New Arrival

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Garet Maevers
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New Arrival

Post by Garet Maevers »

*A man in a threadbare blue traveling jerkin and stained brown pants enters the inn. He wears no visible weapon and attached to his belt there is a large pouch, a scroll case, and a ratty piece of cloth with an emblem embroidered upon it, a golden quill lying over an open book.

As he makes his way to the bar, several of the local farmers wave to him or shake his hand as he passes. He orders a drink before stepping up on a table and addressing the inns patrons in a clear voice,*

"Friends old and new. I am Garet Maevers, a recent addition to your populace. Since the time of the burning we have been slowly loosing our history. The cataclysm has gone one step further and has taken not only our books but the physical reminders of what once was. We live in a new land, a new age, but we must not forget our past lest we be doomed to repeat the mistakes of our forefathers.

To save our past and brighten our hopes for the future I intend to utilize Final Haven as a location for an open library of Lore and gathering of sages. I beg for your assistance in this matter. I seek others like myself, sage or no, who wish to help me fulfill this dream. If you have lore to share, wish to help start an organization of sages, or just seek help please visit my cabin in the village
(OOC: PM me).

To add to the few books I have, I have begun to write a history of the "New World", of Phanterra after the cataclysm. I also seek your help in this matter. If you visit me at my cabin and tell me your story, or as much as you can remember, I will give you a sack of grain and dried meat. Enough to last atleast a month. I thank you all for lending me your ear. "

*He steps down off of the table, nods to a few people and returns to his drink.*

OOG: If you PM or Email me a synopsis of what your character has gone through since the cataclysm and/or what they did before the cataclysm you will receive 1 food token at the start of next event. IF you also send me a synopsis of the september event, you will get another food token at the start of next event. All synopsis will be made public however, your name will be removed from it if you state this as your wish.

Also, if you wish to take part in archiving lore, drop me an email or PM me.

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Post by Kathryn Skress »

Mr. Maevers, I am no sage, but I can tell you much of what happened before, during, and after the cataclysm. I will stop by your cabin some time.
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Post by Tonia Glowski »

"A portly female orc with wild braids in her hair looks up at Kathryn's words and mumbles to herself in a gruff and not-so-quiet voice:*

"Metinks you are de cataklzm..."
Tonia Brown
aka: Talanalassë Isilisurë the Elven Artificer (Final Haven)
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Post by dier_cire »

Ka happens to be wandering by...

"Just make this library far enough away from the inn, losing bartenders is one thing and books ignite easily..."

OOC: All I can imagine seeing the character name is the Beaver (Gary Mathers). LOL
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Grok's Story

Post by Grok »

*The same portly female orc with wild braids in her hair looks around to see if anyone else is going to take the man up on his offer. Seeing no movement, she moves closer to Garet and begins to speak to him in her gruff voice...*

"Hey you... I tell you what happen."

"We come to de town, ‘cause big, tall, skinny guy say dat der a job. He say dat good living can be made and dat we can get work. So me and Jux and Vug pack everyting – which was not much and we go to some 'Haven.' We tink we get der, but no one der, so we tink someone trick us or dat everyone die – but we can no find even body. So we wait in de tavern."

"Den some people come and dis man, who name Giddy One, come over and smell my arse and say he look for Beast. Someting not right wit him, he sniff everyone’s arse, but metinks no one else notice but Orcs – maybe all Haven do dat or tink it alright, I dunno."

*Grok looks around a bit at any other occupants a little oddly, then returns her attention to Garet.*

"We look for big, tall, skinny man, but he no come. But little, tiny old man come and say we need fight dragon, so we say, 'okay, dis must be job,' so we go. First icky moss come up off de ground and attack us and we kill it. Den dogs dat make funny sounds come and we kill dem all, too. Den we see big, huge, mosskos dat sting us hard and singing frogs dat play de lute, so we just walk by dem, but den dey attack us and we kill dem again. Den we come to a dead body, wit stuff wiggling all over it and, of course, de Orcs kill it and save everyone again. Metinks people here never fight before."

"I also find mace on ground – what luck! But den De Lidd tell me dat it his. He no understand how tings work. I find, it mine. He find, it his. He ask me for weapon, but I already gave my mace to Vug, and once you give someting, you no can take back. He beg me for long while and I tell him go away. So he did. And I fight with good new mace. Vug give him his new mace. Now we all have weapon, but he need mace back for someting. I no remember why now, but I give mace to De Lidd and he give mace to me. Damn. I should not have done dat. Little mace was better. I tink dat mace was not really his, but he see my nice new shiny mace and want so he just say it was he mace. Oh yeah, Eli Elf tell me he fix armor anytime I need. Den Eli never fix my armor. See, Guild of Light do lie."

"And der was dis creepy Valkyn’Vi dat kept hide behind me. If his eyes were not red, I would have pushed him ‘way, but I no sure if he could kill me or no. I guess I made good choice, cause he kill Loose woman, dat Roland like. I knew he no good. Be careful him: he name Kale or Pentupanguish – he no make up mind. And den der stupid crabby lady, who I tell I help, and she tell me she no need my help. She very rude."

*Grok looks up and nods in Kathryn's direction and continues speaking to Garet.*

"You should watch out for her. She run Guild of Light or something, she some kind of Queen. I say Queen of Rude."

*Grok continues speaking about Kathryn as if she isn't there.*

"Roland say her problem dat she had fifty years of tinking dat she better dan everyone else. I tink Roland right. I wait for time when she bleed at my feet and I say, 'Oh, too bad, crabby lady, you no need dumb Orc help.'"

"Fin’lly, we get to home of man in de middle of swamp. Metinks dis not good place to have home, but he was not so right in de head. We want go by house, and he no want us der, so we talk to him for a while and de Guild of Light no know what to do, so dey look in der books and whisper each other and I figure out smart ting to do: I tell man dat we need to go fight a big, ugly Dragon and dat why we need past. He laugh real hard and I say, 'What so funny?' He say he tink we need more people to fight a Dragon, so I ask him he want help us. He laugh harder and say he no tink he do dat. Den Vug and Jux start call me and say, 'Grok, dat IS de Dragon.' And de Little Girl tell me she think so, too. I say she crazy, but den Dragonman nod and I tink, 'uh oh…' So I tell him, 'I just jest. Grok make joke. Funny joke, huh?' And den Little Girl and Dragonman start make deal for someting, I no know what. And Dragonman say dat he want favor from us. I look at Little Girl like she crazy. I say, 'No make deal! No make deal, ‘specially if you no know what deal is. We no make deal!' But she no listen. She just put her hand to her head like she tinking real hard and say, 'De Guild of Light make dis promise: we will complete any task you ask in exchange for dis – and de Guild of Light never lie.' I tink dey mad and I tell Dragonman dat I no make deal, 'Ummm…sorry,' I say, 'We no make deal. We no kill you either. So when you come to collect on deal and dey decide dey no like your task and you got to kill dem, remember dis ugly green face, okay? Me no make deal and not dat ugly guy or dat ugly guy' and den I point to Jux and Vug. He laugh and den reach in his side and take out chunk of skin and give it to Little Girl. And den we go back to Haven. Dey crazy."

*Grok shakes her head, takes a swift pull from her tankard and continues babbling...*

"Den we get back and Donno talk to man who vampire hunter. Man tell us about vampire and what dey do. He and Little Girl start look at parchment and I no understand much after dat. But Donno give Little Girl dirt and she look to see if der blood ‘cause she smart or someting. She say dat der blood, but I no understand what dat mean to Haven."

"So we sit and drink a lot. And most everyone go der way. And Donno tell me many tings, but I no understand most. He say dat I 'Font of Orcish Wisdom' but I no know what a 'font' is. I tink it good. He say dat we smart more dan most. I tink he mean me, and not so much Vug and Jux. Dey not so smart. I have to tell dem all de time what do."

"Den I see red glowing eyes and tink dat it Kale, but eyes diff’rent. So I tell Donno and he look. We all start going toward eyes and den, “BOOM!” So I call for help. Nobody come. It just me, Vug, Jux, Donno, Deera and Brown Curly. We all fight good together and kill hundreds of skeleton, zombie, cat, dog and other weird stuff. We defeat dem all and den de rest of town show up. Figures. We do all de work and den dey show up. But De Lidd heal us, tankfully. And when we fight, we hear people in de tavern, we call in for help, but dey no help. I come in later and it Pentupanguish and Dark Elf and dey say dey no come to help because dey had no clothes on. Stupid."

"Den we hear more fight on de hill and we tink it Necro, so we run up hill and we no see Necro, but two town guards (same ones dat kill man by fire) fighting wit Dark Elf, some man name Steve, Kale or Pentupanguish, whatever he name. Town Guardman Number One Tim yelling at De Lidd for healing a man dat he just kill. And den all sudden potion wear off and it Roland and he screaming and fighting and Artos jump in and Dark Elf jump in and Pentupanguish and Steve and someone else fight. Pentupanguish got away, but dey catch Steve and den Artos and de Guild of Light take Steve and Dark Elf to der Torture Chamber. I tink it a little strange dat Guild of Light have torture chamber, but dey all act like it no big deal and dat dey all do it. Torture Chambers? Dat not so 'light.' Dey tell me healers can torture. I no tink I want to get dat good at healing."

"Guild of Light claim dey tell no lie, but dey keep lots secrets. Dey no let anyone in to question Steve. Dey only let Roland and Big Black in. But dey dumb and leave window open, so we just sit out window and listen in. Four people kill Roland Loose wife-to-be, including Pentupanguish, Steve, Man by Fire, and one otter. Roland knew because Loose wife-to-be was warden and Roland hear voices and she tell Roland. Artos tell Roland he can kill Dark Elf, but Roland say Dark Elf no know any better. But I say dey were in bed together and dey work together and she say she lie about dat ‘cause she afraid I kill her for not helping us before. Stupid Liar. No trust Dark Elf. No trust liar. Just tell trut, and everyting good. Stupid. Anyway, Corbin torture Steve long time and Roland get answer he want and Dark Elf go free and we all go back to tavern. Roland try to explain to De Lidd why he mad, and De Lidd say he will heal who on ground, no matter good or bad. Dat too bad. Because if he heal a bad guy I kill, I kill him. And I no want to kill De Lidd. But you stupid, you get kill. I trade wit Roland and we talk for ‘while and we sit by fire and Donno talk more. Donno say dat member town need to present stuff, so he going to do dat for us. We say okay."

"Next morning little man come and tell us dat friend get eaten by moss, so we go and fight. Of course, Orcs do all de work and kill most stuff. I protect Little Girl and Artos so he can get to green glowing rock. Artos pick up rock and get sick. So I fix him. Den De Lidd fix me while all de Guild of Light scratch dey head and look in book and no find what to fix de rock. And den I say, 'Duh, rock give disease to Artos, rock have disease. Cure de rock and it fixed.' And dey look at each otter like dumb, so I go over and fix rock just like I said. Den Guild of Light want to take half de loot. And I say no way. We do all de work and we had all de brains. So dey say 'Alright, how about ‘50/50’?' and I ask if dat good and dey say, 'Yes,' so I say, 'Okay.'"

"On our way back de Orcs find a shiny, pretty necklace wit drawings. De Guild of Light wanted real bad and dey make notes about drawings in dey book, but it my new necklace, so I say no. Dey beg and beg and I say no still. Later I ask Little Girl if she help me learn make potions and she say she only teach friends and dat I had to give her de necklace to be her friend; I say, 'But I just save you life, dat make me friend, no?' She say yes, but dat I have to give her necklace. I tell her no. She offer me pretty wrist brace and new necklace and tell me she teach potion and give me recipe, but Artos say no to poison, but he no tell us why and not answer us when we ask he, 'What you say ‘no’ to?' Den we say, just be honest, you dumb Elf, you no lie to us and we no kill you.” So den he tell us dat he no want people to hurt otters and we say, 'Duh, we understand dat, why you no just tell us? We just want potion help fight better and heal faster.' De Guild of Light want necklace real bad and I ask why and Corbin tell me dat it not magic, but he tink it pretty and dat it match outfit, so he want to wear, so I agree. Jux kept say no, dat de necklace belong him, but he just husband and no know what he talk about. It my payment for being married to such a stupid man. He mad at me and hit me and we fight. Of course, I teach lesson and he back off. Stupid. Never fight a girl Orc. She win all de time. And she always right. We smarter dan man. Dat how we made."

"I look and look for de Eli Elf to fix armor, but he not around and he never fix armor, he lie – stupid Guild of Light say dey never lie. So new Dwarf fix, but not all de way. We go to business wit Dwarf and give all our stuff to him and he make armor and weapon when we need. Dat good deal. Now I no have to carry all dat crap."

"And den we have council. Artos, Corbin, Donno, Little Girl, Jux, Vug, me, Giddy One and some otters. We talk about how people not in guild need reprehension, I tink. Donno now going to reprehend us to new men dat come to town. We all vote dat he new Elder. I like Donno. He good. He give us weapon to make deal wit de Guild of Light so dat der be peace. We no care so much about peace, but new weapon good. And dat stupid Roland no show back up to give potions to make deal. Der lots of people dat no do what dey say dey do. I tink Roland maybe sad dat he lost Loose wife, but he should do what he say he do. Dis Haven need to learn dat lesson."

*Grok looks over Garet to see what sort of notes he is making.*

"Is dat good? Or you want me talk more?"
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Kathryn Skress
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

OOG Note: Steve equals Don Mayo.
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Garet Maevers
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Re: Grok's Story

Post by Garet Maevers »

*Garet listens to Grok's story and is clearly enjoying it. He scribbles fiercely on a long piece of parchment*
Grok wrote: *Grok looks over Garet to see what sort of notes he is making.*
"Is dat good? Or you want me talk more?"
"Thats great. This is perhaps the best telling of events I have heard since I travelled with the Guthries. You have a gift for storytelling, Grok. If you stop by my cabin later, I have a sack of salt pork and hard tack that may fill your belly for a time. Thank you for the story."

*Garet Looks around the inn at the patrons*

"Does anyone else have a tale of events, recent or not, that they would like to share?"
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Post by Eilonwy »

A young Valkin'Vi in grey-blue cloth enters the inn near the beginning of the story. When Grok speaks of Kale/Pentupanguish, Roland, and "Loose", the youth becomes almost impossibly paler and sits down hard on a bench.

"My kin-sister, is dead? Kale...did..this...But what did thee say he called himself? Pent..."

The blue eyes widen as a fine sheen of silvery sweat moistens the pale brow. Then, quickly standing, staff with dwarven runes clutched tightly,

"Has anyone seen Roland since? Please, where is my brother? I...."

The knuckles of both hands tighten visibly.

"Pentaguishine........Where is my brother, Roland?"

Glances at the patrons desparately.
Last edited by Eilonwy on Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
E. E. Nightshade of Clan Campbell
Azara Blackhawk

Post by Azara Blackhawk »

*Azara's face turns pale, he eyes blazing with anger and hatred.*


Who is this Pentagushine? Tell me that you have him somewhere so that I might beat the livin' tar out of him with the pointy end of me sword.

*Notices Eilonwy's reaction and gets up to put her hand on her shoulder. She turns to Draconus.*

Atrium, where might Rolland be? Please tell me for me own sanity and that of Eilonwy here, so that she knows that her brother is alright.
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*Atrums not here man!*

Post by Todd »

*Leeland looks as if he has been startled awake, at the presensce of Eilonwy*

"I'm sorry, I didnt realize you were back."

*standing up, and walking briskly to her side, directing her twords the door*

"We need to talk!"

Leeland Mancheen
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum steps into the doorway as Leeland finishes*

I know where Roland most likely is, He is fine but you should definitely talk to him.

*Steps out of the doorway*

Right this way

*poking his head back into the Inn*

Mr. Maevers as soon as I get a chance I will give you a story of the happenings in the Steep.

*pulls his head out of the doorway and takes a few steps*
Atrum Draconus
House Draconus
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Azara Blackhawk

Post by Azara Blackhawk »

*Looks over at Leeland*

Aye, I know ye were refering to Eilonwy, but we need to talk as well.

*Follows Draconus, Leeland, and Eilonwy outside.*
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*A man in a new blue cloak and tunic leaps down from a bunk near the door. He pauses a moment to adjust a silver pendant around his neck and then retrieves a gray leather bound book from his pack.*

"Mr. Maevers, this is a brief account of my experiences since I arrived here a day or so ago. While it is my journal, I am not a man who harbors secrets. Do with it as you will."

*Turns to Grok*

"Until the town can figure out what being the Elder and Constable means, you're free to hang around the inn. If you, Jux, and Vug want to be helpful, keep anything with more than two arms from coming in here and causing a scene. I'll see to it that you're compensated for your time.

*Flashes a quick grin at Grok and inclines his head at Mr. Maevers*

"Good Day, Mr. Maevers. If you have any questions about that journal, feel free to track me down later. For the moment, it appears there are some more citizens with whom I need to become acquainted."

*Donovan grabs a travel-worn hat from atop a staff by the door and settles it on his head. Taking a moment, he carefully places an elegant-looking sword into his belt sheath and takes up the staff before turning towards the door.*

"Good People!" *calling after Azara, Draconus, Leeland, and Eilonwy* "I don't suppose you'd be willing to spare a moment? . . . Would you?"

*Waits a moment. Sighs.*

"I suppose not, then. As expected..."

*Strides out after them*
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
Azara Blackhawk

Post by Azara Blackhawk »

*Azara turns around for a brief moment and smiles politely at the new person.*

Y're new here. If ya do not mind I'd like to find out what's been a happen' here since I have been away. I'd also like to find me friend Rolland.

I could chat with ya in a bit if ya do not mind waitin'.

*Azara turns back to the others and follows them.*
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan tips his hat to Azara*

"Certainly, milady. I believe I may be able to catch you up on much of what you've missed. As for Rolland, I last saw him the night Kale escaped his grasp. Rolland nearly killed Delid over that little incident."

*Leans against a post outside the inn*

"But, as you say, I'm new here. I know little of these people or these lands. I'm sure your friends can offer a more... detailed account. Should you have a moment to spare or wish for an additional perspective, I'm easy to find."

*Bows with a flourish. A smile can be seen under the brim of his hat.*
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.