A wandering...er...um...something...

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A wandering...er...um...something...

Post by Sheogorath »

In the middle of nowhere, yet somewhere certain, wanders someone, or something, yet not normal wandering, nor lurking or sneaking. More of...well that type of walk that would show that they haven't got a care in the world, as if they know nothing of the world around them, almost as if they were not even part of the world around them. If one were to glance at this oblivious odd fellow they would notice his attire represented that of one who looked of higher class, but at the same time one who dependently did not live it. With damn near silver hair and quite odd looking walking stick he whistles a tune while walking, a tune of...well something different.
I am me, except for when I am not, then I'm not me, I'm him. Then again when I am not me, who is me?
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