, but his works are not done. I know it in my soul. It is a sign, I believe... that we shall not falter, but shine, in the days to come."

She simply beamed at the thought, though a little sheepish grin perched at the corners of her lips after a moment. "Though... I suppose I need to figure out a way to GET him back for it to actually happen. I don't suppose anyone knows how such can be done? I..." she blushed, "I'm a healer, not a mage. Once they die I'm kind of out of my element!" She laughed.
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Post by Abaddon »

An old man is sleeping at the end of the bar. His old wrinkly white hands are holding into his rune covered wooden staff. His chin is tucked in and the jester's mask is on his face. He can be heard breathing and no drink sits in front of him. His long black cloak is draped over him.
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan looks up when Orien walks into the Tipsy Traveler and smiles.*

"Not used to seein' you away from the Hospital, kiddo. Glad you stopped by."

*As she speaks of her dream, Korrigan pulls his ledger from his belt and writes a few words.*

"I'm no mage either, but you'd be surprised how much crazy shit moves through here in a moon. I'll have Barry start lookin' around for some way to bring your friend back, if that's what you want. Can't guarantee it'll be cheap, but I'll drop my fee if it's for someone from Haven. What's a 'Paladin', anyway? Never heard of it."
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Post by Rothek »

:rothek laid in his usual spot near the door. when it opened he rose to his hind legs and watched as orien wandered in. rothek did recognize her so he let out a snort to announce his presence before looking to korrigan.

the beast watched the woman and the inn keeper for a moment, after seeing that korrigan knew this person he laid back down and relaxed.:
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Post by Grimm »

Orien grinned and gave Korrigan a wink. "You know me... if I don't have something nice to say, I usually keep out of sight. It's rather bad form for a paladin to go about spewing negativity... and there are a few I must exert all self control to keep from crossing that line with. Try as I might... even I can't ALWAYS be nice and cheerful... and I find some folk such anathema to right and good... that they burn in defiance of everything I am and stand for."

"As for prices..." and she shook her head with a rueful grin. "Gabrial and I run the hospital on donations alone, and everything gets reinvested back into the folk there. We have an orphanage, a home for the elderly, a school, and a community center. With some more hard work, we'll have a center for the troubled, where victims of violence can come and receive care and compassion when they are in need, and anything they might need to get back on their feet. It costs money, but my King Rodrick has always bee supportive of our mission there, and gives most generously. He always has, Light shine upon him. I'll see what I can do, though... as such as that for which I ask does not come easily or cheaply. Alas... I do as I can to avoid the Dreaming anymore... or I would seek his essence there. Just bear in mind, any means by which we seek to restore him must NOT violate the laws of right and good. I will NOT have wickedness done to serve any end, no matter HOW righteous the cause. Evil is evil, no matter the end to which it is justified."

The elven woman smiled a soft and peaceful smile. "My Lord Donovan was my Master... he who saved me from darkness and despair and set me on the path of Light. He gave me a reason to live, a purpose... something greater than myself to believe in. Gabrial did the rest." And she giggled. The couple were perfect opposites, each the counter balance to the other.

"A paladin is me. We serve the Light... the good of all righteous folk upon the face of the land. It is our sacred duty to stand as a light even when all others are snuffed out, to see the good when no one else can, to serve when others would command, to hope when all else is despair. We take an oath to serve others before ourselves, to heal the hurts of body, mind, and essence, and to stand always as an incarnation of our virtue."

"Mine... is hope. That is who and what I am. Less I can serve in this capacity, you will not see me. That is our way. We are to stand as a bright example of all that is right and good...and if we cannot... we are to go and do all that can be done TO find our way once more. My Lord was Justice. That was his virtue. My Lady Delaine was wisdom." She signed.

"I am all that is left, I believe... for my apprentice was slain by The Bad One, murdered for nothing more than his abilities. I have sought often for one who can carry the torch of our path, but it is not an easy way, and one must have complete conviction. Sometimes, that alone keeps the shadow at bay, for we are very susceptible becoming the negative aspect of our virtue. Justice without mercy and compassion is tyranny. Hope can be turned to despair. Wisdom... to cold hubris. There is no more terrible thing upon the face of the land than a Fallen Paladin, I think."

Orien gave Rothek a wave. "Well hello there, wild one! I've not seen you about in quite some time. I feared some ill may have befallen you. It is good to see you here in such wonderful company. How's the paw?"

When she had first met the adorable beastman, he'd suffered a nasty wound to his paw that she had had to cox him for days to allow her to attend. In the end, he'd relented, pain seeming to get the better of his usual caution. She'd been happy to see to it, but he had vanished from the hospital grounds a few days later and she'd not seen him since.
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Post by Rothek »

when orien spoke to rothek he cocked his head to one side and looked at her, it took him a while to remember her but the beast finally did. she was the one that healed his paw many years ago. rothek was happy to see her and stood up to greet her. however when he did, orien would be able to see his body was covered in scars and old wounds that had healed over, patches of fur were missing on his arms and a piece of his right ear was missing.

"rothek still survive... get away from elves. come here."

:rothek showed orien the paw she had healed those many years ago and there was a scar that looked as if it had been pierced through.:
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Post by Grimm »

The healer gave him a sympathetic nod. "Many suffered, wild one. It brings me joy to know that you are well, I worried when you just vanished."

She gave him a slightly sad smile. It was rare that she remembered she was an Elf, and always kind of stung when people spoke of their misdeeds... and she realized they could include her in those sins simply because her ears were pointed. With no memories of what happened before the Cataclysm, she could have been a gnome before for all she knew, and she certainly had no real racial identity to speak of. It would take a very long time for the wounds of what had been done under the old king of Silv' An'Dar to heal... for everyone.

Orien turned back to Korrigan. "If you know of, or hear, of anyone who might have the same goal as I have, to restore my Lord Donovan to physical form, please send them my way. What I have will be yours."
Last edited by Grimm on Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Grimmorie, Highborn of the Tempest, Knight of Star Strewn Seas, and Seraphim Captain of the Incorruptible Truth
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Post by Rothek »

:rothek listened as the healer spoke with a slightly confused look on his face:

"restore? mean like make live again?

:rothek turned to korrigan and then back to orien then cocked his head to one side and blinked:
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan nods to Rothek.*

"Yeah, fuzzy. That's what she's talking about. She's trying to bring her friend back, make him alive again. You got any special puppy mojo that'll help?"
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Post by Rothek »

The beast thought for a moment then shook his head

"not know how make person live again, rothek ask white man. Him very good at healing, or ask serith, he good with magic they help?"

"rothek's ear twitched and he shook:

" what mojo?"
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Laughing warmly, the Innkeeper waved his hands in the air and poorly imitated the gestures used in spellcasting*

"Mojo, you know, magic. Arcane power and whatnot. Spells and stuff to bring people back from the dead."
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora walks up to Rothek and then looks at Korrigan*

Wait..bring someone who has been dead for awhile back? Are you both insane? Last time someone did something like that it involved making a deal with some dark magical force and that in itself is wrong. The only other way I know on top of that is to KILL someone and then have the essence of the person you want to bring back inhabit the body of the person you just killed.

Either way, whatever you all are proposing, you are walking a dangerious and slippery slope. Not to mention, it's defininately not anything "light" worthy or "good".

*The young woman appears as if she wants to say more but stops.*

You all will do whatever you want regardless of any warnings so what I'm saying won't matter anyway.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Rothek »

Rothek turned to aurora and looked at her

"orien not like bad elves, orien good. Rothek watch bad elves kill to make life. Rothek not let that happen here."

The beast snorted and then looked back at korrigan.
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Post by Grimm »

Orien frowned at Aurora. "Are you saying that I would be horrid enough, as a PALADIN of LIGHT, to engage in such deplorable methods? I am not a child, mistress. I know what I am asking. I also know that there is light and good in the world, and ways of right to do such a thing. I give my own life in the Cave of the Dead itself to bring back my mate Gabrial, and I assure you, no evil was done then. The world is a large place to be so small minded, and for shame to assume the worst of anyone."

She took a moment to center herself. Few things upset her more than people assuming the worst of anyone else's intentions. "I would NEVER allow evil to be done, not even in the name of bringing back my Lord. His essence could not be at peace, living or not, if such were to take place, and I could not bear that upon my own conscious. My path is to show others that there is a better way, the path of Light, in ALL things. This is just one," and she smiled gently.

Grimmorie, Highborn of the Tempest, Knight of Star Strewn Seas, and Seraphim Captain of the Incorruptible Truth
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Post by Rothek »

:rothek's ears perked up and he turned to look back at orien:

"cave of dead? what that?" the beast questioned.
Rothek HowlingFang
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