
A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Laylah »

Laylah walked through the Inn's door with a heave. She hoisted her backpack off her back immediately and practically threw herself into a nearby seat. With a light groan she bent to remove her boots, one at a time, shaking out loose dust and pebbles. She secured them tightly once again and moved to her backpack, laying on the floor, to remove her small and nearly empty water flask. As she drank she eyed the inn. From what she could see, it was unattended at the current moment, a little dusty, but looked fair enough. Her eyes sagged a little as the journey caught up with her, but she shook her heard fiercely and stood up quickly. Stowing the flask once more she shifted the pack back onto her back. She had to keep her mind on what she had come for.

She knew the one called Alice, would most likely be in current possession of what she needed.
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Post by Alice Tex »

Taking a break from the forge, Alice put a warm cloth to her face and the back of her neck. Sweat and cold were a dangerous combination in this weather. She ordered a cup of hot liquid from the bar and turned to walk up stairs to her room. As the door to the Inn opened, she peeked over the railing down at the person, hoping it was a certain young man she adored. No, not him. She didn't recognize the stranger, but she was never slow to meet someone new.

"Hello," she said softly from above. "My, you look tired. Stay a rest for a bit." ^_^
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Laylah »

As Laylah stood a women she recognized slightly, poked her head down from the stairwell. She sighed, knowing this was exactly who she wanted to see.

She waved her hand towards the women and called,"Your name is Alice yes? If so, I've come a long way looking for you and what I seek, and I would like to retrieve it before I rest."

She cursed herself, knowing she might probably came off as a little short.
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Post by Alice Tex »

Alice blink in disbelief. Someone was looking for her. For her. She had traveled a long way to find her and a certain item. All manner of thoughts entered her head.

Has He finally found me, she wondered.

Unsure of what to say, she blurted out a little too excitedly, "What is it that you seek? Who sent you!?"
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Laylah »

Laylah looked worried at the excited face of the woman. She sincerely hoped she hadn't stirred something other than what she was here for.

"I have come to retrieve some items that I was told you might be storing. Does a man named Alrion come to mind?"

Laylah took a step closer, taking a deep breath, hoping.
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Post by Alice Tex »

Alice blinked. At first, she thought she'd misheard...hoped she'd misheard...but then her face settled into a look of disappointment.

She'd waited so long...six months too long!

"Oh, well, yes. I knew him. Not well, mind you, but I knew him. I regret to inform you that he died in Avengard," a small frown settled on her Elven features. "I was never personally given anything by him. That was reserved for...well, someone else."

She almost said the name of her friend, but she didn't know this traveler and she wasn't about to take any chances. "Could you please tell me what this is about?" she asked politely.
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Laylah »

Laylah could sense Alice's tone and understood her caution. Nevertheless she pulled herself up to her full height, a mere five feet, and stated clearly.

"I have come in the stead of Serena, to retrieve Alrion's journal, backpack, and anything else that might have gotten left behind. Her and Braidenvayl could not do this by themselves and I made haste to finish it for them. For everyone who cared for Alrion...." She signed heavily as she remembered the incident very clearly.
Laylah Elora

Community Welfare Director and Hospital/ Orphanage Administrator of Woodhaven.

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Post by Alice Tex »

When Alice heard her friends' names, she was both joyful and sorrowful.

"I was not aware that Serena had these things," she said sincerely. "She asked me to gather their things and keep them safe until Mathias and I could return them to them in Ragnarok. I have done just that."

She led the way to her room, "I would be more than happy to accompany you back there, along with all of their possessions. I was hoping to wait until Spring, when it was not so cold and dangerous for traveling. I don't like to travel alone either, but I do so worry about them in that strange land. I fear that it will be no different from Avengard..."

When she entered her room, it was clear that Alice had carefully and delicately stacked her friends' belongings in the corner. A thin layer of dust could tell Layla that Alice had not touched the pile out of respect, awaiting the day when she'd see her dear friends again.
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Laylah »

Laylah walked with Alice to her room. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders as she saw the possessions neatly stacked away from harm. "Thank you so much for hanging onto them." She smiled gratefully.

She listened quietly at the woman's words and replied,
"I have just come from Avengard! I am traveling to Ragnarok with Serena and Braidenvayl and the people on the ship there. It has not yet left the port. I know without a doubt if you returned with me there to sail, it would be welcomed!"

Laylah opened her pack and drew out a small piece of cloth. She lightly picked up the journal and wrapped it carefully within and then put it in her bag. She moved to pickup the rest of Alrion's things and put them on her back. As she moved towards the stairwell back down into the inn, she turned to Alice,

"How soon can you be ready to leave? I know Serena is already waiting for my return. I also must seek out Grieves(Mathias) before we leave for the portal. I have a message from Serena for him."
Laylah Elora

Community Welfare Director and Hospital/ Orphanage Administrator of Woodhaven.

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Post by Alice Tex »

Alice felt this conversation heading in the same direction as her last conversation with Braidenvayl. She smiled kindly, trying to sound polite, "I can be ready to go within the hour, but I will only return to that horrid place to return these items to their rightful owners. I thank you kindly for the offer, but I will not be setting sail anywhere. I feel that here is where I belong...and here is where I will stay."

Immediately, she began gathering her things, forming a list of all the things she would need on this journey. She only needed to tell two people that she was leaving...she doubted that anyone else would miss her in her brief absence. "Once those items are in Serena and Braidenvayl's hands, I will return back here for the Winter. Braidenvayl knows this already. It should not come as a surprise," she added sadly.
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Laylah »

Laylah smiled. "Of course, whatever is best for you. When you are done I will meet you downstairs, and then we can find who we need too separately and then meet back up where you wish."

She left the room, and the woman to her packing, and went down into the Inn to wait. She wasn't familiar with the town and would have to ask the women if she knew where the man named Grieves could be to save some time.
Laylah Elora

Community Welfare Director and Hospital/ Orphanage Administrator of Woodhaven.

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Post by Alice Tex »

Some time later, traveling clothes and giant pack on her back (full of all her friends' possessions), Alice emerged from the upstairs and settled into a chair downstairs. She waited patiently....the woman said she had to deliver a message to Mathias then she would return to the Inn for her.

So, she waited...

Taking a deep breath, she mused on what this journey might bring....she was missing her forge already.
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice
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Post by Laylah »

Laylah returned to the inn sometime later. She peeked through the door slightly and waved to Alice, beckoning her outside.

"Well, let's get moving before it get's too dark. I want to be back with friends as quickly as I can." She smiled, thinking of her friends and the ocean breeze she so very much missed. This town was nice, but it wasn't the life she was looking for.
Laylah Elora

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Post by Arjan »

A cold blast of air blows through the Inn as the back door opens and Jonny comes through. Stripped to the waist and covered in dust from coal and smoke from the forge, he grabs a bucket and heads to the pump to fill it. Seeing Alice appearing to be packed for a trip, he starts filling the bucket before he speaks,

"So where ya headed to darlin'? I see you got your bags packed, you ain't leavings us are ya?"

Grabbing a rag as he steps out the door, he wipes off quick before up-ending the bucket over his head. Skaking his head off, he steps back inside, grabs a shirt, and starts to redress.
Jonny Tremaine,
Master smith of little renown

Pity those that choose not REDEMPTION,
For their deaths shall not be swift.
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Post by Alice Tex »

Alice was above to take one step toward her and Layla's journey when her fellow Craftsman stopped her. "Oh Arjan, glad to see you! Please let the other Crafters know that I have something to go take care of, but I will be right back. If I'm not back in two weeks, you'll know that something's happened," she said cheerily. "Goodbye, and take care!"

She set one foot down, then another, and another...and they were off.

Huge backpack jingling, she began to sing softly to herself. It was almost a lullaby, the song she sang. She never let slip the words to it, however, only "lalala". No, those words were reserved for the one she was leaving behind...the one she adored.[/i]
"Pity the selfish, for they do not know charity...pity the cruel, for they do not know kindness...and pity the heartless, for they do not know love." ~ Alice