In the Kitchen of the New Keep

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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In the Kitchen of the New Keep

Post by Esmerelda »

In the kitchen of the new keep, Esmerelda was taking stock of the meager store of the survivor's supplies. With all the snow, hunting had been difficult at best lately. Would she be able to stretch their meager amount of food to last until the weather broke? Thank goodness Mohdri was such a good woodsman and was able to bring in a little bit of fresh meat from hunting. But with all the refugees, feeding them all creatively was tough at times.

Looking up, she had to wonder where Aurora was. Hadn't she agreed to come help out and get a cooking lesson?
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Aurora »

*Arriving a few moments later covered in snow but carrying a few rabbits in her hand Aurora arrives grinning in amusement. She looks at Esmerelda triumphantly.*

I thought you might be able to do something with these. Sorry if I'm late but I thought I would go out hunting. Uncle isn't the only person who can track. He tought me how to find my way through to woods and all.

So.....what are you going to need me to help you with today Esmerelda?
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

Looking at the rabbits, a small smile of appreication crosses Esmerelda's face. "Thank you. With the harsh weather fresh meat is a scarcity. So, to get a general sense of what we're working with, how much do you know about cooking? Or the upkeep of a keep?"
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Esmerelda, her dark green eyes meeting hers. There is a look of confusion in those eyes.*

Ummmm....well.....ummmmm.....*she sighs* to be perfectly honest I don't know anything.

Ask me about the old concepts of Mage Hunting, have me go into the woods, ummm have me use a sword I'm fine at. Performing tasks as you described I haven't the faintest ides.

Does it involve changing clothing for to be honest my armor, my cloak, and this wool jacket are pretty much the clothing that I have.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda smiles sadly.

"No, don't worry about changing your clothes. I don't have more than what I am wearing now either. And I'd just gotten the most lovely gown for the last Harvest Ball we had. It took forever to make, but it was so lovely!" She sighs heavily. "And for what end? I never even got one dance with him..."

Shaking herself out of her reverie, she continues, "How odd, to only know of fighting and witch hunting. But I suspect you'd think my life before the cataclysm just as odd in return. My mother was killed when I was nine and I had no sisters. So at a very young age I learned how to be a lady of the keep. I spent a lot of time in the kitchens and with the maids, learning how to manage a castle. And hating a lot of it, I might add. But I was truly the lady of the castle with my mother gone. Honestly, I think that's why my father hadn't started looking at a betrothal for me- he was too comfortable with me around and didn't want to have to find another lady!" She laughs a bit bitterly at that. "As if I'd have wanted to parted with Aeric anyway. But cooking. Hard to for this many people with these few supplies. But we'll have to make do. We need to get the rabbtits ready. I'm thinking of making a stew, you can strecth it out to feed more people pretty easily. Any maybe some biscuits to go with them. Why don't you get started by skinning the rabbits?"
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Esmerelda innocently*


Skinning I can do, that's not a problem, see from there I'd find a stick and cook the rabbits over a fire. I've had stew before, but have never made anything like that or the biscuits.

I've been taught how to survive and all. There really hasn't been time to teach me to do what you can do.

Just the way things were for me.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

"Nope. No sticks for stew." Stepping out the door for a moment, she returns with a pot full of snow. "We have to start with some water. Chop up the rabbit into bite size pieces and we'll put it in to simmer." As she directs Aurora she digs through the pantry to see if there are any vegetables left.

"As for what I can do, well, we've both had very different upbringings, that's all. And how much do you want to learn? I can teach you how to cook for yoursefl adn a couple others or how to manage an estate. Not that I think we'll have that large of an estate here, but still it can come in useful at times."

As she chops up some potatoes she found, Esmerelda blushes deeply. "As for him, it was just my escort to the ball. I... I don't know what I'd do without him. After my brother died, I was so lost. I didn't want to go on living. But he reminded me that there are good things still left in this world left living and fighting for. But that's neither here nor there." She seems embarassed by the turn of the conversation.

"Right. biscuits. To start we need to mix up some flour, milk and a little leavening..."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora does her best to assist Esmerelda, but it's quite obvious the kitchen is by far one of the last places she ever thought she would be in.*

I'll learn Esmerelda whatever you would like to teach me so that I can help you all out. You have your hands full with everyone and one can't do everything by themselves though often we all would like to think that we can. I have to admit though I'm more comfortable with a sword in my hand then this knife trying to cut these bite size pieces but it's all right. I think I can get the hang of this.

*Aurora listens to Esmerelda for a moment and then looks puzzled.*

Ummm....Esmerelda what is an escort? I know my definition is people in armor trying to get a people from point A to point B. What do you mean?

*Aurora looks a bit embarrassed to be asking the question.*
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

"Whatever you want to learn, I'll be happy to teach. it will be nice to have some more help in the kitchen and with the laundry. The orphans seem to dirty their clothes so quickly and there are so many of them!" She seems a bit daunted and overehwlemed by the task. "I thought keeping an eye on Em and Gol was bad, but trying to look after so many little ones is nearly impossible! Orien used to help, but she's been so quiet lately that they children don't know how to act around her anymore..." She shakes her head sadly at what has overcome her onetime ally and potential friend.

"Do you know how to sew at all? it seems like the majority of my time is spent mending clothes..."

She seems to ignore the subject of escorts entirely...
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora shakes her head and smiles.*

No I don't know how to sew. I can repair things but I can't sew. I'll learn this laundry thing, but I have to warn you I'm used to well not exactly looking perfect. My studies have been devoted to well Mage Hunting at first and then preparing for well the time to come for me to know in a round-about way carrying on my family's legacy. still haven't answered my question about the escort thing. Were you in danger at all? If this escort survived that attack are you going to need his services in the future to guarantee your safety?

*She sighs again*

I'm babbling again, aren't I?

I feel like all I've been doing most of my life is preparing for something. For what I'm not certain.....
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda lets out another sigh and turns a deeper shade of red. "You never had any socials at that school of yours? No balls?" She shakes her head in frustration and amazement. "You've never even heard a tale of a ball?" Seeing the blank look on Aurora's face, she continues. "In society, it usually is not polite for a young lady to go around to social occasions alone. Hence, the concept of an escort. Kind of like a guard, an escort is there to make sure nothing untoward happens to the young lady's virtue or reputation. Sometimes an escort is a family memeber. Other times a friend or perhaps someone who is courting the young lady."

Esmerelda mixes her biscuit dough a little more vehemently than probably needed, clearly flustered at the conversation. Dropping the dough by rough spoonfuls on a baking sheet, she desperately tries to turn the conversation back to it's original topic.

"But you mend your own clothes, right? So that is basic sewing right there. Any help mending the children's clothes will be greatly appreciated. They tear them up faster than I can keep up with them. And the children don't care if you sew a seam straight or not. So we can start from there. When we finally got some extra cloth in, I can teach you how to make some garments from it. Or just alter clothes, like I did when Ren showed up not wearing a stitch!"

Looking outside and noting the position of the sun, she asks, "Would you mind watching this while it cooks? I'm supposed to be meeting Sethreal shortly for some lessons of my own..."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks embarassed and has a look of worry as if she has offended Esmerelda. Aurora could tell by her body language that she somehow managed to hit a nerve and upset her new friend.*

I'm...sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I just haven't been in situations where I've needed an escort let alone had someone interested in me that I was aware of type of thing.

My grandparents and parents were really keen on sense of duty and protecting others. You know children, people who don't know how to fight *Looks directly into Esmerelda's eyes at that statement*, you know the innocent.

*She sighs*

I'm trained but haven't seen an actual combat so who knows if I have whatever it is inside me my family is suppose to have, but I'll worry more about that later. My instructors seem to think I have that drive.

I guess I could help you with that sewing stuff as long it doesn't interfer with lessons and the teaching I do and perhaps some scouting and all...

*She pauses for Aurora can tell she is getting flustered and embarassed*

Sure I will help you out as much as I am able to..... about these biscuites, when do I take them off the fire. What color are they suppose to be?

Who is Sethreal? Was he your escort to that festival? Ummm....*she looks at Esmerelda and looks embarassed again.* I'm sorry I'm asking way to many questions.
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Post by Esmerelda »

"Sethreal? My escort?!" Esmerelda's eyes widen in surprise. "OH no, not at all. He's a friend of Atrum's" she blushes at the young man's name, "who is teaching me how to use a sword." She looks challengingly into Aurora's eyes. "Just because I choose not to carry a blade doesn't mean that I don't know how to use one. I just find that they get in the way of what I need to do if I have one on my person all the time."

For a brief moment a mischevious look crosses Esmerelda's face. "You've never even flirted with a boy? How old are you? Have you been blind to all the young men around you all this time or were you raised by a sisterhood?"

"And as for combat, hang aroud us and you'll be swept up in it sooner or later. Whether you wish it or not."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora looks at Esmerelda appologetically*

I did not mean to imply anything. Just when the men were outside having their debate and things got a little heated I was more concern for your safety and the children because I didn't see you with a blade. That is all I meant, if I offended you I am sorry. In fact, I would be happy to teach you to fight as well.

*After Esmerelda asks Aurora about boys she starts blushing again in embarassment this time the blushing matches the color of her hair.*

Ummm...flirted? No, not really. Ever since I arrived here for the most part it's been "Let's teach Aurora how to use a blade" and then I've been instructing others what I can recall from my Mage Hunter techniques. I've also been trying to force myself to regain more of those abilities, but alas I believe there are a few things lacking.

I've just been....foccussed. If I recall Uncle thought it was a good thing because well my thoughts and actions weren't so distracted. I even know how to meditate for when things get a little overwhelming to try to balance myself.

Oh, before you even ask no I haven't drank or gotten drunk either. Since I really haven't had my first real fight I haven't felt I desirved to partake it the drinking and the telling of battles the dwarves and Caldeonian's will do.

As for age....

I just turned 18. I've been here since magic and the world became all crazy.
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Esmerelda »

"As I said out there on the field, on occasion I have trusted every one of those men out there with my life. And I belive in each and every one of them. Foolish as it may sound, I trusted them not to hurt me. And they proved that my trust was not ill founded. There are too many hurt feelings going around right now over what happened in Haven. I have just chosen to direct my anger at the bastard who truly deserves it. But he is out of reach right now, so that makes it hard to stay focused on the true target of our rage..." As she speaks, her eyes narrow and her voice takes on a deadly cold tone as she speaks of Corbyn and her hands unconsciously form fists at her sides. But as if snuffing out a candle her anger is suddenly gone.

"18? By the time I was your age several young men had already captured my fancy. And stolen a couple kisses." She grins at that but suddenly turns serious for a moment. "Although none of them had truly captured my heart until now..."

"I will have to have a word with your "Uncle" if he is pushing you to stay so focused. You shouldn't have to loose your youth to your training. you're a young lady, you should have some time to enjoy yourself! But as for drinking, sometimes the hangover you have the next morning is not worth the revel of the night before..."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

"What if in order to save everything you hold dear, you have to become everything you hate?"