Diplomacy at work.

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Abaddon »

"A great many things I hope. I have convinced Ingram to allow my to be the primary diplomat. Since we know he way is abrasive, and he has a short tolerance for flowered words.

I have also convinced him that Modhri too would make a good enough leader. Ingram comprised on his declaration of The young seer or himself, and has added Modhri to his list.

And while I know that this group has no interest in pooling the support we can gain, The House Of Chance will do so at the drop of hat if you change your mind.

I'm also curious whom you DID select to lead you?"
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Post by Aurora »

*While Esmerelda and Abaddon are talking, Aurora serves up more cookie and a drink for each of them.*
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Post by Esmerelda »

She sit down behind Abbadon and nods at his words. "Ingram's abrasiveness and self admitted acting like an ass is the exact reason many of the people here will not follow him, myself included. I am glad that he has allowed someone with a cooler head to speak for him. While at times I appreciate his blunt manner, when one is a leader, there are times when one must be required to be diplomatic as well. Unfortunately that is a talent I do not see him possessing. You, however seem like a sensible fellow and I have yet to see your emotions or opinions get the better of you.

"I actually did discuss the idea of leader with Eilonwy, and she wants no part in it. I believe that while Mohdri wouldn't mind acting as law enforcement, he has no wish to lead the town either. But I would be happy to discuss this with him.

"As for who the people here elected..." she looks down and blushes for a moment. "It was me. Korrigan and Mohdri put the idea up, and everyone else agreed to it. Given my upbringing they thought it made the most sense."

"So what can I help you with? The idea was brough to my attention that we should set up patrols consisting of people from both our locations, in order to foster more goodwill between us until we can work things to a viable solution for both groups."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Abaddon »

"Well, I'm glad. You'll make an excellent leader. Compassion and intelligence in a single package. I will see if I can get Ingram to come around on this point.

He is also interested in seeing you wanted to switch territories. We have the southern plains, and it has a large orchard as well as abunant wildlife, yet you have many mouths to feed.

The territory with the magic crystals, is very expensive to upkeep, and frankly we require those for the Bell. I'm not sure how easy it would to swap the various territories just now, but it is certainly something to keep in mind.

Lastly, we would like to offer the survivors of Haven safety behind our walls. We are constructing wooden barracks on our land, and would invite them to stay there in comparative safety.

Lastly, is the matter of Modhri being the constable. We fully support him in this and are going to give him access to the keep gates, will ensure he is given access to the House to in the course of his duty. Finally we will allow him to inspect the bell tower, and the Bell when ever he wants."
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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda smiles warmly at Abbadon's comments.

"Thank you, although I believe only time will tell if I am good for the town or not. But I was brought up to love those I lead fiercely and my line is known for their loyalty. Hopefully those are traits that will serve us all well. And believe it or not, I understand Ingram's wariness for trusting someone else. I think all of us that survied are suffering from a bit of that right now. But if we cannot come into accord as one organization, it my dearest hope that we can work peacefully side by side for the betterment of all."

She chuckles when he brings up the matter of the territories. "That's very odd. I thought considering the bell that the territory with Mystic would be the one you would want to manage as well. But Ingram was rather insistent on taking the Southern Plains. I'm not certain about switching right now, But that would certainly be something I'd be willing to consider. And we can always trade with each other and the bank to ensure we receive what we need.

"I will be sure that all know about the barracks and your most generous offer to stay there in safety. If I do not join you there, please understand it is because Korrigan has given me a private room here at the inn and I rather enjoy having one. I'm afraid that staying at the castle rather spoiled me for that, and I'm glad of it once again.

"I'm glad that we are in accord regarding Mohdri. He is a good man who is respected by all. Now we just need to agree on a code of law for all to follow and him to enforce... What do you think of the patrol idea?"
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Dallid »

“Very promising signs all around. Uniting under a single voice will go far toward achieving the order Far Reach requires to prosper. The first step was to ensure this part of town achieved a representative. I am happy to hear Esmerelda has this appointment. Should Modrie now unite all under a single banner, the chaos currently rampant in Far Reach may well subside. Though there are still numerous other factions of refugees within Far Reach who must be approached.”

“Perhaps this shared patrol idea might be taken farther. Haven once achieved the order we hope to sustain here – a town with established laws united under a single leader. However, those laws could never truly be enforced, for there were no established keepers of the peace. Laws are meaningless without a system in place for enforcement and penance.”

“Perhaps a rotating guard could be established – comprised of equal parts from each faction. Reformed with different members every month. Perhaps this is indeed what you intended with your patrol idea, Esmerelda. These members need not necessarily be warriors – their strength lies better in unity and community support then force of arms. Better they represent the will of Far Reach, than the strength of a cohort. Those who would defy the Guard would stoke the ire of all Far Reach against them.”

“Enforcers is an important part of any established law, but so is a means of compensation. Those found in opposition to the law may be fined, but that only works if the guilty can pay. They might be confined, but a means of confinement must first be constructed, and even then, a confined person can contribute nothing to the community. A work program might be organized, where the guilty can perform extensive labor as a means of amends, though this, too, may require supervision and some means of confinement in extreme cases.”
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Post by Esmerelda »

Esmerelda nods in agreement with Dallid's words.

"I think the idea behind appointing Mohdri constable is to give him the power to enforce the laws that we create. To both sides, until we can reach a compromise to unite under one banner." She turns to look at Abbadon, "at least, if I am not mistaking our words?

"We therefore need to come up with what we want to put into place for laws. And as Dallid has pointed out, a punishment system for breaking aforementioned laws. haven was too full of lawlessness. And no one willing to enforce the rules that were in place. I may not be a warrior myself, but I have no issue with entrusting one of the warriors to enforce the laws by force if need be..."
Lady Esmerelda Harrison,
Queen of the Kingdom of Haven

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Post by Abaddon »

"Yes. I believe Mohdri will be able to enforce the laws. I heard stories of Haven not being able to enforce them. I think we should be able to set Mohdri to this task.

A concept of laws, advanced versions of the Golden Rule, should work in everyone's interest. Fines, and punishments I trust Mohdri to decide. It would be good of course to set these in writing.

I will be acting as the representative for The House of Chance.

Rotating patrols would be good. It will also force the two groups to work more tightly together, and with proximity trust builds."
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum laughs heartily*
You HAVE been gone a long time haven't you. We certainly had laws, we certainly had enforcement, I made sure of both of those things. We even had a trial, I held the fate of Olan and Sen in my hands. I could have chosen to end their lives right then and there. All the evidence except for the evidence from Eilonwy's methods clearly pointed to both of them. Yet, there was something...off something not quite right. So instead of declaring them guilty and ordering their oblivion, I gave them a second chance. Which went obviously unappreciated, there was only whining about their treatment. Law ond order will do nothing to bring the two sides of the town together, it never has and never will. But atleast it will give the semblance of order, and thats really what most people want, to feel safe and secure, even when it's a fallacy.
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Post by Abaddon »

"I'm sure we can come to terms with the semblance of Order. We do need patrols and we do need the town to work together to make Far Reach a safer place to exist.

It helps that Mohdri at least appears to be a neutral party. I will see, but we will want to make sure that Mohdri, and any he selects to help him are armed enough for the task at hand."
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Post by Dallid »

Dallid nods.

"No, I was not present for such a trial. Though I am glad to hear such things became possible, even if unpopular. True, perfect order is impossible to achieve. Nor is it desired, for too much order would be as bad as the rampant chaos we seek to control. However, a neutrally aligned Constable with an enforcement group representative of all factions ought to go far in preventing any faction from feeling persecuted, and maintain majority approval."

"I have only recently met Modrie, but have worked closely with him these last few days. I sense strength, focus, compassion, and conviction from him. He possesses great potential in fulfilling the desired role."

"And what of you, Atrum? You have never been one to sit idlely by. Indeed, much of the prosperity Haven enjoyed was due to your efforts. Many looked to you for salvation, and you met their needs. What visions would you have for Far Reach?"
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Post by Darkclaw »

*Darkclaw speaks up from the back*

The right of leadership is earned by ones actions and words. I believe Mohdri would be a good constable and I would gladely follow his orders and do what must be done to keep the peace.

Esmerelda has proven to be a very capabile leader and has made sure everyone here has been feed, clothed, and has shealtered. She has been working hand in hand with the Caldinans to foster trust and friendship. She has shown true leadership.

Every time I go to the keep, A since of unwelcomeness comes from the people in side. The gate is always locked and it seems you do not want any stangers there. Your words say you are welcomed, but your actions say your are not.

Your leaders actions and words condeem those who follow him. You say he is for peace and wants to work together, but his words and actions are cutting, condencensing, arogant, and unhelpful. He wispers threats and is not willing to own up to his actions. I dislike him and make it no secert. Many people here dislike him and will never trust him and those who follow him. If you truely want peace, maybe you should choose a leader that knows what it is to be a leader and not an arogant pig.
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Post by Aurora »

*Aurora's eyes widen at Darkclaw's words as she watching the exchange from behind the bar in the kitchen area keeping an eye on things for Esmerelda.*
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Abaddon »

"Darkclaw, the gates are there to keep the monsters out, not you, or anyone else here for that matter. The gates exist to protect our customers. They should be open unless there is an attack.

More over, those gates exist to protect the important. We protect things vastly more important than pride and feelings. We too worked very deeoply with the Caladonians. We cut the a very deep discount on food, and nearly solved their famine. Sylas approved our bid to raise a military force to protect our territories.

as far as Ingram whisper threats, I think we all know he does not whisper them. Perhaps placing your weapon against his throat had consequences.

The House of Chance will remain under the direct leadership of Ingram. He makes all the monetary decisions. I have taken up the diplomatic role. "
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Post by Darkclaw »

*Darkclaw laughs loudly*

Putting my sword to his throat was the only way to slience his arogence and stupidity. I will do it again if he does not learn to control his tongue. You may call him lord and follow him, but a pig is a pig.
I willing to tell you truth and be very blunt about it. I'm no diplomate.

The stories I have heard about your leader would make most men spit at his feet in disgust.

I also find it interesting how you spend so much time and energy into the pursuits of gambling instead of stoping the great elven threat.

But, this is a free land and all are welcomed to do what they want and I will not stop you and truely wish you the best. Enjoy your games and fun until the elves coming marching in here are slaughter you.
For the right price, I'll kill it for you!