In the middle of the night...

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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In the middle of the night...

Post by Robin »

It was nearing 3am by the tell of the moon, and the Lodge was quiet. After the chaos of the last few days, Haven had begun to settle back into its old habits. The guards were posted, Lambic sat at a table going over potions, and Ug was sifting through books piled up in front him mumbling. Claude and Donovan could be heard talking softly in the Phoenix Hall, even at this late hour.

Of Corbyn there had yet been no word, but Robin knew where he had gone. It did not ease her heart, even though she knew he was safe and in good company, for she was alone. Don Mayo had offered to keep guard on her door if she wished it, and Audrey was willing to camp in her room with her if she wished, but Robin sent them both away with a soft, yet slightly sad smile. Though she was eternally grateful for their kindness, it could not reach her. She wanted Corbyn, and none other would do.

And then there were the dizzy spells. She had told no one, and hoped no one had noticed. She was sure Dillid had, at least, for she had nearly fallen into his arms earlier that night. She claimed lack of grace and an uneven floor... but the look on his face told her he knew better. Still, he did not press her, but she had felt his eyes upon her for some time after that as she had sat at her table writing. She had chalked it up to pure exhaustion, until it had happened again, this time accompanied by a strange wrenching feeling.

It was hard for her not to feel frightened, but as she was not in pain, she did not complain or bother anyone with it. After all, Donovan and Arthos had other things on their minds. She always felt like such a burden to them all the time, and wanted to try and take care of herself. A walk in the crisp evening air with Gideon had worked wonders, and by the time Incurious was shooing her off to bed to get some rest, she had forgotten all about the spells.

However, as the hour neared three, a scream of agony tore through the night, waking many and sending those still awake to their feet.

That scream came from the room Robin shared with Corbyn.
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"
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Post by DrakelenasElderich »

*Drake darts from his table, spilling his beer, and heads for there chambers. He pounds on the door for Claude and Donovan to hurry. Rushing up the stairs and down the hall he flings the door open with reckless abandon*


*He then scans the area to make sure no one else is in there that should not be*
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*The hall door flies open, and Donovan and Claude emerge with swords drawn. Donovan shouts to the Guards as he sprints toward Robin's room.*

"Phoenix, secure the perimiter! Watch for intruders!"

*Arriving at Robin's door, Donovan flanks Drake and helps him search the room.*
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Post by Lambic »

**Lambic having fallen asleep at the table surrounded by is alchemy tools. He lifts his head at the noise but does not move until he hears Donovan's order. At this attempts to get up quickly, trips over the bench he was sitting on and lands on his shield. Picking himself up as gracefully as possible and much more awake now, his right hand snatches his sword as he bolts at top speed. As he reaches the door he says, **

I've got the front door sir!

**He then stations himself in the middle of the door, complicating entering or leaving the Inn. If there is a bar for the door, he uses it too.**
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn immediately snaps awake, grabs both shortswords, and goes to wherever Claude assigns her. Although she can barely still speak she mouths to Kels that she is alright.*
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos burst throught the door fully armed and looking intent, yelling*

UG, I think it's time, I hope you are prepared my friend!

*Arthos makes his way to Robins room with blade drawn and a resoulte look on his face*
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Post by Ug »

*Ug wakes up and looks around.*

Time? It only been like tree er fore dayz!!

*A ball of flame forms in Ug's hand and he rushes toward the room attempting to bash the door down with his head, but trips on someone's belt laying on the floor, and barrels into the group of Phoenix surrounding the door, the ball of flame leaving his hand.....and landing at the foot of the door!*
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Post by Robin »

Her dreams had been dark... perhaps scenes of some long ago battle. She had seen hordes of undead assaulting a small town, folk of all races trying desperately to defend their home. And then she had seen the great spell casters calling fire down from the sky, laying waste to the unnatural army. But the fire had not stopped there. She felt it rip through her whole body and realized that she was no longer in the throws of her dream.

Fire, hot and yet cold as liquid ice cursed through her veins. In her dream she had been one of those spell casters, trying so hard to bring an end to the evil that would destroy their fragile dream of peace. But that was absurd, Robin knew nothing of magic. She was the least magically inclined person she knew.

However, the fire built to a painful level, and a scream tore its way from her sweat drenched form as energy burst fourth from her. It knocked down anything standing, shattered glasses, and a black ring as if burned appeared on all four walls.

She was shaking when Drake burst into the room, and she had never been so happy to see him in her life. Tears began to stream down her face, and then Donovan entered, swords drawn. They looked fro signs there was someone else in the room... and there was not. She looked up at Donovan pitifully, seemingly completely at a loss. She was about to say something when Ug charged the door, fireball in hand, and she screamed again and cowered under her blankets. She was sure he was convinced she was possessed and was going to blast her out of existence.

His fireball caught on a discarded shirt of hers, and Kidwynn had the good sense to douse it with the pitcher of water there at hand. That settled, they all looked to her for answers.

She still hurt, and was shaking fiercely. She had to hide her hands in hr lap so they wouldn't see how badly, but she was sure Arthos' keen eyes saw. He knew her better than any other in the room. She met Donovan's eyes, a last tear falling from her own.

"I... I don't know what happened," she explained helplessly. Her voice was soft, not at all like her own. She seemed very defeated, very small. "I was dreaming about a battle... and I was a mage... then I just... felt all this pain, and something happened..."

She shuttered. She didn't like to think about what it could have been. Robin took a deep breath and tried to regain some measure of her composure. When she spoke again, she sounded more like the woman they knew, though the hint of fear was still there.

"Donovan, Arthos, and Ug, please... remain here. I have to talk to you. I came to a conclusion this evening, and this only serves to reinforce that conclusion. As for the rest,” She looked upon them and smiled softly. "Thank you... for caring. I'm alright, really."
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"
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Post by Lambic »

**From down on the main floor**

What the hell is going on up there?!?!?!

**Silence always scaried Lambic more than the the sounds of battle.**
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn lingers in the room looking concerned, but leaves when Drake does and awaits further orders.*
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by DrakelenasElderich »

*Drake gives a sweep of the room just in case. Upon seeing that everything was ok he gives a deep bow to Robin*

"Upon your leave mi'lady"

*Drake leaves the room and then hands out the orders to the Phoenix, setting up normal duties for the night*
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos puts his weapons away and seems relieved, he smiles to Robin in an understanding way*

I'm here my lady and I will let nothing happen to you. *Smiling warmly and doing what he can to comfort her*

*Arthos smiles to everyone and in a heart felt voice*
Thank you everyone, your compassion and help is greatly appreciated. Thank You

*Arthos turns back to Robin giving her comfort*
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn is seen whispering in Drake's ear. After he responds to her question she can been seen nodding in agreement and heading back to where she was previously asleep caughing faintly.*
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Robin »

Robin had to smile, despite everything. Whenever someone ever said ‘Milady’ she always assumed they spoke of her mother, the Baroness Lailenwyn. It would take some getting used to, this fact that they were referring to her. For a long moment her eyes lingered upon the retreating form of Drake. He seemed different, and it was more than his new body. There was a new kind of resolve and honor in him, or at least so it appeared. They two had never much gotten along, and yet he was now being so kind to her. She made a mental note to try and return the favor. Return honor with honor, her father was known to say. She believed in that completely.

She moved over and made room for Arthos to come sit by her on the bed which she normally shared with Corbyn. Perhaps unlike her to the others, she curled up next to her wolfy sworn brother, leaning on him for comfort. He knew that most of her outer bravado was just that, outer. Right now, this woman was at a loss, and needed her friends, even if she refused to say so. When Ug and Donovan had pulled up chairs, she began.

“I did a lot of thinking… after everything that has come to pass.” Her voice was soft, but steady. She seemed to be getting over whatever had happened, though she still had not explained what that something was. She turned her jade eyes on Donovan. “We all have a pretty good idea what, or who, it is that I carry. Whether I have done a noble thing or a terrible one is yet to be seen, but it cannot be undone, and I understand that. I will make no excuses. I love Corbyn more than anything… and that includes my life or any other.” The seriousness in her face made it clear she meant it. She would sacrifice anything for him, and they knew it.

“If it should be that this child is indeed the Dark One, so be it. I pledged that I would see this evil vanquished, and I hold to that.” There were nods, for they had all heard her speak these same words the other day. “However,” she continued levelly, “I will not give up on the life of my child. This is Corbyn’s son, and I will not have him made a father and as soon lost. My son's essence may not be completely lost... just his body taken over, like that of Incarius. I will not kill Corbyn's child.”

A kind of cold settled upon her features, and she looked them each in the eyes in turn. “Narnian, if that is who this is, was a mage, a powerful Necromancer. Fine, so be it. Then I will fight fire with fire. I will not allow him to destroy my family, nor take the essence of my babe. I will learn the ways of the Arcane, and match him spell for spell. I will abandon all other paths for this, that I might undo what I have done and reclaim the life of my Beloved’s heir.”

As she spoke, Arthos could feel her begin to shake again, and her hands began to glow, if only slightly. She took a deep breath, a calm from the passion of her speech, and the shaking stopped. “I won’t lie to you,” she continued, this time more softly again, “I’m terrified. Something’s going on; I can feel it within me. This essence I bear is doing something to me, and I do not know to what extent, nor even what. I feel different, and this is only the beginning. It will get worse e’re it gets better, I think.” She signed.

“I can’t do this alone… Please… trust that I know this is the right thing.” She looked at Ug. “I need you most of all… to help me learn the Arcane arts. We have precious little time, and we can’t fail. Narnian may not have the power of Necromancy on his side anymore, but he, unlike the rest of us, is a being born into the One Magic. That gives him an advantage. We have to be ready. Swords didn’t stop him before; they’re not going to do so this time either. It will be magic against magic. So, I will learn, no matter what it takes.”

She took a breath and paused, looking at them all… hoping to see some kind of understanding and agreement in their solemn faces.
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

His sword slid back into its sheath with the quiet hiss of steel on steel, and Donovan ran his fingers across the charred ring that now marred the four walls. He looked with disgust at the shattered glass and smoldering wood that littered the room. Once again, magic had destroyed something beautiful. Though it was something he had been raised around, magic was becoming more and more distasteful to him. The workings of men and steel could be fought, but the ancient scheming of wizards and dragons left him helpless to defend his people. Being helpless was not something he enjoyed. Finishing his circuit of the room, he quietly ushered everyone but Arthos, Ug, and Robin into the hallway.

“Captain Elderich, give Lambic an explanation and tell the guard to stand down,” was all he said before he closed the door and pulled up a chair to listen to what Robin had to say.

Hearing her words, Donovan regarded Robin with a mixture of pride and sorrow. He could see the mother’s love in her eyes, the fierce protective instinct that she possessed for her unborn child. He could also see her unwavering devotion to Corbyn, and he knew full well how she must feel about this evil that had come into her child, his child, his heir. No one should have to bear such a burden, he thought, and found himself cursing magic all the more. The evil lust of those who desired power and dominion would always bring his enemies to magic, seeking dark power to supplement the weakness in their spirits. As such, those who defended peace and righteousness against the shadow would also have to master the arcane. It was simple fact – the necessary strategy to defeat the enemy at hand.

Still, it left a bitter taste on his tongue.

Thinking to himself, he evaluated the situation. Robin would be strong, that much was certain – but would that strength be enough? Could he risk having the spirit of an evil necromancer living, quite literally, in the heart of their fledgling duchy? Moreover, what could he do about it?

A chill passed through him then, as he fought back the answer he knew was there. He knew that path all too well. That was a solution for the Wastes, when things like patience, hope, trust, and mercy were luxuries he could not afford. He fought that part of him that saw Haven as such a place, the part that saw no difference between here and there. He was determined to have faith in those around him, and as he looked at Arthos, Robin, and Ug he allowed himself to believe that together, they might yet persevere.

He reached out to her then, taking her hand in his. He met her eyes, and with conscious effort allowed her to see beyond his usual icy distance. There was support there, as well as honest concern.

“You will have whatever aid you require, Milady. Narnian may have history and power on his side, but he has not yet faced the fury of the Gryffin or the blazing rage of the Phoenix. I promise you, we will see this made right.”
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.