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Re: Ortonville Larp this Summer

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 1:45 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
same rule set FH/WH uses?

any level bonus incentive like Sanctuary used?

Re: Ortonville Larp this Summer

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 6:57 am
by Gondowon T. Falbor
In short, yes Kaylan, to both your questions.

To further clarify things, yes, Far Haven, as I'm calling it, will use the Final Haven / Winter Haven rules. Also, anyone attending their first time (that includes everyone attending this Saturday) will start at level 1 as opposed to level 0. As for level incentives, I'll admit to not being aware of the exact incentives Sanctuary uses, but in regards to other incentives, such as buying levels with Nicholson points, those will be allowed. The exact nature of buying Nicholson points at Far Haven have not been set in stone. By next event, I hope they will be.

On that note, hi everyone. One final check-in before Saturday. I'm going to post a little bit of the story here.

Far Haven exists deep in the Wildlands, a long ways away from Haven Proper. Whether you live out here or have traveled to here from somewhere else, you've been hired by a man named Gondowon Tedra Falbor to help settle the land for him, for there is a blight wandering the woods where he is trying to build a settlement that is spreading a terrible disease and stealing the bodies of the dead. He calls the disease the Gulbactra, or "Ghoul Disease" when translated from Avyana (taking liberties with the language a little). He now asks for your help in defeating the monsters spreading this disease (the Gulbadren, or "Ghoul Walkers") and for help curing the plague on the land.

I feel like I had more to say, but I can't recall what. If you have any more questions before Saturday, post them here or PM me. Hope to see you tomorrow!

Re: Ortonville Larp this Summer

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 11:46 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
Also, anyone attending their first time will start at level 1 as opposed to level 0. As for level incentives, I'll admit to not being aware of the exact incentives Sanctuary uses, but in regards to other incentives, such as buying levels with Nicholson points, those will be allowed.
NEW PCs starting at level one instead of zero IS the level incentive I was speaking of.
The exact nature of buying Nicholson points at Far Haven have not been set in stone.
While speaking with Mike, I inquired and he stated he is fine with people using both reward points at Far Haven as well as you accepting level from any Silver or Gold membership; although he did say the insurance that comes with those memberships would not cover any Far Haven event AND that it was up to you to allow or disallow these things.

Re: Ortonville Larp this Summer

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 2:21 pm
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Wonderful! Thank you Kaylan.

Re: Ortonville Larp this Summer

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 11:14 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
I would like to pass along that in spite of an unexpected light PC turn out, Alex and his posse ran a top notch one day event. I would especially like to point out the efforts of Maddie, as she was amazing at herding the staff members into an orderly mob instead of the bag of wet cats they may have been.

My son had a great time I am told, and it was awesome to see some east side MI players I have not seen in up to 10 years on one case. Here is to hoping they are now lured back into coming to the FH and WH events!!!

Re: Ortonville Larp this Summer

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:15 am
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Thank you to everyone who helped make the first summer Larp event an awesome time, and thank you for your feedback. Our next event will be Saturday, the 18th of June, one weekend after Final Haven's event. Once again, it will be a single day event with check-in starting at 10 am, game-on starting at 12 pm, and game off at 10 pm. We'll still have the meal plan available ($1 per plate, $5 for unlimited food), and admission is $10 (free for first time players). We even have the option to rent weapons, costume pieces, make-up, and other larp accessories at check-in ($2 per item). We also can make weapons for purchase on a case-by-case basis.

As of right now, we plan on having the event in Ortonville again (PM me for the address). Spread the word to those who you'd think be interested in trying out a larp! We love new players, and we love spreading this game to others. On that note, if you or a friend plan on attending, RSVPing will greatly help me and my co-GMs prep, regardless of the size of the group we get. Hope to see you there!