Kitchen Duties

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Kitchen Duties

Post by cole45 »

Sen finished up cleaning the never ending pile of dishes that filled the sinks of the Inn's kitchen. The spirit, Jessica, had a huge, nearly magical kitchen. It had cobblestone floors easily washed, and a giant stove the likes of which Sen hadn't seen since he'd served in several royal kitchens pre-cataclysm. The smell of stew, eggs, bacon and cast iron filled the kitchen. It was dark outside, and the smell of spring rain filled the air. It was late at night, and the Ovens cooled with the telltale ticking noise of metal contracting.

As he dried the last plate, and set it upon the mamoth pile, he tossed the dripping towel, thread bare from use over his shoulder. He carefully opened the cooler, and pulled out a small pile of red meat. It was soft meat, stewed slightly in Ginger and arrowroot. It smelled more like a balm than food. The thick lines of marbling could be seen through the tiny pieces. There was a thin gravy over the top of the pieces. This was Ginger,Garlic,onion and cartomon. All were Valkyn'Vi herbal remedies.

Sen reached up and took Quoth's cage down. The Raven was disturbingly quiet. He lay against the bars sleeping. Normally active, Quoth was not doing as well. He'd barely survived a blow from the Beast. Sen had had to field dress the wound and stitch up the deep mark the claw had rended. One terrible line drew down the Raven's body and under the left wing. Rows of tiny, perfect stitches held the now featherless flesh together. Sen was not sure if Quoth would ever fly again. He was the Dominant male of the four Ravens he had, but that may no longer be the case. The other three Ravens were still in Haven under the care of others who remained home.

Sen opened the cage and drew out the large black bird. Quoth, who was once do defiant he'd torn open Sen's Hand with his beak just because he felt like it, did not stir much. Sen opened his apron and lay the bird down in it. Warmed by Sen's body, Quoth opened his eyes. They had a thin covering of mucus, that Sen brushed away with one pale finger. Quoth opened his mouth and attempted a strangled cawing noise. Carefully, Sen placed a tiny sliver of meat into the Raven's mouth. Quoth swallowed it with a snap. And Another. And Another. He only ate maybe a finger's worth of meat before drifting back off to sleep. Sen carefully tucked the Raven back into the cage and put him on the island close to the stove where the heat still made the air shimmer like a road in the summer time. At least the bird was breathing right again. Sen had brought him all way from Red Bluff, and he had no intention of losing the bird now.
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn pokes her head through the door*

Sen, can I have a word with ya?
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Post by Eilonwy »

*Passing near the kitchen during an introspective wandering, Eilonwy pauses to watch Sen and Quoth*

"Such tenderness...A true companion for a fine, fine bird..."

*The slow walking continues.*
Last edited by Eilonwy on Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn looks at him again and smirks*

Trust me, it's not for what you might even thing what I want to talk to you is about. This is a conversation actually you might enjoy.
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Post by cole45 »

Thank you my lady.” Sen says with a smile. “No beast, no matter how foul should attack a man's bird. It's just not done.”

“Lady Kidwynn, you may have as many words as you like.I have a pot of tea ready. Of course, had we rum I could put that in it. Perhaps you can handle that on your own.” Sen says, taking out a small silver tea cup with engraving on the sides. Dancers swooping and wrapping around the cup. There were flowers in their stick figure hair. Sen filled the cup about ¾ of the way up from a dented tin pot that rested on the stove. The tea was a murky brown. “Here you are. So what was this word?”
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Takes the drink offered and looks at him*

Mind if we have those words in the kitchen?
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Post by cole45 »

After a minute, Sen steps back out of the Kitchen nook. He bows to Eilonwy. "Now that business is cmpleted, is there I can get you? I understand that the last few days have been trying for you especially." Sen says, taking seat near the stove.
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Post by Eilonwy »

*Pauses in mid-step, head tilting slightly in thought*

"Trying for me especially if only because of my own failings...and lack of solutions. 'Tis hard to know people are losing their lives while you sit locked in battle with unravelling clues. And wondering if they are worth unravelling...If only I had found the solutions I wanted to act upon most..."

*Looking up again*

"Sir Sen, do thee have a tea that eases the heart and clears the mind? I have more to do yet before I rest."
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Walks out of the Kitchen following Sen*

Tell ya what. What we discussed I'll see what I can come up with. Now I'm not promisin' a whole lot, but I should have somethin' for you to distribute in a few weeks.

Besides I did rather make a promise if we survived that evenin' I'd have to do somethin'. We'll talk more once you see what I can do.

*Kidwynn looks at Sen and grins*
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Post by cole45 »

“I have a draft of tea that may help. It is a ginger/dantelion mix that has been passed down on my mother's family for many years.” Sen says, taking a pot of hot water and opening a slotted spoon. He scooped out a brown/amber mixture from a small silver container hidden within his spice rack. He poured the hot water over the spoon, letting it steep. “But, While the tea may help, perhaps some advise would help? My mother told me that we should worry not about what we did not do. We must only concern ourselves with what we must do. Yes people lost their lives. Did you fail? I think not. The mystery of stones was unraveled. Would more people have died if not for you? I suspect the answer to be yes. We can only do what we can do. I can cook, and so I do. As long as we do the best that we can, then you have should have a clear mind, and a safe heart. Mourn those that are gone, but blaming yourself will only lead to doubt. And if you doubt, next time it will be worse.” Sen says with a little bow, holding up the tea cup in both hands gently.
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Post by Fox »

As silent as summer sunlight, Fox padded over to Eilonwy and with all the grace of a true fox, perches on a bench with a beaming smile. The forest child grinned as she said, “You didn’t fail, pretty big sister. Ya just haven’t found the answer yet, S’ not the same thing at all.” The healer girl reached out a small hand and took that of the Valkin’vi woman. Though her manner was light, her pale green eyes spoke of wisdom and age beyond her slight years.

“We’ve seen death and destruction before, and me, you, and Solari have been through some pretty dark times. But we always make it. We keep to hope and light, because we know that there are beautiful things worth livin’ for no matter what.” Her smile was softer now, thoughtful. “We feel everyone’s broken hearts here, and we want to make them all better, make the sad archer smile and the Not-a-Dark-Elf too… We see all the death and smell the blood that the earth will never forget. So, we won’t forget either. And we won’t let the sad conquer us, but dance in the sunlight… just because we can. We are gonna stay and help you, cause we don’t want to see you get sad too.”

She tilted her head to one side, and sniffed the air. It was with a look of pure delight only a child could manage that she gave Sen her most winning smile.

“We smell something yummy… and our tummy is awfully grumbly…” Fox put on her sad face. “If only we had some cookies…”
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Post by Lambic »

**Lambic comes through the door from the kitchen followed by the smells and sounds that had become normal since Sen had arrived. He stops just short of running into Sen since he was looking over his shoulder as he entered.**

Sen I'm all out of...**Stops looks up** you have any...**looks at the group of people around the door**...have I interrupted something?
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Post by Fox »

Fox gave Lambic a happy wave and nodded solomnly. "The painted one was going to give us some cookies. We think that you look like you could use some as well." The gravity in her voice match that in her eyes, spoiled only by the wink she gave Eilonwy.
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Post by Eilonwy »

*Taking the tea carefully from Sen, head bowing.*

"I am grateful. For thy wisdom and thy care, good Sen. My heart is eased already."

*Turning to Fox.*

"'Tis difficult to stay gloomy near thee, my sweet, clever one. With such company, I can do naught but my best."

*Raising the cup to Lambic.*

"And here is to those who guard that I might seek. Thy stalwart presence is comforting, master dwarf."

*Gently sips the tea, and smiles softly.
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Post by Tullus »

*Tullus stands at the openning to the kitchen and looks around for someone.*

"By chance, would there be any free food still here. Im not one to pass up a good meal. Ya know, there was a time I could remember walking for many days with neither food nor water. Those were terrible days indeed. And you know, some of these days seem as terrible as those. Except these days have had free food. What with the war going on and all. At those times I tend to get chatty and start rambling on about one thing or another. That seems to continue unless I find something to eat. For sometimes that eatting keeps me from thinking about too many of the terrible possiblities out there. By the way, Im Tullus........ for those who I haven't introduced myself to."

*The elf stops to catch his breath and try to notice if anyone was actually talking at the time he had been. His hand on his belly, he continues on.*

"I truely don't mean to be rude at all. Rudeness is a great way to make enemies and I'd like none of those from here. Scary place this is. Though there seems to be a lot of people here with many conversation to be had. That is always calming to the nerves.......talking that is."

*He stops once more and looks between those who are close to the kitchen; and there for the food. His face turns to a whimsical pleading expression.*

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