Seige Weapons

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Post by Wyrmwrath »

Sure it does Chris, The Gms use it all the time. I know there is a point where yuo ADD fantasy to the reality or have to ignore reality in order to safely and/or easily simulate some aspect of combat, but that doesnt mean it should be outright ignored just to add something to a game that is impractical and out of place in the scope of LARP combat and story line.
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Post by Robin »

Out of place? Who cares if someone wants to make and bring a trebuchet? More power to 'em I say. So we don't have a walled town... who cares? Does that mean the seige weapon will never be useful? No. We always find a use for everything.

Besides... who says it's out of the Final Haven story line? If people bring 'em and use 'em, then I guess that means they fit right in to the story line, don't they? *wink*

Let the PCs decide what's impractical. If it is, then it'll fall out of use cause they'll learn better. But let that be a lesson for them to learn, not the GMs to smack down just because there isn't flawless historical backing. Like Chris said, FANTASY.
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Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »

word c-note
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Post by Curufin »

In medeval warfare, if you had a seige weapon and were fighting could/WOULD use it on them. You would be stupid not to.
Lost my train of thought.....
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

I agree Ryan, if in fact you had a significant number, which was likely if you were attacking a fort or similar, you might just well use them. It is possible that a significant number of them might have some small effect on advancing ground troops. However one or two will add nothing to the game, require more rules to be examined/redefined/crated when the GMs already have a hundred things to tweak or fix, will present unnecessary safety risks, becomes a non-natural hazard on the battle ground typically used at a LARP, does not fit into a story line that describes a post-apocalyptic environment where people are scraping resources together to survive let alone build superfluous field artillery for their own amusement that will be ineffective in the manner it is intended to be used, and is just an attempt to sidestep the damage dealing caps the GMs have built into the system.

To say that a player/PC bringing something into the game must make it fit is just a poorly thought out argument. If just bringing it with you made it fit into the theme then hell I might just buy a Sherman tank and bring that. Hell they had armored carriages...and Greek fire...I feel a plan forming... I think I will build a steel buggy pulled by real horses that throws red and yellow packets and call it a Greek fire tank!!!!!!!

The PCs should NEVER be allowed to decide what is practical at a LARP, they are often to likely to get wrapped up in the gamers "wouldn’t that be cool/funny/awesome" euphoria, to busy trying to get more "power" for their PC to intimidate other PCs with or use on tough baddies so they can get the glory of a single handed kill on something plot intended to be a tough group kill, or so swept up in the fact that they (the player) made a cool toy that they don’t fully consider the detrimental effects that are possible (or they don’t care).

Now, if there was a plotline where the town was going to have to attack some fortified structure; and they had two or three months to get ready to do so; and plot worked with the players building the phys reps to ensure they were safe and functional; and the player had time and desire to build and transport them; and the PCs spent fair amounts of resources building them in game, and in game skill was used to craft the items, and they chance that they might stay in game was examined for game balance; I could see allowing them if the in game tech level supported such creations. I just do not think that is what has/is happening. I know "its a cool idea" but its not a safe one nor is it a balanced one. If it becomes one, I will be happy to support it.
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Post by GM_Chris »

Well I have no oppinion ATM on seige weapons.

If they were in the game it wouldnt take a discipline.

Brian the thing is they did have seige weapons. Seige weapons do fit into the theme of the game. Seige weapons are kinda cool to look at.

Christen was making the point that GM's should try and not meddle too much in ideas that the PC's have especially when well see above.

Now if we were going to have seige weapons then we need to determine a bunch of things such as "safty" and Mechanics.

If a seige weapon is balanced and safe who cares.

I mean we could say you can have a catapult and fill it with packets that all do 1 damage and you must take 5 minutes to use the catapult.

Now would people bring them into game? Would people keep discussing it?

How much damage should something like this do? No idea...and well not going to put too much thought into it ATM since it adds a mechanic to the game and we will still trying to work out existing kinks.

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Post by Nelkie »

A 4th level craftsman has the ability to create seige weapons. It was posted under what a craftsman can make.

The seige weapon that I'm making is very safe and meant to be used in combat with out injury to a player. Safety first. The catapult wil only be able to fire packets about 40 ft. I do not want to build something that could hurt my fellow players.

I'm building a catapult to help protect the town and bring a cool element into the game.

I have no problem of letting the NPC's borrow it for some battles. I find it great when the NPC's use bows on use, just imagine the scare when a catapult is used on the PC's. I think it would bring alot to the game. Not to mention the catapult could be used to seige the INN.

Brain, if you want to bring in an armored cariage that shot greek fire, than I bet the NPC's would allow it. You just have to pay the resources, the build time, and most importanty, have the physrep. Unfortunatly it is not very pratical and easly counter, PIT TRAP!

As for the mechanics, that is up to the NPC's to decide. We all have given our inputt, and it is up to them to make the final call.

I personal think a safe funtional catapult will bring much fun to mass combats.
My Thoughts

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Post by dier_cire »

But Aaron, as alluded to by Brian multiple times, you are only doing it to avoid the damage cap and make yourself more powerful... :roll:
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Post by Robin »

Yeah, geez Aaron, you Cheeze Weasal.

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Post by Dallid »

All right. Did the above two posts add anything to the discussion, or did they just serve to make one person angry, and others afraid to post their opinion?
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Post by Wyrmwrath »

If you are reffering to me when you say "afraid to post thier opinion:, I appreciate it, but have never given any weight to responses like Erics. Some people are just about the rules and dont get the spirit of the game.
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Post by Kidwynn »


Can we not start picking fights with each other please?

Some people are about mechanics, some people just the role-playing/story, and some the combo of the two.

Could we please keep this all in mind and not insulting someone for fitting in one of these when they state their opinions/feelings on the matter.
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Seige Weapons

Post by Nelkie »

Everyone is allowed their own opinion even if I disagree. I do not see it Brains way, but I am not angery or upset that he suggest that I'm a power gamer. Hey it's his point of view, and thats why we have these boards, but the intial question is what the rules should be for seige weapons. So does anyone have an construtive ideas on how seige weapons should work in game?

But heres my plan to set up town defense. 3 areas will be set up. Two will be for spell casters and one for that catapult. Around each area there will be a 10 ft wide pit trap that is 30 feet deep and cicrlces a certain area. There would be a bridge that can be lifted when battle starts. The pits will be cvoered by doors that keep people from falling into the pits when it is peaceful, but set to swing open during combat. The object is to have a barrier between the mass amount of enimies and the defenders. These would allow arcanes to cast there powerful spells and the catapult could be used with out fear of being over run.
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Post by GM_Chris »

Be warned we may take seige weapons out of what a craftsman can make.

Wait till next year Aaron

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Post by WayneO42 »

As Chris said, we will wait until next year to fully implement seige weapons, however, bring your machine to the November event and we will atleast look at it for safety and shoot you a few times with it. I think it would also be cool to set up a quick playtest for it before or after game break. You could also bring it over to the house and we'll put it up against the potato(e) flinger :) I will post more about seige weapons later.
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