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Post by Amagus »

"Heh! Lycanthropy. I have yet to encounter a form of this disease that was ultimately incurable, though when properly utilized, most forms produce supurb foot soldiers. The material of a lycanthrope can prove most useful. A pity it was lost. Indeed - great reward is often accompanied by great risk, but surely the people of this town do not quail easily.

To Arthos: "You speak of forming a credit economy. Coins have always carried their own worth - being comprised of silver, gold, or copper. Your economy would have people owning vouchers only - no worth unto themselves, redeemable only to those who understand and agree to their implied value. Only tradable within Haven. The concept has merit - but involves exchanging something for nothing - thus will be difficult in gaining common acceptance.
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Post by Amagus »

"What Guilds are present here in Haven? What function have they, and to whom or what do they swear allegiance?"
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

"Amagus, I don't doubt that some benefit might have been extracted from the lycanthropy if given proper study, but in this case the danger was far too great.

Additionally, I believe the currency that Arthos had suggested was to be backed by material goods from the issuing house. Arthos has already begun attempting to assign a base value to the goods that most of the Haven uses for trade. It is hoped that currency will allow an easier exchange of trade among the people here.

As for guilds, I can only speak of the ones of which I am aware. There are the guilds of Steel, Light, Fire, and Thunder which form the House of the Crescent Moon. There are also the Gryffins, Atrum's Guild and The Town Watch (or Incarius' Guild) which have recently formed the House of the Rising Sun. Note, however, that much of this may be changing in the coming days. Corbyn and Atrum are working on a solution that may finally unite much of the Haven under a single banner.

Guilds themselves serve to bring people together and focus their efforts. By coming together in a guild, people are able to engage in trade and secure routes of goods from townsfolk and traveling merchants. Some guilds are only economic alliances, others have more specific purposes and agendas. To know more, I'd suggest you ask members of the respective guilds about their inner workings. I can answer any specific questions you might have about the Guilds of Steel, Fire, or Thunder."
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Post by Amagus »

“I am familiar with Mage Guild of Thunder. The purpose of Steel may be guessed, but only a fool would pass an opportunity of direct description. And Fire – tell me of that Guild, as well.”
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum raises an eyebrow and shoots a quick glance at Ug while Donovan is speaking*
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Post by Darrien Holloway »

*A man in all black and gray enters the Inn quietly and moves towards
the back of the Inn. He does not speak he only listens.*
A newcomer to haven.
If you ever look in his eyes, there seems to be an emptiness trying to break free...

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Post by Kalphoenix »

After waiting to see if someone else will speak, Delayne eyes the newcomer and gives him a nod. She shakes her head in impatience and walks out of the inn.
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Post by Ug »

*Ug sees Atrum looking at him and realizes that his hiding spot in the corner has been exposed. In an elegant tone he states...*

Upon matters of the Guild of Thunder giving spells to its new members, this is true. However new members do not have immediate access to all of the guild spells. These spells are gained with time and assistance with one's own research being added to the guild book.

Upon matters of the Duke, he is Royalty. He has the support and an army. If some choose not to support him, that is their right, however they must assume to defend that right in the same way as we assume we will defend ourselves from military action that Woodhold may utilize against us. Will the Duke perform such an action? Only time will tell.

Upon matters that are shady, I would listen to Nuk. She is an expert.

*Ug turns to Doctor Erasmus.*

Good Doctor, if you have time after the forum, I would wish to speak with you on matters arcane.

*Ug turns back to the rest of those at the forum.*

Dat awl.
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Post by Doctor Erasmus »

Of course Guild Master Ug, I am most interested to hear the Guilds standings and philosophies. Feel free to find me when the time suits your schedule.
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Post by Lambic »

Not to be contrary Amagus, but the name of the guild of Steel maybe a little misleading. The guilds of Steel and Fire are siblings. 2 parts of the House of the Cresent Moon. Steel is made up of only humans for the reasons that some people still have problems with some of the other races. The Guild of Fire are a mixture of races, which generally allows us some flexibility in our dealings. The split is mostly economical. Both Guilds support the House and the House supports Duke Corbyn. I am the head of the Guild of Fire.

Ours goals as you might already be able to guess, are to economically support the guilds, the House, the Duchy and the Haven. We try to make sure that everyone that comes to the Haven has a chance to find their place.

Ug it sounds like you have some questions about the Duke's actions. Now would seem to be the time to ask them.
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Post by Amagus »

“Yes, yes, The Guilds of Thunder, Steel, Fire, and Light make up the House of the Crescent Moon. This has been established. Does the Guild of Steel have no other defining trait other than being the ‘Guild of Humans’? Has it no appeal other than the promise of uniformity?”

Pauses a moment to cough before continuing.

“And your Guild of Fire - does it lack definition entirely? Has it nothing more than a name?”
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Post by Ian_McAllister »

*Ian enters shortly before Lambic's comment*

"Amagus, currrently the guild of Steel is in flux with the recent loss of our Guild leader Claude, my name is Ian McAllister and am currently stepping up to fill his role. While the Guilds may seem to lack true individuality other than their noted speciality I believe that is because of our continued existence as the House of the Crescent Moon.. We have been together long, and lost many good people so that while the Guilds themselves seem to lose what they are, they are truly something greater."

"If anything ask many members of the House itself who they have joined.. many will probably say the House of the Crescent Moon and barely know what Guild they are really a part of, as the Guilds of the House have given up individuality for economics, friendship and comraderie. So truly a better question you might ask is, "what defines the House of the Crescent Moon, what is its uniformity?" and these are easy to answer.

"The House exists to serve Haven, we do this by supporting the Duchy. Our uniformity comes from the all the wonderful people we have within our ranks. If you have any other questions feel free to ask them."
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Post by Ug »

Wut Eeun tay iz onie partlee tru frum wut me undertand. De gild uf Teuhl iz bazuklie de gild uv Fenux hoomunz. De gild uf Fiuhr iz de gild uv Fenux nonhoomunz. De gild uv lite iz more a tribe dat follow de pats uf ritusness dat follow de tribe leedur Giddeywon. Diz iz wut most sepurates deez gildz.

*Ug lets clears his throat with a deep rumble and then continues with a melodious tone.*

Now, the Guild of Thunder, at least while under my leadership and there is breath in my lungs, will never give up its individuality, nor will we ever give the impression that we have given up our individuality. We do have uniformity, but it is uniformity with a purpose, those of which I am sure you can completely understand and relate to. The Guild of Thunder has recently become more individual in nature, becoming less dependant upon the House of the Crescent Moon. Whereas the other Guilds currently part of the House share a pool of resources, we have become more trade dependant with the House and will begin no longer pooling and drawing upon the pool if possible. This has resulted from hours of discussion with our House leader Arthos, who has begun working with me to devise a system of trade, and will continue to work with me both toward the benefit of the House, the Guild of Thunder, and the Haven. It was this lack of individuality and what seemed to be an assumed uniformity that has caused the Guild of Thunder to seek greater individuality. For instance, though I enjoy the company of some warriors in town, I would not ask them to join the Guild of Thunder because I enjoy their company, as this is not the purpose of the Guild. However, I may ask a warrior to join the Guild of Thunder, should they wish to become a Levitas Custos, though I would rather work toward forming a Guild of Lightning for these Guardians to maintain. Put simply, a Levitas Custos is a Lightning Warder or Guardian of Thunder. Further details on the Custos are available upon request.

As for the other guilds in town, I am not familiar enough with them to state their exact purposes, only the leaders which they support, and then I am only partially aware, as some changes have recently occurred.

*Ug begins to cough, putting a white bolt of cloth to his mouth, the cloth coming away red.*
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Post by Amagus »

*Amagus smiles thinly*

“Ork physiology is not meant for such flowered speech, Guildmaster. Do not resort to it on my account. Indeed, I despise such.”

“So my understanding is Steel and Fire are nothing more than names, save a division between those who are Human and those who are not, while Light is a ‘righteous’ Guild, lead by this ‘Giddy One’. Sounds frightening. Am I to understand they seek to impose on all others what their manic-titled leader considers ‘right’? If so, I am fortunate enough to not yet have experienced such. Perhaps a member of Light is present to explain their edicts and philosophies.”
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Post by Kidwynn »

*A figure in black leather wonders into the Inn sometime while Nuk is talking. The person in question has two shortswords at their side and is wearing a black leather tri-corner hat which hides the individual's face and all fairly well. As the conversation continues, the figure removes the hat for a moment and red headed woman is revealed. Some people inside might recognize her, but her posture and body language reveal a different individual then the one that left Haven a bit ago.*

*The figure looks at everyone and cracks a mischievous smile.*

So, what is the big to do this time?

*Looks over at Atrum and smiles*

Before all the conversations on the guilds and all started, Nuk had a very valid point on a few things involvin' strangers and information and what have all bein' given freely.

*Looks over at Nuk*

Sorry I didn't speak up earlier, but I wanted to observe a few things.

*Looks back over at Atrum*

A word when you get a chance.

*Nods over to Donovan and Arthos*

Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.