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New Horizons

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:35 pm
by Dallid
Dallid rises from his bed in the morning to don his robes and belt on his gear. Fully equipped, he passes his hands over the softly glowing golden sheets of his bed, which then flow like liquid onto the floor to drain into the wood, itself. With no evidence of his presence remaining, he descends the stairs to the common room below where many of the towns adventurers are already enjoying their breakfasts and planning the day ahead.

He clears his throat and raises his hands to get their assembled attention.

“The time has come to say farewell.”

“At last the Dragons are freed, major victories have been won against the Red Tear, Corbyn is destroyed, and Haven stands strong, secure, in harmony, its people united. All that I had returned to the material plane to accomplish has come to pass. Passed time, I think, for me to move on.”

“The Master is still at large, and Haven will inevitably face more crises. Fortunately Haven possesses all it needs to endure. You’ve displayed much wisdom of late in your cooperation and mutual support. Work together, respect one another, remain vigilant, and nothing is beyond your grasp. ”

“May fortune shine upon you who hold my utmost confidence.”

“Until we meet again.”

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:34 pm
by Malachi
Malachi nods

"Safe journey Dallid. If you are ever in need of help, you know where to turn."

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:52 pm
by GM-Taki
*Korrigan is seated at the bar when Dallid makes his way down the stairs, a tattered ledger and a half-eaten plate of bacon occupying his attention. He doesn't see Dallid's hands raise up, nor does he recognize the polite hush that falls over the room when the other adventurers stop their conversations to listen to Haven's most seasoned hero.

Dallid's first words, then, come without warning to the barkeep-turned-King. From crouching over his plate and book he slowly sits fully upright and turns to face the room. He bears the same look of acknowledgement and acceptance he might show towards the setting of the sun or the season's first snowfall. All things, from the darkness that once consumed the land to the tenure of the brave souls who turned it back, must someday come to an end.

Korrigan rises from his seat and crosses the room to where Dallid stands. He grasps the healer on the shoulder and speaks with uncharacteristic warmth.*

"Normally I'd tell ya to stick around until this cataclysm thing is sorted out, but you know better than any of us there'll be another somesuch crisis to follow after, and another after that. No, you've more than earned the right to make your exit whenever you'd like, and if it's today, then it's today. Know that you'll be missed, that you've always got a home here, and that we all hope to see you again someday..."

*Korrigan's voice trails off, the emotion and sincerity of the moment clearly a bit much for him. He looks around the room at the assembled adventurers and cracks a smile.*

"... and that the reason for your return will be to visit and see how well we've gotten along, not because we've made such a shit pile of things you've gotta come back from the dead to set it right.... again!"

*Laughing a bit, and comfortable once again, Korrigan gives Dallid a warrior's embrace.*

"Safe travels, my friend. May you have what you need, find what you're seeking, and never know a day without joy."

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:47 pm
by Marcus
Marcus looks up when Dallid comes down the stairs and makes his announcement. The small Knight gives a friendly nod to him from his place near the kitchen, raising a mug of steaming coffee in hand in salute, and then approaches him across the inn floor.

"It's too bad you have to leave, Dallid. I'm sure I'm not the only one who will miss you, but a good man once taught me to believe that the length and breadth of a person's mission is known and decided only by themselves.

Trying to get you to stay when you feel the pull to move on would just be our wish for you to stay - not yours, and as such wouldn't be right.

*he narrows his eyes at the man in white, crossing his arms with a look of mock seriousness on his features*

Though you aren't endearing yourself by leaving and making this fellow's job that much harder keeping these louts in good health, when they throw themselves at the next crisis.

*he smiles, and extends his hand up to the man*

Where do you plan on going, now that your time here is done?"

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:38 pm
by Zeira
"Thank you for everything you have done Dallid. Without your wisdom none of the good things we have accomplished would have been possible. You are a hero amongst heroes."

Zeira let's out a soft laugh

"I guess this can almost be seen as a good sign. Dallid thinks we're competent enough to handle these issues on our own. Hope we don't let you down..."

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:53 pm
by Rothek
As the healer spoke, the beast got up and moved over to him, after dallid had finished speaking rothek nudged his shoulder with his head

" thank you for teaching Rothek many things, dallid will always be friend to not just rothek, but all howling-fang. Thank you for being rotheks friend.
great spirit watch you always. "

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:57 am
by Dallid
Dallid chuckles. “It is because of you, Marcus, that I know these ‘louts’ are in excellent hands. But for where I’m going… that’s difficult to say. Certainly no place that could be pinpointed on a map. ‘Inward’ I suppose will do.”

“This is a good thing, Zeira. A happy good-bye. A celebration of success. Tomorrow may bring more struggles, but today we can be content and glad. It is days such as this for which we strive.”

He turns to the beastman. “And thank you, Rothek, for saving my life on more than one occasion. I’m glad you have found your tribe, and they are fortunate to have a shining example such as you to show them the way.”

Then to Korrigan. “I may well return someday. Who knows what the future holds? Much toil and turmoil remains – that is unfortunately clear. The effects of the Cataclysm will be felt for a very long time yet. The struggle to survive affects all Phanterra on myriad levels, and I must take my efforts to another one now while yours remains here. But while this vessel lives, my link to the physical plane remains intact, and may serve as a method of return.”

And finally Malichi. “Phanterra has called on Haven to champion its survival before, and will likely do so again – whether through me or another herald. These are troublesome times – times that require heroes. It is perhaps a blessing and a curse that this land boasts so many.”

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:12 pm
by Abaddon
"Corbyn is gone, but the fight is no where close to over. So much darkness here. I hope none of it follows you where ever you are going." The old man says, a large black creature on his shoulder.

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:37 pm
by Marcus
*Marcus nods back at Dallid, with a smile in return.*

"I know in the time I have been back here, we have sometimes found each other on the opposing sides of several beliefs about how the world works. I am honored that anyone would think that highly of me, Dallid.

*He straightens and brings his fist to his chest, and all vestiges of his normal casual, chatty nature flee for the moment from his face. He speaks softly, but firmly.*

-May you show unwavering Valor by standing fast in the face of danger, when fears of mortality would destroy all resolve.

-Might you ever practice the codes of Chivalry, to better show courtesy to those who are fair.

-May you show Compassion as a face to those truly in need, as a light might illuminate a dark path.

-In your travels, endeavor to pursue Justice for any and all who have been wronged by foul deeds, and against all those who would use the innocent to further their own ends.

-May you be an example by giving your Service by standing in defense for those who cannot protect themselves.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:29 am
by Dallid
“Phanterra faces grave danger on many fronts, Abaddon – as you well know. Were it all resolved, I’d have no further purpose and would happily release myself completely unto Phanterra. As is, I merely focus my efforts elsewhere – though you’ll still have much to do here.”

Dallid nods at Marcus’s litany. “Valor, honor, compassion, justice, security. Cornerstones of the order our world sorely lacks. The more who stand by them, the closer we are to balance, and through that balance – strength and prosperity.”

“I would say ‘compassion’ is my favorite, though. It is through compassion that opposing viewpoints can reach understanding and harmony.” He says with a wink.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:21 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice knew this day would come. Dallid had spoke of his quest being complete, and that his work at Haven had come to a conclusion. Still, it saddened her greatly to see her friend go. In her mind, he was a champion of light, even in the darkest of times. Compromising when the situation called for it, and holding his ground when it mattered most. He'd save her life and lives of her fellow Havenites countless time.

Bowing respectfully to him, she wished him well, "May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your head, and until we meet again, may the Light of Goodness shine perpetually upon you."

With tears in her eyes, she offered a hug, then she took a step back to allow others to wish him well in their own way.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 9:07 am
by Dallid
“Fine sentiments, Alice. May the good in you light the way and provide guidance to a brighter future. I wish I could do more than offer words of encouragement. But you have friends and allies here – everyone in Haven has friends and allies here. And that is plenty of reason for hope and cheer.”

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 6:51 am
by Smitty19
*Serith nods at Dallid with a tip of his cup salutes the man in white

"It won't be the same around here without you, that's for sure."