Looking for help from someone with some book learning.

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Looking for help from someone with some book learning.

Post by cole45 »

Chargoth enters the inn. He is wet from rain and mud on his boots and armor. His dirt caked armor is streaked with rust stains and mottled bits of gore and gristle. He lifts the heavy lid of his visor and surveys the inn.

“Anyone Here care to help a man with a bit o' book learning? I'm looking to have someone help me with researching a bit. I don't my way around the books. Any help would be appreciated.” He says in a voice that is two parts grumble and one part whisper.
Travis Cole
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Post by Lambic »

**As Lambic speaks it is with a thick voice, it gentle and low. The look on his face is that of concern for his dwarven friend. He knows that Chargoth is not one to admit needing help lightly.**

I do not do so well with books but I am adapt at finding answers. Maybe I can help you Chargoth. What seems to be the problem?
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Post by cole45 »

Chargoth pours an ale, thick and foamy for Lambic. Then he fills his own mug. He sits down and quaffs the ale. A few moments later he sets the mug down. It's over half gone.

“At the beginning of the moon, when Darkarath and I set out with Val, we encountered shadows deep in the woods. These shadows seemed to some kind of undead spirit. They fled from the touch of magic, and were destroyed upon banishment. I laid them to rest as fast as possible.” Chargoth took another healthy drink.

“We faced a shade in the woods immune to my touch. It's soul simply would not seek rest. It took Midnight hostage, and attacked us from the dark. About halfway into the battle I spotted dark shadows coalescing in a tree. I banished the tree and cut it down. Then a shadow, a male handed shadow reached up from the ground and grasped my foot. I banished the ground, leaving a burn mark.”

“It was at this point these shadows went crazy. They savaged me ignoring all others. I was about to fall and was saved by the quick thinking of Setheral and Darkarath. These shadows wanted me destroyed. I assumed this had something to do with the Lady Rose, but I believe other wise.”

“Since then I have had terrible nightmares of these shadows overwhelming me and killing me. I'm not one to get nightmares from simple undead. I went through the Ritual of Death as a Dwarven Undead Slayer back in Eldesta. This is something special. And I need help find out WHAT it is.”

Chargoth finally drinks the last of his ale, getting a little in his sparse beard.
Travis Cole
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Post by Lambic »

"Thank you for pooring."

"Was this the trip to the graveyard?"

"Has anyone else been having anything similar to these nightmares? Are the nightmare specifically of those creatures that tried to overwhelm you? Do the nightmares happen in the same place?"

"If it does have something to do with Lady Rose, perhaps someone who has been looking into her history may have more information that can aid in the understanding of this."

"These do not sound like simple undead and I would imagine that it would take a great deal to give you nightmares, Chargoth. At least those that would require you to speak to someone else."