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Bringing Back Hope

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:48 pm
by Alice Tex
Early Sunday morning, Alice rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned as the sun blazed in the Eastern sky. She hadn't slept all night. After the harrowing encounter in Corbyn's Dragon's Den, and the world now appearing as a wasteland to the people of Haven, she was determined to finish the bells before the new month. Much to her glee, she'd completed the work far more quickly than she'd ever imagined, thanks to Korrigan and the others. She smiled and thought, many hands made light work.

She grabbed a nearby wooden board, using it as leverage to push a GIANT bell onto a low-lying dolly with 6 wooden wheels. The thing was so massive, she could only move one at a time, and only with the help of the wheeled dolly. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she positioned the bell just right on the dolly, and setting the wooden board aside, she began to push the contraption (dolly and bell) towards the Inn. She'd really outdone herself with these creations. She couldn't wait to show Future-Queen Fiona and everyone.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:03 pm
by Abaddon
"You know every bell has a unique frequency that nearly impossible to duplicate." Abaddon said appearing behind the craftsman from behind. "When I made the fake dragon bell the only flaw in the forgery was the tone. I never could get that perfect."

The old man puts his gloved hands along the cold metal that had been hardened in sand.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:27 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice almost started when Abbadon appeared but she quickly calmed. She heard his words and only smiled, "I'm afraid I don't know much about music, much less things like tones and frequency. But the idea of each bell being unique in its sound is exciting. I can't wait to hear it for the first time...of course, only as a test."

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:36 pm
by Abaddon
"You may set up a schedule as well. ring the bell when the sun reaches it's senith so that if it does no ring they know there is a problem." ABaddon said. "I could also be conviced to donate the Fake Dragon Bell to the cause. It sits safe and unused now."

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:35 pm
by Marcus
Marcus comes upon the pair as they speak. He looks upon the bell, and nods with respect towards Alice.

Quite a piece of work, milady. I'm obviously not the largest or strongest man around, but I could lend you a hand getting this thing where you want it to go, if you don't mind.

He turns an eye to the old mage.

Another bell that does not have to be crafted couldn't hurt, as long as it comes with no...untoward effects.

As to the ringing, if truly needed, I would suggest a single tone to mark the noon hour, and a large amount of rings to signify danger- to eliminate any confusion.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:34 pm
by Abaddon
"The bell was crafted with magic so that it felt like The Dragon bell, other than that it is just bell." The old man said. "You have done very well with this one."

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:29 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice half bowed in thanks and appreciation to them both. "Thank you, Marcus for helping me carry it. And Abbadon, thank you. It is very generous of you to offer using the 'Dragon Bell' in our efforts. If I could say yes, I would, but seeing as Korrigan is heading this up, I would recommend asking him." In truth, she was never completely comfortable around the mysterious Valkyn'vi, but Abbadon had never been cruel to her, so she accepted him as he was.

Intrigued by the intrinsic value of his words, she said, "How does one 'make' a 'Dragon Bell'? I never knew you were there for the Days of the Dragons. That's so fascinating. Perhaps, one day, you would be so kind as to tell me about some of your adventures...what things were like then."

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:32 am
by Dallid
Dallid sees the bell procession and smiles. "That should certainly be heard far and wide - well done! The question now is - where to place it?"

The smile vanishes as he looks around. "Judging by the state of things it will be needed all too soon. Are you presenting this bell to Fiona and Korrigan now? A good time then to discuss how best to utilize it."

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:08 am
by Marcus
Marcus talks while shouldering the cart along.

Well, if we use the Dragon Bell, we'll have two to use. I say for a start, we do our best to find two of the largest villages besides here in Haven, that will also cover the largest portion of the valley we have settled. Then put these up in their town squares.

It's not the best, but will maximize what we have available until later.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:07 pm
by Zeira
"So tell me how this bell system is going to work. In detail."

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 4:13 pm
by Abaddon
"Alice the bell I have is NOT THE dragon bell but a duplicate I forged from the REAL bell in an attempt to trap Corbyn. We could not in good faith put the real bell at risk.

I was not present for the dragons I simply took care of the Dragon Bell until the dwarves relieved us of it."

The old man says giving Zeira a smirk.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:15 pm
by Marcus
Marcus looks to Ziera.

In detail?

They're alarm bells. We put 'em up in villages across the valley. If a village is in trouble, they ring the bell and we head there, or send the military.

Saves the people without our fighting skills from putting themselves in danger trying to get all the way here just to try to get our help, as well as villages from getting sacked without our knowledge just because whomever is attacking them manages to kill anyone trying to go for help.

Even the simple need for them to not get here halves our reaction time, and the people feel more safe, as well as having a hand in that safety.

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:42 pm
by Zeira
"I feel like in theory the bells are a good idea. They ring the bell, we show up and see whats going on. I just don't feel like you guys have really thought it through completely. I don't want to naysay the plan without knowing the details."

"So let's start here. There are 3 bells in three villages. In one of the villages there is an attack. What happens next?"

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:48 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice smiles and motions to the forge where another huge bell sits, "Actually, we have two bells right now, but the 'Dragon Bell' wiuld be a marvelous addition." Alice ponders Dallid's question, "That's a good question Dallid. Where do we put such massive things...perhaps make an addition to the Inn roof? Perhaps Fiona and Korrigan have plans for individual bell towers? I suppose we'll see."

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:15 pm
by Marcus
To Ziera:

Simple. If a bell is rung, we go check it out, same as if at any other time someone showed up outside the 'Traveler and asks for our help back at their village.

These can just can save the time it takes for the messenger to get here, and any time they might have to waste getting people to talk to them. There have been times that when even though we follow the messenger back with haste, we arrive too late. And I am sure there have been a few times where people couldn't get our attention in time (or at all).

And of course, we would always encourage people to come here if they truly feel the need- it would be an additional option for them, not a replacement.