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Post by Corbyn »

*Looking concerned as the account is rendered.*

Kels, I will accompany you to the Inn. I want to see the alterations of the structure for myself, and wish to touch base with Lambic.

Claude, if Latham's escorts return to the guild hall before I do, have them find me at the Inn. After they tell me what they found when they delivered him, I will dispatch Ian or Shale to deliver the report concerning the guardian of the Well, and see if Latham's Order can assist us in countering it.

*Walks to the Inn with Kels*
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn looks at Claude.*

Aye, aye. Afterwords, would you like me to take a look at the Inn and see if the new look to it is structurally sound? Also, have you heard of any other locations of things moving? For instance McEwen and I have a differing opinion on where the graveyard is...

*She opens her book to the mape she has been working diligently on and points to the markings on her mapy.*

This is where I know the graveyard is *Points to an X on the map labled graveyard.* This is where McEwen remembers the graveyard being *This is marked by a circle and alleged former graveyard sight.*

*Claude will noticed Kidwynn has made a detailed map of the Haven area to include the village and locations of all important structures from where she belives them to be as well as a map leading to the Well of Tears.*

*She looks at him.*

As for my report, give me a moment to flip through my notes.
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Kidwynn »

*After flipping through her notes, Kidwynn stand and begins speaking to Claude looking directly at him, still not certain how exactly she is to stand and her her normal stance is sufficient enough.*

My report.

Most of what Capt'n Targon stated is correct. The first individual we came across was Herb. Kels assigned me to point and that is when I noticed a set of tracks and had a feeling that we were being watched. He had Ravinal and I investigate the matter and that is when we ran into this woman that has already been mentioned.

From what I know of scouting, she wouldn't have allowed her presence to be known if she wouldn't have wanted to. In all the questions that I asked her she did not give me a name. During the encounter with the woman, the manner in which she dismissed both myself and Ravinal did not give us enough time to go back for Kels. What information I was able to obtain was due to the fact I cut her off a few times and kept on asking questions.

When I first met her, she was well aware of Ravinal's presence and said that the two of us could approach her further. Both of us proceeded cautiously. She has this unuaual beauty to her. Nothing like I've never seen before, but it didn't throw me off.

Through her origional comments she gave me the impression that she had been watchin' us for some time, even before we were going to the Well of Tears for she anticipated our reaction to becoming aware of her presence. It was during this origional conversation that she asked what it is that we were seeking Power? Glory? Illumination? What?"

Rav replied to the woman at first and mentioned that his first impression of her was the she was giving him the feeling of something perhaps a bit on the sinister side. Protocall or not, this is where I figured I would see what more I could get out of her and if Rav were to make a move against the woman I would be on the ready to back him up.

I then answered her question about what I was seeking. Mostly, since I figured you would want to know what my reply was, is that I was seeking a way to protect those I care about as well as information about what is happening to the wilderness. I have no taste for power...

Rav begain charging his magiks and the woman did not even seem the slightest bit concerned about it. What I can tell you is the the woman believes that us hunting for the relics and whatever it is that is going on with the land are not related to each other. Each is a seperate issue. I know we were all discussing this even before the scouting parties left, but somehow it was mentioned again so I thought I would mention it to ya.

She made it clear that we are currently messing with things that we should not be messing with. She paused and then looked at me to reveal that she had come to the conclusion that we were a mere scouting party of 4 people, which meant in her mind that we were of no real threat and was going to allow us to move towards the well.

This is about when I cut her off when she was trying to leave for the first time. I asked more questions about the well. Basially that this item along with the other 4 have been hidden for centuries. It was the first time she mentioned there are other groups hunting for these items as well. I mean luv, I've had that feeling, but she brought it up so I figured you'd want me to report on it. She wanted me to inform you all that you better know why it is that we are going after these things and to think on it a bit.

She then went to leave again and well I cut her off again, still not certain of what Rav wanted to do about her. So I asked her more questions, stalling perhaps a little, but trying to make the most out of obtaining information.

Again she brought up the fact that the scouting party is of little importance to her at this time. She for the first time gave me the warning of not having someone get to close to the well. She also at this time gave the impression that she is perhaps older then what she appears or at least all the allies she once had have practically been wiped out. She also stated that she would be arriving to Haven at some point to speak with individual whom she deems to be fit to discuss the artifacts and all.

She was aware of the other group that we sent out and was also going to look for some more information before arrving to Haven to meet with this whomever she chooses. Again others hunting for what we are looking for were brought up and these blokes will kill for it.

I asked Rav what to do next and he stated we should head back and report to Kels what we had discovered. He opted to take a wait and see attitude on what her motivations and all are.

So I went back and reported to Capt'n Targon what my findings were.

As for what happened at the well itself. All was a bit to easy to reach there. Had a feeling that there was a trap being ready to spring. Kels and Rav went to the well and my orders were to stay with Herb and if all broke loose get Herb out of there and report back to you, Lord Corbyn, and things like that.

As he mentioned as Kels began to put the buket into the well this watery thing grabbed him and pulled him under. I couldn't move Sir. It's like my mind was to afraid of what was going on. Rav couldn't move in to go after Kels either. Whatever the effect it didn't make it's way to Herb. He dove in after Kels and about that time Rav and I were snapping out of it. We grabed the rope to help pull both he and Kels out of there.

Kels was pale, basically practically white. Herb tended to him and through alchemical means was able to restore the color back to Kels and then about 5 minutes later her woke up. The water thing left him soaked. I was about that time the decision to return was made and basically if you want to here them at some point, I have a few theories on perhaps tactics we should use on that guardian or whatever you want to call it.

*She stands there and awaits Claude's reply.*
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Post by Kels »

*Kels gives a bow to Claude and leaves with Corbyn*
"Fear is only in your mind."

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Post by Ravinal »

*Seems to be looking off into the distance as he reflects back to the outting.*

"Sir! I will be brief"

*Ravinal looks to Claude and stands at attention.*

"It was very much like they said. When we approached the woman, I saw the track she laid moments after Kidwynn; I am sure it was laid to lure us to her. At first meeting with this woman she seemed to show a demeanor of malevolent action. Her questions on our intentions of what she thought we seeked seemed to make her, at first, think we were there for the same reasons the others groups were after the well; power. I did not lie to her when I said my intent on being out on the search was to see why my beloved forest was changing. Yet, I would not count her as one of our enemies at this moment. She skirted her true identity as we asked her several times, who she was. Though she was helpful in her warning of the well's dangers and of other groups who may want something from the well other than what we may seek. Although she didn't seem to respect us in any way, mayhaps she prefers royalty to commoners conversation."

"When myself and Kels went to the well, I was preparing for a ambush. And as much as I was ready to move; when Kels released the bucket toward the water in the well, I was unable to move. Kidwynn is right, the well displayed an aura of fear. I could not move. I've faced creatures much more distrubing than a 'watery hand' and I was actually afraid for the first time in years. Only Herb seemed immune to its effects. "

*Ravinal stands ready to hear more from Claude.*
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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

*Claude listens patiently as both retell their tales. His features crease and darken as they speak of this mysterious woman. Nodding slowly to himself as they speak of the "Guardian of the well" and its abilities, he looks moderately surprised as Herb's heroism is retold.*

Good, you followed orders well and learned much. We had suspected others would seek these relics but that has now been confirmed, we'll have to act soon.
As for this woman herself, try not to be put off by her demeanor or dismiss it the actions of a haughty noble. If your suspicions are correct and she is in fact older than she looks... creatures such as her hold a certain amount of fascination and disdain for us shorter lived races. Scholars in Deschaine made a conseravtive estimate that Walter the Ironfist was had plagued our land on and off for over 700 years.
If possible, I may wish a word with this Herb individual you mentioned, he interests me greatly. As for notes regarding the movement of locations pass them onto Lambic and Lord Corbyn, I understand not what is occuring but tend to believe this woman that it is not in fact related to our task at hand.

Once again, good job. Dismissed.
"The knight... is down."

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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn nods and looks at Claude.*

I would be more then happy to take you over to Herb Sir when you wish.

*Grabs her coat to see if it has dried off enough for her to put back on and unless Claude wishes to go to Herb's right away, Kidwynn leaves the building and heads towards the Inn.*
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.
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Post by Claude du Sinjin »

Not as of yet... I would first like for this information to be passed along. I need to speak to Donovan and Lord Corbyn yet on these matters, too.
"The knight... is down."

Claude the Expired
Black Knight of the True Dragon
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