By the River

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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By the River

Post by Corbyn »

*As Eli joined him and spouted his fishing plan in the rushing words of the young, Corbyn smiled and raised an eyebrow.*

We are blessed, my lad, in that we have enough food to sustain us in the coming months. When such is not the case, your methods of procuring the fish in copious volume have merit. But as we are so fortunate as to not be starving, this exercise may other purposes. To fish with pole and line requires the same mind and wrist connection as calligraphy or swordsmanship. To practice one aids in the acquisition of the others.

*Corbyn pulled in his line and attached a fly to a small metal clasp at the end. The fly appeared to be made from a bit of fur from Arthos' hat, wrapped in a scarlet thread from Robin's corset. Finished, he flipped the bait into the stream, slowly working the floating fly towards a deep pool several yards downstream.*

Another lesson we may learn is patience. The power of this virtue cannot be underestimated. When one has patience in abundance, he is free from the folly of impetuousness, and can take the time to detach himself from pain or distraction that would lead to ruin. With patience, decisions can be made with consideration of as many presenting variables as possible, leading to courses of action that can be sustained and justified.

*Seeming to lose himself in thought, the fly disappeared in the water with a splash. Corbyn's wrist snapped, and the hook was set. The Duke smiled slightly as the salmon jumped, and within moments it was ashore with the two elves. Corbyn placed it into the 'creel' he had brought, which looked remarkably like Arthos' satchel. Looking at Eli with a bemused expression...*

Hmmm, what do you think the chances are of me getting your mom to clean and cook that for us?
Corbyn Gravesbane
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Post by Eli »

Turns his head slightly and lets the magic energies fade. “Ok, if you say so…” He clearly is not convinced that a stick with some string on it and part of Arthos hat is going to capture the ever so sly fish. Never the less, he plays with the pole for a long while more than once getting his line stuck in a tree limb. But Eli is a quick study and soon he is able to cast the fly rod if not as well as Corbyn at least he is no longer getting poked by the fly.

A great look of pleasure crosses his face when the fish is pulled out of the water by Corbyn, “WOW,” he cries, “my turn!”

“I don’t think mom likes to clean fishies!” he laughs until his cheeks hurt imagining her trying to hold down the fish and keep her velvet from getting scales on it… “Buy maybe we could get her to cook it for us! That would be yummy! Fresh fish for the hunters.”

“Hmm I wonder, if only part of Arthos's hat gets this size fish.. what if we put the whole hat on the hook thing of the massive fish we could get then!” His eyes get very big around thinking about a giant fish…
Last edited by Eli on Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Corbyn »

*Looking on with some small measure of pride at how easily Eli gained proficiency with the rod, and laughing inside at the thought of his Minister of Trade's resplendent headgear on the end of a line, Corbyn began to speak quietly.*

Eli, I believe the time fast approaches for me to make an honest woman of your mother. There are a few who will balk at this idea, until some of our present trials have passed. Their concerns will be valid, but as of yet there is not sufficient reason to alter my design. There will always be some evil force assailing us, and to have our plans derailed by fear permits the darkness victory.

After Robin and I are married, I will be your adopted father. What this means in terms of the operation and succession of my Duchy...I have not yet decided. But I promise to treat you as my son in every way that matters. Due to the love that you have for her, and she for you, I wanted to discuss these matters with you openly so that any fears you might have could be assuaged.

*As he finished, Corbyn's hand flashed and soon another fish lay upon the bank.*
Corbyn Gravesbane
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Post by Eli »

*Eli smiles at Corbyn. Since coming to Haven he and Arthosis had always been the ones to take care of him. When they found him starving in the woods, surviving on what he could catch he was little more than alive. They saw him for what he was, a lost little child in a dark and dangerous world, and an arcane of great power. It was true this little kid was quite willful, and the three of them did not always agree, but in the end Eli had always looked to them as his authority figures, until Robin had taken him in as her son. In the beginning when he had first saw Robin and Corbyn together he felt something that he was unsure of, something that he could not remember. Now after all this time he realized what is was, he was going to be part of a real family, a family that was alive and that cared for him. He absently wiped dampness from his cheek. But his face was a smile not a frown.

“If you really want to be my dad I will be very happy to have you as such,” he said in a quite voice. “But if you do not, I will understand, and I would never stop my mom from being happy by being married to you. I could never cause her any pain. It just would not be nice, and I like being nice.” The look on his face was one of hope, but he waited for an answer trying to hide the tears that ran down his face by turning and playing with his fishing pole.
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Corbyn »

*Looking at Eli with a gentle expression rarely exhibited, the usually austere Corbyn seemed more at peace and hopeful than anyone had observed in the past few days.*

Well spoken. I will be honored to take you as my son, and will raise you as best I can. Our family shall be the prime example of what we are striving so hard to build here. A community who bands together in all ways to repel the forces that would bring all good things low. A place where children can grow to maturity in safety, and learn the skills they need to fight alongside their parents in times of danger.
Corbyn Gravesbane
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Post by Eli »

Do I still get to blast things? He says with a smile upon his face. Just then his pole is nearly ripped from his hands as his first fish takes the bate and bites down on the fly. Just like that all looks of doubt and worry are gone. All fears of tomorrow, and the dangers the town faces have fled from his eyes. Because at this moment nothing in the whole world is more important that the long stick in his hand and the fish swimming on the other end of his line. The bliss of being young and care free over takes Eli as he catches his first fish, and places it on the shore...

Suddenly his eyes grow as big as tea cups... "hmm if just a little bit of the hat gets this... and the whole hat gets a massive fish... I wonder what the whole Arthosis would catch... we could eat fish forever!" With that a mischievous smile plays in the corner of his mouth... Cor.. Dad... have you seen Arthos???"

Last edited by Eli on Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )
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Post by Corbyn »

Well done Eli, you have caught the largest one yet. I don't think we want to try fishing with a whole Arthos yet, that much wet fur at one time...would be unpleasant. Don't worry, I'm sure there will never be a shortage of things for you to blast as long as we stay in this area. I think we have enough for dinner, let's head inside and get them ready for the fire.
Corbyn Gravesbane
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Post by Eli »

A slight playful frown at the corner of his mouth appears when told that they cannot quite yet use Arthosis as bait… but then he laughs about wet dog smell, and pinches his nose when next they pass Arthosis who stares at them in confusion, only to bring even more laughter from Eli…

With his giant, humongous, monstrous, seven-inch fish in hand he follows Corbyn back to the inn.

“A day well spent catching fish the old fashion way. Mmm fish for dinner tonight, maybe we could make them into fish nuggets or fish kabobs or fish soup or … he trails off in an endless bramble while they walk back…
-Eli (Full Elvish: Elaith Vonaduran Craulnober)

There once was a man named Eli,
A man who claimed he could not die.
But one thing makes him wail:
That's when there is no ALE!
Thus his tale: with no beer, he will cry.

(The dark haired, green eyed mage child has faded into the past leaving behind one not quite an adult, but clearly no longer a child. The warrior-mage mixture that he has become can only be described as a survivor. )