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Skill Mastery and Channel

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:29 am
by Vivac
Does a Skill Mastery potion effect the Channel skill?

Will it allow me to do a 2 second 7 magic? or a 10 second 15 magic?

I've asked a few different GMs from Final and Winter Haven and gotten different answers each time.

Re: Skill Mastery and Channel

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:20 am
by Zydana
Just so we have everything accessable..
Channel – Charged Skill
Characters can summon forth the energy around them and fling it at a target, thereby causing damage. The Empath can throw a packet for "1 Magic" per second charged, up to a maximum of 15. If you have this skill twice, you can charge up to 30. If this skill is charged for greater than fifteen seconds, then the Empath may not move after charging.
Skill Mastery – Transmutation Effect
This potion lets you realize your true potential. While imbibed it reduces the time it takes to use any Charge Skill by 5 seconds (to a minimum of 2 seconds). It also lets you reduce the time it takes to use a Timed Skill by 1 Minute (to a minimum of 1 Minute). This lasts until the end of the current Combat/Scene.
So this is what I see -

Channel is a charged skill, so you reduce the time by 5 seconds (minimum 2 seconds), soo..

1 magic = 2 seconds (why would you do this? you just increased the time by 1 second)
2 magic = 2 seconds (no change whether you have skill mastery or not)
3 magic = 2 seconds (it was reduced by 1 second)
4 magic = 2 seconds (it was reduced by 2 seconds)
5 magic = 2 seconds (it was reduced by 3 seconds)
6 magic = 2 seconds (it was reduced by 4 seconds)
7 magic = 2 seconds (it was reduced by 5 seconds, which is the maximum you can reduce it)
8 magic = 3 seconds
9 magic = 4 seconds
10 magic = 5 seconds
11 magic = 6 seconds
12 magic = 7 seconds
13 magic = 8 seconds
14 magic = 9 seconds
15 magic = 10 seconds

And so on...

I would think that you are correct how you posted it. I'm curious what the other response has been and the reasoning behind it.

Skill mastery states it works on any charged skill. Channel is a charged skill. Therefore, Skill Mastery works on the Channel skill.

(disclaimer - I'm not a GM, so I don't get final say.)

Re: Skill Mastery and Channel

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:24 pm
by Ark
honestly I hate to say this, as I LOVE the way the new channel works, but this is a classic case of lack of retroactive update. this new channel is new, and thus different skills / potions / items do not take its new mechanics into account and TADA you have breaks / exploits.

obviously a skill mastery working on the new channel is an exploit, its legal and allowed by the rules as they are now, but it is not working as intended and I assume will be fixed in the off season. . .it better be fixed in the off season :P

that said, abuse it till they fix it, and constant abuse will get it fixed all the faster :D

Re: Skill Mastery and Channel

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:19 am
by Vivac
Just wanted to bump for a GM. I know that some changes are going to be made before the next season but i figured maybe somebody has been thinking about this xD

Re: Skill Mastery and Channel

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:40 pm
by Ark
I can assure you its on the list, and I recommend if you have any other comments about anything else within the game to PM Mike (link in my sig) or any of the other GM's with a list of your perceived problems / constructive criticisms / or just opinions on aspects of the game and its rules (the more the better)

I routinely PM Mike and other GM's with lists and thoughts, as well as posting breakdowns on the forums (if problems and exploits are public they get fixed faster :p) and I recommend that literally everyone do the same. it helps them figure out what people like / don't like and leads to a better game, even if people argue it helps, trust me ^_^

Re: Skill Mastery and Channel

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 7:42 am
by GM-Mike
Yeah, sorry for lack of response. As Josh stated, it is on our off season things to talk about. Stay tuned