Exotic items now have charges. Is there a specific way you want us to indicate how many charges are left on the item (in the event of the item changing hands)? Phil, are you going to design the tags to track charges?
Repairing Shattered items -
If/When a craftsman is able to mend a shattered item, will the item be restored to the number of charges/armor points it had before it was shattered? Example - my exotic item had 2 charges left, but was shattered. I get a craftsman to uhh.."un-shatter it for me. Does the item still only have 2 charges left? (you're going to say that it's probably cheaper to make a new one). What about my "Super cool magic hat" that was shattered last event. My "Super cool magic hat" has 2 charges per event, but one charge was used last event. I finally found someone to fix it for me this event (note that it would have otherwise recharged between events). When the item is fixed, do I have one charge or two?
Spending a permanent life point-
When you use a skill that says you need to spend a permanent life point, do you regain this life point at the end of the event.. or is it ya know, permanent. (last year, some skills said you would regain it at the end of the event, others made no mention. Please clarify. For simplicity's sake, please don't make some skills one way and some the other.. you'll confuse us even more.)
Armor -
Armor (and everything else) now has weight. If phys reped, this weight "can be Phys-Rep’d to reduce or negate Weight" (as said in rules release). Is this the new benefit to "real" armor, or is last year's benefit still in effect as well?
Shatter drops all real Armor to zero. This includes Heavy, Medium, and Light armor. This includes Magic Armor, Exotic Armor and Special Armor.
(Real Armor is Armor where the phys-rep matches its mechanical description. Real Armor would be where Full Plate armor is a phys-rep for Heavy Armor. If Shattered, this armor cannot be destroyed, only dropped to zero.)