One stormy night.

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by Abaddon »

"Dallid, Our arraignment is quite simple. The Elders of Valkyn'vi took Sunny to task for trying to kill the painted folk with out permission. Snowflakes death was ruled unavoidable but the young lady must now help me as penance.

That is the sum of the agreement between us. It has no legal bearing on Haven, only on the Valkyn'vi. " Abaddon said taking a sip of his drink.

"Don't forget Kami."
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Post by Haku »

He walks into the Inn, slowly, with a slight limp. The hood of his cloak covers his face, but his shoulders are slumped as if he bears the weight of the heavens on them. He's tired, so very tired and a part of him wishes to just lay down and sleep for the rest of eternity, but he knows that his duty requires him to always be moving forward. He walks through the tension in the room, barely noticing the ones present, and the conversation swirling around him. A part of his mind screams in protest, he should care, he should feel for the loss to the Kin, but it is quickly smothered by his resolve and Kandium-bound will to accomplish those tasks placed before him. As he approaches the bar, he slowly pulls a piece of parchment from his pocket and slides it across the wood finish to Korrigan. He also places a silver piece on the bar-top and asks in a quiet voice

"Water, chilled, with a lemon if you have it Korrigan"

Even though his back is to most of the patrons of the bar, he still watches them in his mind's eye.
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Post by Dallid »

"She is not forgotten. Nor Ashearth. Nor any of the others who killed and sought to kill townsmembers that night. Haven must decide upon its own accounting, for such actions cannot be tolerated. Haven cannot afford to replicate the paranoid and secretive schemings of Far Reach. Order must be preserved here, for you would be hard pressed to find it anywhere else."
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Post by Abaddon »

"Kami did not hurt anyone. She was the only one present who didn't deserve to die." Abaddon said. He took another swig of is drink.
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Post by GM-Taki »

*Korrigan walks behind the bar and draws chilled water out of a stone jug. After looking around for a bit he steps into the back room and re-emerges with a freshly cut tray of lemon. Handing the Lord Marshall his drink, he glances at the paper and drops the silver piece into his pocket.*

"I knew Barry had some lemons around here somewhere, so here ya go. I'll have Quen get this on the board right away. Why don't you stop by later and I'll let you know if you have any takers."

*Hearing the last part of Abaddon's comments, the barkeep begins to look displeased.*

"Hold on... Kami got axed? What the hell for? I ain't never seen her do shit to anybody 'cept serve them lunch!"
GM-Taki - Final Haven GM, Winter Haven GM, Editor of the Rulebook Project.
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Post by Alice Tex »

Alice stood in the back of the Inn and watched and listened with avid interest. She was horrified to hear that Sunny had been the one to kill Mary, but upon hearing Sunny's side of the story, it dawned on her that there was no reason for anyone to believe that Mary wasnt capable of trying to kill a fellow Havenite. In fact, Alice knew Mary had been quite capable of doing just that...without just reasoning. Not that it condoned the act of killing a child. Not that she had any reason to NOT believe Sunny, either, it was merely a realization that Sunny was acting in self-defense. It was never a crime to defend one's self against those who sought to kill you...and if that's what Sunny had done, then Alice would not take part in her judgement, only defend her. Sunny had sacrificed and done enough to defend Haven in its time of need...even died...and if anyone needed reminding, Alice would gladly speak.

Now was not the time to speak, however, now was the time to listen...

And so she did.
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Post by Rothek »

:rothek nodded to dallid, as the man explained what would happen to the two Valkyn'vi in front of him, rothek's ears perked up again as it would appear he noticed something. without looking away from dallid the beast let out a small drawn out snort directed toward Alice. it was his way of acknowledging her presence while still paying attention to dallid and the rest of those gathered:
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Post by Haku »

He takes the slices of lemon and squeezes them into his water. As he tilts his head up to take a drink, the hood of his cloak falls back revealing the smeared, blurred lines of his painted face. The paint is old, smeared in most spots, even missing in some where his sweat (or tears?) has washed it away. The Kin pride themselves on their painted faces, but he can't remember exactly when he stopped caring... Ah well, back to the matter at hand...

"I fear Kami met her fate merely for those she associated with, Korrigan. As for the child, well... How low we've fallen, when murder between the Kin is absolved by servitude. Twisted, the child may have been, but even rabid dogs serve a purpose."

His voice is soft, low and full of pity. He turns his head sideways to study Sunny and Abaddon through the black onyx of the Oracle's Eye of the Past. He can almost visualize the gilded cage that's trapped the Shadow Reaver, and a sad smile ghosts across his lips
~ Carpe Nocturn ~

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Post by Dallid »

"All will be covered at the hearing. All reasonings heard, and everyone who wishes may have a chance to speak. Let the why's be covered then for all to hear. Then Haven will decide what must be done. Please give your trust to the town and its proceedings."
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Post by Abaddon »

"Pear'an Sunny's bout of servitude is for crimes against me. Was the circle who decided her life needed to be plucked like a weed so the rose could bloom." Abaddon says. "However it does not protect anyone from Haven. I will not seek revenge for her death however."

The old man leaned back in the chair and reguarded Dallid.

"and if it should come to light they had permission, what will you do then Dallid?"
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Post by Sunny »

Sunny just shook her head, a bitter kind of smile on her lips. "Really Brey? YOU, of all people, are going to speak of not killing others? Seems a little hypocritical, don't you think?"

She signed. "I find it funny everyone is so very touchy NOW. You've all got blood on your hands, and not a one of you is an innocent. I find none of you justified in standing as my judge... who refuse to look at your own crimes. Secretly, enough are happy it was done, and others irritated it wasn't finished. Others more enjoy the leisure of shifting blame elsewhere. How very... convenient for you."

The little Shadow Reaver turned to Dallid. "T'is the circle who has judged... the authority I recognize. Your Queen permitted this action, full well knowing every single detail of our intentions. We had PERMISSION. No less than if she had granted it to you to slay a beast rampaging through town. There is NO issue here, save that many seem to enjoy the drama of it all."

She stood and gave Abaddon a slight bow. "I shall see you at the campsite. I've no more patience for the bluster. We have our mission set, and for the time being, that is where my focus is. You know how to reach me should you wish it."
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Post by Dallid »

"I am aware of what transpired that night, but the Queen's role must be stated in her own words during the hearing for all to witness. Now is not the time. If you believe in Haven, you must believe in its representatives, and trust their judgement to be practical, adequate, and fair. There can not be love without respect. Haven's decisions must be respected."

"As to why this hearing must happen - that, I believe, has been thoroughly covered."
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Post by Brey »

Brey lets out a light chuckle at Sunny's reply

"I didn't say anything about not killing people. I was simply stating that if one wishes to get away with it, don't get caught. Otherwise, you'll have to deal with the laws that keep us from doing whatever we please. I know you're not new to this game Sunny, so I'm very confused as to why you feign ignorance when it comes to the rules."
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Post by Haku »

He pulls the hood of his cloak up, adjusts his travel stained armor and swirls his cup of water and lemon. His back is still towards the common area, but a chuckle is heard after Abaddon's last statement. He tilts his head listening to Sunny, Dallid and Brey... Why couldn't they see that none of this mattered? If judgment was passed by the Circle itself, no other argument, judgment, or suggestion would sway those that met with the Elders. Those outside of the Kin would never understand... Even the Lord Marshall answered to a higher authority than the Queen of Haven

"Heh, Abaddon the rose and Sunny the weed... Now there's a funny picture"

"Perhaps you mistook my weariness for 'touchiness' Sunny. If you believe me judgmental, my apologizes. No offense was meant, and you can blame it on my nature."
~ Carpe Nocturn ~

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Post by Sunny »

Sunny paused at the door, turning to give the Lightning Rider a slight bow. "You are kin... above any of my comments. We know one another, Paer'An, and I am content. We have an entwined purpose and fate, those of us here of the Kin... and that is all that matters to me anymore. It is all that is left." There was something odd in her voice, a brittleness not usually there.

Whatever had transpired at the Circle... Sunny wasn't very sunny anymore.

"We have our commands, the path is set. I have all faith and trust that when the time comes... you will stand beside us and serve the Valkin'vi. My opinions otherwise about anything are irrelevant. The sad musings of a misguided Mask. After all... I'm not even a real person, am I?" And she gave him a smile empty of real heart. "Find me if you wish... I'm not needed here."

With that, she left silently.