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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:33 am
by Lambic
Fender_Brawnanvil wrote:*runs and jumps through*
By the light,Fender! You may have been needed here first. Damn it!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:17 am
by Skal Tathar
Skal looks around at the group gathering for this perilious mission and speaks " My life , nay even my soul for this courageous group. Onward then to the rescue of Lady Robin."
With these words uttered, Skal leaps through the portal while flashing a quick smile to Atreus. And mutters so that only Atreus can hear...." My friend you do seem to bring me to the most interesting situations. With that being said Skal dissapears into the portal

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:24 am
by Donmayo
As soon as Donmayo sees his chief and his Liege Lady in danger he grabs his gear and prepares to go wherever needed. When the lady informs him, he simply needs to step thru the image to get to Gideon and Robin, he doesn't hesitate as he flings himself into the image.

Spear in hand, he grabs his potions bag so he is ready for Pen should he be waiting on the other side of this trap, Dallid's sword is still on his hip.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:44 pm
by Eilonwy
*As though sensing the commotion, Eilonwy returns only to become unnaturally still when she sees the flaming P. Her nostrils flare and the rose fades from her already pale skin.*

Softly. "Mother, will he never cease to haunt us..." then, "I will go. But Roland should know of this as well..."

OOG:She will attempt to find Roland but will quickly return if he is not in the immediate area. She will then go through with everyone when they are ready.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:34 pm
by Atrum Draconus
*Atrum stares into the vision and his features become twisted with anger and if death had a face, this would be it*

Don't let that thing close without me going through.

*He wheels around and sprints out of the Inn*

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:52 pm
by Ogrom
(Ogrom comes charging into the inn to see the ones that enter and the others who prepair to go.)

Skul atrius you not leave without tribe support that was given to you, Pugo gather what you can for your trek look to be hard as this one but i want you to take your new tribemate discover his name and also take tribe sage aswell to guide you on your jurnie.

As for me and soultar we will enter this magic vision and give what aid we can to the lady robin as I told us we will.
Donivin i call on your aid for this one aswell since we lose the great horned one i requre your councle and healing aids if you can come with us.

(looking around the Inn to all the others who are present)


Also ug I think your councle and arts are going to be needed can I ask for your support in this endever. Vaun I also ask for your support aswell and if we have any strife betwein us vaun I ask your pardon and seek your aid on this one.

(will go gather travle supplys for a long jurnie and takes with him an extra suit of armor and weapons as he is unsure if a crafter is present.)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:04 pm
by Donovan Thynedar
*Donovan can be seen organizing the Phoenix for deployment through the rift.*

"Don't worry Ogrom, The Phoenix are coming along. We've got to rescue Giddeon, Grok, and Robin."

*Sliding his sword home and picking up his shield, Donovan cracks a wide smile.*

"Oh, and I suppose we'd better track down Kels as well. Light knows I'm not worried about him, but when he pisses Pentag off I want to be there to see it."

*With that, Donovan orders the combat-ready members of the Guard through the portal. Standing just outside the rift, he glances around for the Duke and watches the door for Atrum's return.*

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:10 pm
by Teela Rainbalm
Teela quietly speaks up. "I will gladly go after Gideon and the others. I will wait until everybody has gathered. What other supplies might we be needing? I will gather them in the meantime until everyone is ready."

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:57 pm
by Ogrom
(With a sign of relief ogrom piches a couple of sacks of food through the portal then waits for the others to get ready to go.)

Hope this feeds us all on our jurnie.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:56 am
by Fender_Brawnanvil
*as soon as fender is through he runs to the bodies and scans the area to see if there are any threats*

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:25 pm
by Sethreal
*Sethreal hears the commotion from outside and comes running. He scans the room and then moves to Donovans side.*

"I can not take part in this journey. But if the town is in trouble while you are gone I will try and recieve help from my Grandfather. I must go now. Tell kels I will see him when he returns."

*Sethreal then turns and heads towards the door and then stops.*

"Donovan, goodluck."

*With that Seth leaves the Inn not able to watch his closest friends go somewhere they may never return.*

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:08 pm
by McEwan
*Soltar wanders in, takes a seat on the floor and waits for the group to be organized *

"Must be sure bring healer. Me hear Burning P bad. Must bring healing salve and protection, to be sure rest of tribe no get burning P."

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:19 pm
by Corbyn
*From behind, Soltar and the others hear*

You shall have healing.

*Corbyn moves to stand with Donovan, one hand enveloped in magic, the other wielding the black elven blade. Never taking his eyes off the scene before him, he strides towards the portal.*

Let us finish this madness.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:34 pm
by Edgar Belenus
*Edgar looks up form his seat over near a fire. and notices the event unfold, He than gets up walks out to get his things. He looks very ill at the thought of Lady Robin and child being missing. So he quickly finds his wife, his brother and the they get their things. Once this done they come back to the Inn, look at each, and nod to Lord Corbyn.*

"Dear Lord Corbyn, If we might can we come to help. My wife is a skilled mid-wife, and I useful as I was in Forst Fell. If it would please you I would like us to come. It was you and the lady that did help us get here. An we owe you a debt for that. If we meet pay it back with our help or our lives than we are willing to do such a thing. We are all packed and ready to go."

*Edgar stands there untill Corbyn replies to him or leave into the portal. Were the lot of them will follow heel and toe after him. To make sure that nothing evil befalls the Lord Corbyn.*

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:46 pm
by Corbyn
*Nods to Edgar as he nears the portal*

Your aid will be most welcome. We will need as many stout hearts as possible to end this threat and return with our friends and family.