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Post by Onyksi Rin'oviryn »

Yes, this is a time for questions and answers. Hence my questioning. To accuse is to point blame at someone for something that they may or may not have done. I told a fact. That is not accusation; that is observation.

And why would I go to the council for anything? It's shady dealings and inability to get anything done have long been public knowledge. Not to mention the fact that almost an entire council session two moons ago, I believe, was devoted to the discussion of how best to dispose of me. Yes, the council is definitely a thing I put my trust in.
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Post by Lambic »

I am afraid I must disagree with you again Nuk. You have asked only one question. You have only made negative and unconstructive comments. You did accuse Shale of being ignorant and taking insipid actions and Arthos of being naive, while these may well be observations, I cannot take them as fact until I see some greater evidence than what you have so far put forward is true.

Now to offer an answer to the one question you did ask, I would suggest going to the council because currently it is the best way to take action against the members of Haven whom you seemed to believe have wronged you in so many ways, without bring marked as a traitor to Haven yourself by taking action against a member of Haven. I know nothing of this public knowledge that the council is shady and ineffectual, your accusations that they are would be better taken if you offered some proof when you made such broad and sweeping statements. And as to the idea that an entire council meeting was devoted to the discussion of taking action against you, I know nothing of this and am a member of said council. While I have missed a couple of meeting, so I admit that it is possible that it happened, I know nothing of it happening. I will look into ot to make sure that the public at large may know if this is true or not.

Also If you truly "have no opinion as to who should "rule" Haven." Than I would appreciate it if you would stop commenting on the subject.
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

"Talana, I would very much support the creation of a local library. While Robin does indeed keep the book of the duchy, she is, as you say, indisposed. Aside from her, there is no one charged with keeping a record of events here in Haven - and even hers is but a single record. We certainly could use an easily accessable record of events, and I think that the only reason we have not tried to guarantee our stories for posterity is that we've been too occupied with guaranteeing our posterity."

"When a few people came to me last moon and expressed their frustration about a lack of information, I realized part of the problem was the way we operate here in Haven. All too often information comes in to us and is reported up the various chains of command. When it reaches the top, it is acted upon. The people at the top are always running around acting on things, and so much of the information becomes inaccessable to the general population. Add in certain sensitive pieces of information and the general tension that exists among the people here, and it would be very easy to presume that information was being deliberately restricted."

"That is simply not the case."

"The truth is we are always sorting through a slew of maybes, rumors, and half-truths. Even our most reliable sources of information are suspect, and it seems we are always being pressed to take decisive action on poor intelligence. I often try to brief people who ask me on the current situation, but with the speed and uncertainty of the information that comes to me, a breifing given at the beginning of the hour may be vastly different than one given at the end."

"Let me illustrate an example. At any given moment there are a half-dozen things potentially threatening the Haven. I often have several teams in the field at any given moment. I am constantly receiving scouting reports, mission updates, and debriefings from my men and women in the field. Peasants and townsfolk are often coming in to town bringing reports and rumors from every corner of Haven. Every individual in Haven has their own interests and side-projects, of which many are related to ongoing issues. Unless they are in my direct chain of command, I don't know who is working on what, what they know, or when they know it. Provided these people chose to share their information, these things filter up to Atrum, Corbyn, the Guild Heads, the town officials, and myself. We then have to find each other, compare notes, and make some sort of decision. Often, there are one or two people who feel very strongly about something and refuse to budge from what they see as the "right" course of action. If not convinced or appeased, they often withold new information or take decisive action independently. A series of random people in the Haven will approach us at any given moment presenting some sort of "damning evidence" that suggests one or another of the Havenites is lying or misleading us for ill intent, making us question the information we may already be acting on. Meanwhile, the stream of new information continues unabated. As fast as old problems are put to rest, new ones come to the surface. Factor in that not all of this information may be given in good faith and that some people in the Haven just don't like each other and some of our problems comes to light. The flow is ceaseless, and I know of no way to document even half of it, much less all of it"

"Still, I believe that some way of keeping people informed is necessary. I am neither sage nor scribe, but I am interested in hearing suggestions."
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan notes the conversation between Lambic and Nuk. He seems to consider saying something, but remains silent. He makes eye contact with each of them, apprasing the situation. Apparently deeming it a civil exchange, he turns to the newcomer.*

"Greetings, friend. What you saw was the aftermath of our battle with an evil dragon. The wail you heard may have been his death cry. There were indeed copious amounts of blood and death, but the Light saw us through the day and granted us victory."
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The proverbial straw for the camel.

Post by Torakhan »

*Quen shoves a log into the fire and then looks to Atrum with amazed disgust, unable to hold back his anger.*

A spy? In my own home? And you think you could expell me from it? I've tended these grounds for Ten Years! And what are you afraid of? Someone who hasn't come here already to attack you outright? That he might want to know who the people in his lands are before he deals with them? Maybe he just doesn't care enough to deal with this group yet.

You think I'm a spy? Maybe I'm just a messenger who's been here the whole time. Has anyone asked me to send a message to Malcom? I'm here because I'm a servant to Lord Malcom and charged with maintaining this building and its grounds. He has been the one who feeds me, clothes me and takes care of the needs I've had here for ten years, and you want me to give that up because in the last year strangers have occupied these lands with no real wish to talk to the Lord, who brought nothing but problems to the lands and to the people here whether through their own doing or by chance? THIS was never a problem until YOU showed up!

*Quen looks around, then back to Atrum* And you say you have claim to this building. But where are you when the wood needs to be brought in? Where were you when the walls had holes in them from the attacks? Where is your interest in this building other than sitting behind your bar from time to time and laying claim to a building that is just as much someone else's as it is yours? Because the other owner has been busy? Does that make it any less his? If you're too busy with your House, and not the building perhaps you should decide who really owns this building? Why not the Duke? It's his lands and he lives in it.

Malcom is Lord of these lands too, whether you or others wish to acknowledge it or not. and I HOPE that will be settled soon with the Lord and the Duke soon. You could just as easily be seen as thieves of the Lord's lands and his property as you could be seen innocent people who were brought here by unfortunate events and should learn to deal with the problems at hand in rational and competent ways.

Yes, Malcom isn't the nicest man. He's often ruthless, but he's kept us far safer than since you all appeared. I've been fortunate enough to be in his service and I will keep my allegience to him until I feel strong enough that serving him is no longer the safest road for me to commit to. I don't trade my allegience day by day. And none of this is secret. I've been honest with everyone since the first day you all showed up. I've been here to answer questions, I've committed myself to maintaining this building for Lord Malcom and done what I could to respect you as Guests of Lord Malcom in his building. But to refer to me as a SPY, meaning that I am being a willful participant to undermine your group in service to Malcom is shameful on your behalf. How dare you accuse me, Atrum. *He hits his staff on the ground with a loud "crack!"* And don't you DARE claim that you could expell me on your own.
Arthur Dreese - West Michigan
I just want to see tomorrow, day by day to just survive. / But this place is built to kill me. No one here gets out alive. ~Alice Cooper "Cold Machines"
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Upon hearing the sharp crack of Quen's staff on the stone, Donovan rises from his chair and turns to face him. The look on his face brokers no argument.*

"Quen, calm yourself. This forum will be an exchange of knowledge. I will not censor its participants, but courtesy will be maintained."
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the Straw pt. 2; Calming down...

Post by Torakhan »

*Quen looks to Donovan and the Duke, coming to the odd realization of what he's just unleashed with, and how long his rant has gone on. He looks around again, calming himself. He takes a deep breath and continues more calmly, trying to sooth what he's said in haste and with anger beforehand.*

Look... Donovan's mentioned it too. We're two different places brought together as one. And things have ... overlapped. But you can't browbeat or assume just because You believe a certian thing unilaterally, that THAT is how it's going to be. This building, these lands... For the last year there has been a great threat which has threatened everyone's survival. Now that that's over, maybe it's time we started focusing on what exactly is going to happen with these "shared" ... things. But until that happens, everyone knows where my allegience is. And that my duties are still to maintaining this building and treating its occupants as guests to it. If or when Lord Malcom withdraws his claim to this building, or he recalls my services from it, or even asks me to take new duties, then I'll follow where my loyalties take me. Until then I'd hope you'd have at least accept me as much a resident here as you would any other.

And as for the supplies Atrum, you can take back what you gave to me. I've just gotten the last of the supplies I needed to fix this building from Malcom and what I need to get by. You'll find the appropriate ammount sitting outside tomorrow.
Arthur Dreese - West Michigan
I just want to see tomorrow, day by day to just survive. / But this place is built to kill me. No one here gets out alive. ~Alice Cooper "Cold Machines"
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Post by cole45 »

Sen stands in the background and walks up towards the Circle, carrying a silver tray with a pot of tea and a tankard of mulled wine. There are rolls and sweets stacked upon the tray.

“I do not wish to intrude on the conversation, but I would like to introduce myself. I am a travelling cook called Sen'Za'Rien. Most call me Sen. I am new here, having arrived on the morning after the terrible battle with the dragon. I arrived just after the Haven showed true honor, ultimate bravery and made a terrible sacrifice. I hope to get to know each of you in time.

At this time I would like to request permission to use the Inn's Kitchen facilities. I sort of moved my stuff in there seeing as this town had no full time cook. Atrum, Who I courtesy requires me to address as Lord, but I think that might insult you, and Quen, who also seems to run the Inn. I would like to ask for formal permission to use the Kitchens in order to perform my duties as Cook.” Sen says with a bow.

“Should anyone require my services, that have but to ask. I keep ravens in the Kitchen, they should cause no harm to anyone. Their eggs are tasty they serve as good messengers.”
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Post by Amagus »

*Nods to Atrum*

“Oh, yes. I believe I have learned much.”

*Coughs as he turns toward Quen*

“Tell me of Lord Malcolm.”
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Post by Onimaster »

Shale bristles at Nuk’s accusation as he grips her mug tighter and tighter resisting the urge to do something drastic in the town forum, and as Atrum chimes in his eye twitches uncontrollably as he grinds his teeth together. Turning around and raising a finger at accentuate his ire he is cut short as Lambic and Amagus speak, and then he takes a moment to step back and breath deeply before speaking.

“To answer the comments about Amagus from earlier. I also didn’t trust him at face value when he first approached, but I also took the time and precaution of questioned him with the aide of an interrogator as to his intentions and identity, and he passed muster.” Shale looks about the room and before speaking again, ”He is a new arcane in town seeking citizenship. So I offered him a place in our guild so that we could give him guidance, supervision, cooperation, and entrusting him all the benefits that entails as a member in good standing of the Guild of Thunder. It is no different than when Atrum, Incarious, Arthos, or Robin showers some stranger with crate loads of resources beyond dreams of avarice when they first stroll into town, and what good is a mage with no spells? I suppose we could ask the feeble old man to serve as frontline fodder in battles now that we have lost so precious many of our friends to the Dragon’s forces, but my time in the military would suggest that is a poor strategy.”

He smirks with a wry humor, “What I gave him was a book of common but useful spells he could have gotten anywhere with some effort, and I would much rather make a good first impression on a new ally than leave him helpless or think he couldn’t turn to me for help, and making him look elsewhere for what he needs… maybe even with our enemies.”

Shale slips back over to the bar and says, “If anyone has any more to say on the matter I’d speak with him or her later.”

Looking at Talana and Donovan he says, “Yes, I have been working on a the school for some time and it incorporates a large library, but at the moment there is some question of filling it. Having a large stone building and calling it a school is one thing, but I am trying to get us something more. Something properly designed that will assist us in research and education of the peasants. I’m hoping that by this spring we will be ready to lay foundations.”
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Post by Doctor Erasmus »

Truly? A dragon? Well then, I suppose if you have slain such a creature and dismissed the ramifications so cavalierly then I shall simply wait to see what fate befalls you.

It seems there is a deal of political strife also, which should also produce the results my studies require. So with that being said I would like to introduce myself and inquire as to this "citizenship" I have heard mentioned.

I am Doctor Erasmus, former student of the late Doctor Desiderius. I am educated in the ways of healing, anatomy and knowledgable in the use of magicks. This seems to be a logical place to begin my practice and hopefully resume my Mentors research. If this is acceptable to the powers that be of course...
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Post by Onyksi Rin'oviryn »

Perhaps you are completely incapable of showing responsibility for your actions? Or perhaps you are merely unwilling to accept that the council has done wrong? I am not sure. But no matter. I know what has been done, and I have witnesses. The Constable, for one. I was even on the council for a brief period, until it was decided that only guild heads may preside on it. Which was a very interesting decision, being that I was the only person who was not a guild head. In fact, I was not even in a guild, therefore completely cutting off any way of having representation in the town. That is shady, yes? And of course plotting my death. Also shady. Or how about putting the Constable out of his position because he wanted to bring up charges against most of the members of the council? How just. So do not tell me that I have no greater evidence. It is laid down for all to see, if you choose to accept it.

I understand your point now, Shale. However, I merely saw your actions and heard your words, without any information regarding your intentions.

But perhaps you would try a little harder to tame your hatred of me, lest your companions start to deem you as mentally unstable and remove you of your position. It is certainly starting to look as if it may go in that direction.

And Lambic, if you can tell me when I ever said anything to the effect of who I believe should be Haven's leader, then I will admit fully to having opinion on the matter. However, one can say that the town is being run inneffectually without having a better figurehead in mind. Well, one that the town would actually support, rather. Seeing corruption all around you and voicing it aloud does not equal a keen interest in the political system.

If there are any other things that you would like to try to make me look like a fool about, I welcome them.
Let me be the one you need, I shall be the one you feed. All I am and all you see, is all I will and ever be.

Onyksi del Rin'oviryn
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan's attention is focused on Doctor Erasmus, though it is clear that other aspects of the discussion are not going unnoticed.*

"Well met, Doctor Erasmus; I am Donovan Thynedar. Believe me, good sir, we have not dismissed the consequences of slaying a creature of ancient power. Sadly, we were forced into a rather difficult position: destroy the dragon or have it destroy us."

*Donovan smiles a bit at that, showing some wry-but-honest amusement.*

"Yes, we weighed the consequences of both those options very carefully, and in the end decided on the former. The decision was not unanimous, but we managed to pull through in the end. There were indeed some immediate ramifications for having defeated the creature, but I'm afraid I know not the nature of such things."

"As for citizenship and research, so long as your intentions are not to harm or betray the people here, you will be welcome among us. Many here often have need of a Doctor's services, so you may find yourself quite busy."

*Seeing the continual development of the other ongoing discussion, Donovan addresses the Forum as a whole.*

"Honored participants, as I have stated I will not censor the participants of this Forum. For an endeavor like this to be successful people must be allowed to exchange ideas openly. I would ask, however, that we keep the interests of our community in mind. No one benefits from making accusations against people who refuse to accept them. No one profits from talking down to the people with whom you share a home."

"I cannot ask you to trust each other, I cannot even ask you to like each other, but I will ask you to respect each other as inhabitants of this land. Moreover, I would ask you to respect this Forum and its intention. Too often in the past our troubles have been compounded by miscommunication and distrust: let us now attempt to find solutions to our woes instead of pointing fingers at each other."

"Nuk, the dismissal of the Constable had nothing to do with you or his desire to level charges against anyone in Haven. The real issues in question at that meeting concerned the effectiveness of the laws and the relationship between the Council and the Duke. At the time, many of the Council members believed that the Duke was the ultimate authority in the Haven. Their view was that the powers of the Magistrate and Constable decended from him, not from the Council. When it was discovered that the Constable did not support the Duke, a conflict of interest was seen. Also, a flaw was seen in the Laws which caused the Council to vote on examining the laws for revision. When that vote passed, the Magistrate accused the Council of corruption and resigned. A vote was also held on the conflict of interest between the Constable and the Duke. The Council voted to dismiss the Constable from his duties, and that is how he was removed from his position."

"Your only relevance to that meeting was in reference to the flaw in the Laws. Many of my men believe you maliciously reincarnated several of their bretheren in an attempt to twist, corrupt, and control them. When you returned they wanted some sort of justice, and law offered them no option. Some of them began speaking of going outside the law and attacking you, and that was where we realized the laws were inadequate. By leaving no provision by which that sort of grievance might be even discussed, people feeling wronged would be forced to take matters into their own hands. We wished to find some way in which the Law might accomodate such a matter so that we might prevent lawlessness and violence. That is the truth of the matter, though I don't expect you to take my word for it. It might be best to ask those who were there to confirm my account. I'd suggest someone like Dewberry, who has no loyalties to those on either side of the votes taken that day."

"As to the leadership of this town, I'd have to say we've done reasonably well considering what we've had to deal with. Dragons, prophecies, forest wraiths, orcs, ga'vin, light and dark elf armies, hostile neighbors, a poisoned land, the shifting of the land, the manipulation of time, flesh golems, necromancers, infant possession... the list goes on and on - but we're still here. Sure, it hasn't been pretty, but we're still here. Despite all the animosity that exists among us, all of the scheming and mistrust, we've managed to come through it all."

"Oh, we've had our bumps along the way, but now we stand at the door of opportunity. We're on the verge of bringing Atrum and Corbyn together to lead us, finally brining the vast majority of Haven under one banner. We've proven that not even ancient evil and betrayal from within can stop us if we stand together against the darkness - and now we're taking steps to share what we know and make a record of it for all to see. We're attempting to use all of our strengths as one, and I can't call that corrupt or incompetent. I call it hopeful, and I'd like us all to be a part of it."
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Post by Doctor Erasmus »

*Listening to Donovan the Doctor nods thoughtfully. When the focus shifts back to the others he begins to take a few items from his bag and place them on the bench next to him.*

Sir Thynedar, as any good alchemist can tell you, nature abhors a vacuum. Let me explain in simple terms. If you kill a field mouse, that death has created opportunity for others. There is now more food, more territory, an empty burrow to be occupied. There is a ripple effect that in this example is very localized.

You have removed a Dragon from the World. Other entities will come, I assure you.

As for my practice, I am already assured in my assumption that will be an ideal location for me to develop my craft. If there is this much conflict in an evening meeting, there should ample carnage when it comes time for combat. Whom must I speak to cncerning citizenship?
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Post by Kalphoenix »

Delayne, the red-feathered woman with slightly pointed ears, stands, fixing the newcomer with an appraising eye and giving a nod. While she doesn't look as haggard as she did in the days following the massive events of Haven, she wears the grey face of someone who has not been sleeping well.

"You speak true, and well, newcomer. I think many here would do well to heed your words...for I find, as time goes on, that matters here in Haven are subject to either a long and drawn-out discussion or a quick slice of the blade, with no moderation." Her voice has a slight bitterness to it. "I do not know if there was any other choice in the matter of the Dragon...I took it on the word of Lady Corell that he was a twisted being of their kind. There are many questions I would have liked to ask her on the subject...or that I would have asked him, if I would not have been fool enough to scatter myself like a mouse whenever he called my name. But the Lady Corell sacrificed herself somehow in this last battle, and none knows where she may be. So as it sits now, there are voids left by two An'Drae'Dar."

She spreads her arms. "I am a simple healer. I have always been availiable to assist all members of Haven. I have never hidden my love for the An'Drae'Dar, and yet...several times my loyalty was questioned, and by several people I thought trusted me beyond all doubt. Even if I were a traitor to Haven, what could I do against you?"

Her eyebrows frown. "And further do I hear rumors that the head and some flesh of the Dragon were preserved, either as a trophy or to be used in some other means...if this IS true...I am shocked and horrified beyond all reasonable means of expression. Enemy or not...he was a sentient being. Do the citizens of Haven now display the heads of their enemies on posts at the borders to herald their prowess? Even if this weren't a desecration...after the events caused by the spilling of his blood on the land...I cannot believe that anyone here would be fool enough to keep them."

"The balance has been greatly upset. The implications will be far reaching indeed." She looks again at the newcomer. "I fear your healing skills will be needed soon enough."

She sits back down, where she rubs her brow.
Mike: For the majority of you, choosing to use a packet instead of a weapon is a hindrance because your aims suck.

Travis: Crap he is on to me.