The travelling Trader

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Azara Blackhawk

Post by Azara Blackhawk »

*Looks at Atrium, still not moving*

When the Constable says so, then not a problem. Until then, there is no way in bloody hell I'm movin' or lettin' ya pass.
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Donovan Thynedar
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*To Atrum.*

"Thank you for your good judgement, Atrum. I ask you remain a moment until I hear from the other party."

*To Azara.*

"Stand aside, Azara. I appreciate your efforts, but I am confident Atrum will heed my request."

*To the Trader*

"Atrum wishes to leave, and considering this is about to become an incident all it's own, I must insist that you make your grievance now or consider the matter resolved."

*Again, waits for a response from the trader.*

<OOG, we may want to give the GM's a chance to respond before we take this too much further, considering people are getting all frisky an' such. :lol:
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Kathryn Skress
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

*Kathryn laughs, but there is no humor in it*

Better an honorable dog then a vile, honorless snake.

*draws her sword and stabs it into the ground, then leans on the hilt casually, slightly out of the way, yet not entirely*

I await your word, good Constable. However, I feel that the laws of the land should be voted into being by consensus, rather then set forth by one person... It gives one person too much power in such a small town... rather like a thane, wouldn't you think?
Trevor Owen
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Reply to the Constable

Post by Trevor Owen »

Good sir,

I did not come for trouble, and in fact brought guards to avoid such incidents. I have no wish to see this goo further and have been healed of my wounds by this kind elf.

I believe that both parties involved, myself and Atrum were swindled in the past by local brigands, and that we reached an impass over the ownership of possessions. I cannot say I will ever fully trust the man, but there is too little trade to be had for me to wish him ill.

Master of witless lore and red herrings
Azara Blackhawk

Post by Azara Blackhawk »

*Looks over to Donovan and then to Kathryn after she speaks.*

I have a tendancy to agree with Lady Kathryn here. Don't know how I'd be feelin' havin' one person decide for me what is right and wrong. Specifically because their values my not be me own.

*Looks over to the trader listens to what he as to say and then moves over closer to Kathryn, clearning a path for Atrum. She is still glaring at him intensely.*
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Donovan Thynedar
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Speaking Atrum and the Trader*

"Thank you both for your good judgement, and I will consider this matter at an end. Both of you are free to go about your business."

*In response to Kathryn*

"I also would prefer that laws be passed by consensus, but I see no way in which a true consensus can be reached. Certainly with all of the backgrounds and races already represented in the Haven, the people are certain to differ on any number of issues. What is left is a form of majority rule, and there are no rules to govern how that majority should operate. Should there be a vote? If so, how? Who is allowed to vote? How much of a majority is needed to make something into law? How can a law be changed? What role do the guilds play? The questions are endless, and no answers are to be found. The laws I have prepared lay the groundwork for such discussions, and through them perhaps a consensus can be achieved."

*Listens to Azara's comment and nods, considering.*

"I will indeed seek the opinion of the people of the Haven, and perhaps but a few hours is too little time to do so. So be it. For a day and a night after the laws are posted, we will meet to discuss them. In that time an agreement can be reached, and we can begin to build something out of this land."

*Turns to the Trader*

"Now, good sir, I would have a word with you alone. Your guards may accompany us if you like, but I ask that they stand apart from our conversation. This way..."

*Leads the Trader over to the fire pit.*
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.
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Kathryn Skress
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Post by Kathryn Skress »

*nods to Donovan in agreement and heads up to the Guild of Light hall*
Azara Blackhawk

Post by Azara Blackhawk »

*Waits a few moments to keep an eye on Atrum, then awaits for Arthos to head up to the Guild hall as well.*
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos listens to Donavan and the rest and smiles at the outcome*

Donavan you show wisedom in your words. We have chosen we'll for a constable.

*Arthos turns to his fellow guild member*

Thank you for your quick action, but let Atrum pass unharmed

*Arthos turns to Donavan*

The guild of light is ready to help in any way possible to get us past this current crises. Please let us know you required done and it will be. When time alows I would like to sit down with you in an open forum and discusse the laws that will goveren this haven. I have some ideas and experience in governing small towns.
Once the laws are in effect Haven has it's first trial. Don-Mayo needs to be tried for his actions in the latest murder. We will keep him until the trial unless their is another place you would like him kept.

*Arthos turns to his guild mates*

Lets head back to the Hall and get some food and see if the girl is awake yet.

Donavan, if we get any information form her, we will let you know or another Phoinex member so it can be pasted onto you.

*Arthos smiles and heads to the Guild Hall*
My Thoughts

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Bob-Z (kabre)
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Post by Bob-Z (kabre) »

<OOG: Christmas is over folks, lets get back to work... :D>

*Kabre informs Donovan that Curufin and Argyle's family are in the Inn, and with his permission heads back there.*
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Post by GM-Mike »

Those of you heading to the guild hall will arrive there and find the girl to be awake, although appearing very terrified You may post here or more appropriately in the guild hall thread if you wish it to be public or pm me if you don't. Those of you heading to the inn, I am moving that to a new thread.