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september 2012 event feedback

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:49 pm
by Ark
"Hi y'all, farmer bill here just sayin thank ye. as y'all prolly know we farmers dont last long round here. and i just wanted to be thankey'in y'all for pro longer'in the life of this farmer. . .me."

"and pee ess, i did make a statue of me'self for killin all them zmombies by the by the by. . .by"

had a great time everyone, sorry we left early but we had other things that needed doing but wanted to at least make a little bit of this event. hope everyone had as fun dealing with us as we did you :)

Zombie: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!!!!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:59 pm
by Wyrmwrath

your came to the event and didnt come say hello....!?!?!?!?!?

I am so bribing your sister to kidney punch ya....

I have mised opinions on the event, .ike others have stated. Overall the best way to describe it would be... I have never before been so frustrated and dissapointed with an event; that was so chock full of interesting, creative, intricate, and challenging plots and events; that I didnt check out due to my intention not to play again.

My "fans"can stop cheering now...i know who you are and I CAN hear you! :lol:

>well designed and woven plot tasks
>smoother check in
>awesome plot twists and back stories
>Dani and her food deserve a medal...or a spa day ....or something
>great RP on both PC and NPS side on many many occasions over the event.
>the humor of Nicks odd arrow attracting junk..... that should be investigated by scientists
>seeing fresh blood at the event (and having it not be form Phils head wound)
>THE BARD!!! give that man a dozen hero points he was great!
>Love the herb flags. I think they should not be flags and be mfore realistic in representation, and should not be so clumped together as I heard a large precentage were (so that many players can find em). I think more tweaks in this paradigm would be great.

>NPCs striding up to swing at ya full tilt from less than arms length. I dont mean full larp combat speed which is safer and gives better contact control, I mean Kali on speed and fast forward flailing without though of where they are landing blows or safety. No it wasnt mike, Bill, Jared, Brad or Karen or any of the players that switched sides to heMp out.
>lack of NPC bodies for combat encounters
>Please use the walkie takies I have been told monster camp has. It will greatly reduce the "let me find and ask Mike/Jared/Karen/Brad..." pauses when one GM is asked something they dont know. You cant be expected to remember the entire agenda, and stepping outside to radio the correct GM takes no where near the task of following another GMs trail to thier current location does.

>4th month in a row with no research or in between event results which is highly likely to have affected my PC and his decisions and actions in game over the last 4 months
>Lack of GM foresight/adaptation to having many more players on a plot that anticipated more like 6 PCs {plot execution that leads to 30 PCs in a line due to in game environmental movement restrictions forcing single file travel and room descriptions at the head of the line, no physical bounderies in said situation for playes to use as indicators of environmental movement restrictions when combat starts, and nothing designed in anticipation of, or added due to, the presence of most of the town as a result of in game descriptions that gave the impression of a daunting and deadly misson to a golem making death mages private lair. (the plot and story was awesome, made us all think it was THE big fight of the event)}
>Players chose to that ignore said in game described environmental conditions, either form boredom or poor RP
>The complete lack of NPC willingness to kill PCs that should die under the circumstances of the combat/plot. At NO point should PCs that are bleeding and at-12LP be saved by monsters that inject them with a HEALING poison that takes then to zero and leaves them poisoned, simply because they dont want to kill a PC. Its silly, destroys the immersive nature or the RP, and eliminates any fear of PC death for players headed to dangerous missions. STOP CODDLING THE PCs. PC death is part of the adventure of living the PCs life, anyone that cant handle that should NOT be RPing.[/u]

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:04 pm
by Dallid
I’ve often amazed at how much thought goes into the plots of Final Haven – and this last event was extremely impressive in this. The creativity involved in the history of the Necklace of Protection and the requirements to secure the Necklace, itself was staggering. Maggots enchanted with Reflect Magic? Gromm’s mom? Priceless! The initial presentation of the plot was also incredible. Half the necklace was paraded before us for several minutes, but the moment we realize what it is – BAMF! It gets absorbed into Brom, ultimately requiring the PCs to assault five ancient fortresses for the means to get it back. Bravo, GMs, bravo!

Along these lines, I was granted six Visions due to the lack of Seers in town. They weren’t plot hooks this time, but had gone back to being plot hits – which had proven problematic in the past. However, this time five of the hints proved significantly helpful, and five out of six is quite good! One was even researchable, giving our Sages another chance to shine. Color me impressed once more!

The conflicts and puzzles were interesting and varied, and the lead-up to an epic and decisive battle against the Red Tear next event really got the adrenaline pumping. We were kept plenty busy most of the time, with the only downtime that stood out being the inactivity (for all but the Dwarves) after Game-Break between 6:30 and 8:00. The GMs presented an inspiring sense of approaching doom alongside that of significant and steady accomplishment throughout the event. The weather also cooperated, helping to make this a fine event, indeed.

There were two significant detractors, however – minor in nature but having a marked effect on my enjoyment of the game. One was green NPCs who cared nothing for RP but strove solely to ‘win’. On our way back from the museum plot, several of us were even prompted by our frustration to break character and complain on our way back. As one PC put it, we had massive gollums fighting like ninjas. Green NPCs need specific instruction and good supervision – if they’re misrepresenting their roles they need to be corrected *immediately*. It doesn’t take long for NPCs with 15 foot gollum stats who are fighting to their best ability to slaughter the PCs. This problem was encountered repeatedly, though was more dismissible when these NPCs were playing random nightmare creatures. It was even funny when more seasoned NPCs described in detail what the PCs saw, then a newbie just says ‘you see a… shadowy thing.’ Clearly what he meant was ‘You see me, because I’m going to fight like me just like always.’

I’ll PM Mike about the other detractor.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:02 pm
by Smitty19
I am still unsure of how I feel about this last event. At times I had alot of fun, others, meh...

I do like the thought that went into the necklace plot, very well thought out, and fun to see everything come together, bummed I missed the final part of it, but after the mage tower and getting baseball swung in the head I had to sit it out cause of headaches.

I was worried that we had way too much going on in game, until I was told it was meant to be spread over the 2 events, and then I understood and was ok with it.

I think my favorite part of the event was when Gabrial, Marcus and myself tried to get to the Fishing Village Remnants and it took us 4 trips down to npc camp because we kept getting hit with plot hooks as we walked down the road.. It was to the point that we were going to just stand at the intersection and wait, cause we knew something else was coming soon!

Now for a part I never thought that Serith would be involved in...the Economy/Polictical system. I know this is for event feedback, but I have to say that this is something that needs to be tweaked a bit. I love the openess of the economy in what you can do, but I really think there needs to be a more concrete price for things such as Hiring a Regional Advisor... I mean make it like 2 gold for a standard request, and then go up from there.. I would much rather know what I have to pay, rather than just guess and throw money at it, and hope it sticks... just my thoughts...

Overall this event was weird for me, it wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't my worst either. I dunno, something just seemed off for me, and hopefully I can make the last event and have it go out on a good note.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:56 pm
by GM-Amanda
I thoroughly enjoyed the event, and for quite a few strange and disparate reasons. As usual, BULLET TIME.

The Good -

As Doug previously stated, I love love LOVE the thought and preparation that goes into the plots. The immersion of the plots is a big reason why I come to FH, and this event delivered in spades. The Museum of Death and Destruction (as I've come to call it) was a great example of a well thought out puzzle plot. It could have just had a cup, an amulet, and a random pile of assorted artifacts, but they all had history and information, and the reflective shield let me have my own bit of Cirrus' roleplay. The History of the Amulet book was great - I felt like I was reading a historical treatise - just enough information to whet your metaphorical appetite, but not quite verbose.

PC on PC roleplay was great as always, I love interacting with everyone as Cirrus, she is such a fun character to get immersed in, and you all make it so damn easy.

Saturday after game break I was sitting drinking some cider and pondering over what I had accomplished so far. I had really done nothing to quite make my mark for the moon so to speak, no achievement I was particularly proud of, no goal to work towards beyond finding and deboning the tombs. (Honestly, this was all my fault, mirroring the May event when I was not focused on any one goal either.) Then Brad came up and dropped a big ol' wallaby in my lap. Cirrus was slightly panicky and a bit unsure due to the size of said wallaby, but Amanda was pleased as punch. So much happy.

Dani, the soups were GREAT. I also neeeeed the recipe for your pumpkin infused crackwhip.

BUTTONS! We need moar button pushing!

Check-in went fairly well buuut...

The Bad -

NPC camp suddenly closing. Wha? If game is on, there should be no reason why NPC camp is abruptly unavailable. Please give some advance warning if you are going to not be servicing your players. I'd much rather see NPC camp be closed for a meeting between 8:30 and 9 instead of 9:30 and 10. I also understand that most of the staff is comprised of first shifters, but a lot of players are second and thirds, and some just don't sleep. It's fine if plots don't go in, but don't tell PCs they can't do anything right now.

I felt awful for obliterating the traps on the top level of the mage tower. I would have loved to catleap through the traps, actually avoiding them, but I wasn't going to when there were 25 PCs standing behind me who had not interacted with the plot at all beyond swatting bees. The plot was amazing, but it was not built for more than 10. I'm not sure how to rectify upsizing a puzzle plot (Split the party with an NPC running each group? Have an NPC not so subtly hint that there don't need to be this many people? Drop a urgent plot hook on the gathered PC group? Iunno) but it did bother me that IMO, I was hogging the game at that point, hence why I dropped to the side and let other rogues take care of traps and other PCs enjoy the log ride.

I don't have Reseacrh as Cirrus, so I'm offering this as quasi-secondhand feedback, but dropping it in game is identical to offering it as a plot clue. It should not fall to chance that the information you've worked on appears to you in game, if it appears at all. If the small Reseacrh hints in game with the lapel pins were meant to make up for this (Which I did find to be a cool addition, except I think the time should be longer), I don't think it quite succeeded for people not definitely getting their information that they spent a skill on between (possibly multiple!) events.

This is the second event I've gone out, scoured the camp Saturday morning, and was unable to find any herb flags. Bolt, Gondowon's friend (can't remember your name, sorry! D: ), and I walked the entire circumference of the loop, as well as the path along the lake from the ampitheater and didn't see hide or hair. If they are only getting seeded before game-on, it is unfair to late arrivals or others who are busy with other aspects of the game. I would like to see them seeded before game-on, before bed Saturday morning, and before the end of game break. Or toss some out into the woods while walking to PC camp or lurking on the path. I can't imagine I'm that blind that I couldn't spot any, and it should not have to be a mad dash directly after game-on to make it an even distribution among players.

Having the huge and ginormous main plot crowd out the smaller plots was a bad trade, IMO. Not only do you ignore all of the little aspects of the world that are going on beyond the big baddie of the moon, but there is very little to engage the players beyond these plots, leading to the town up and heaving its ponderous bulk along the trail for lack of anything better to do. This is a perpetual short staffed issue, I'm aware, but I could see some information requiring between event reseacrh or an item involving a long in-game travel time to procure. If a series of plots is meant to take two events, don't let the players squeeze it all into one at the expense of everything else.

We needed a bigger field for the Corbyn battle. I think it would have worked better on the main road leading into the parking lot up to the field with the flagpole instead of the other way. A lot of people were tripping and falling all over each other simply because we were all compressed in the dark. It *was* a fight in a hallway, and it worked better for conveying that than the descent into the library at the one-day, but I felt like it was a six year old soccer game - a sea-urchin of PCs moving up and down the path.

The Silly -

I'm going to keep spelling it that way, and I'd be ever so happy if a filter was put into place to change it appropriately.

I can't wait three weeks dammit!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:48 pm
by Wyrmwrath
This is the second event I've gone out, scoured the camp Saturday morning, and was unable to find any herb flags. Bolt, Gondowon's friend (can't remember your name, sorry! D: ), and I walked the entire circumference of the loop, as well as the path along the lake from the ampitheater and didn't see hide or hair. If they are only getting seeded before game-on, it is unfair to late arrivals or others who are busy with other aspects of the game. I would like to see them seeded before game-on, before bed Saturday morning, and before the end of game break. Or toss some out into the woods while walking to PC camp or lurking on the path. I can't imagine I'm that blind that I couldn't spot any, and it should not have to be a mad dash directly after game-on to make it an even distribution among players.
I agree it might not be a bad idea to spread out when they are placed, but that does add a small burden to an over burdened plot team. The suggestions that they just carry a few and plant them as they walk to and from plots could mitigate that.
I also have to take part of the blame for them being snatched up at the July event. I found nearly half in the early Saturday morning hours while out placing a needed call. I THINK it was a mix of early morning light and the red flag that made them easier to spot, but I did find one, then another, then started lookin ginernest for about an hour.
Just saying that July event they werent all snagged by Friday night.

I am also going to reccomend that the reward for NPCing an entire event be upped to 4 levels AND 1000 Nicholson points to try to lure more bodies. I know some may gripe, but you can gripe about attempts to get more bodies AND the lack of bodies in minster camp so ill add a pre emptive CHOSE A GRIPE to those players.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:55 pm
by GM-Mike
with the only downtime that stood out being the inactivity (for all but the Dwarves) after Game-Break between 6:30 and 8:00.
I've gotten enough variations of this privately that it seems worth clarifying here. The down time after game break had nothing to do with the dwarves. We were not running a plot for them at that time. In fact, I don't believe they were even on the premises. SHortly after we returned from dinner (we were even early for a change), I asked a PC if they were planning on doing the mage tower next and I was told that you were. We therefore prepped the mage tower...and waited...and waited...and waited. I grant that we should have checked on this earlier, but for a good while, it was not that uncommon of a wait. I finally came into game as Bron to get a sense as to what was happening, at which point it looked like everyone was organized and on their way to NPC camp to go to the mage tower. This was, possibly and coincidentally, close to the time the dwarves returned from game break, adding to that confusion.

Anyway, sorry for the miscommunication and not checking earlier.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:57 pm
by GM-Taki
I had a great time this event, and while there were a few things that bothered me, my overall impression was very positive.

I’d like to echo Doug and Amanda in complementing the depth of the story and background for the plots we saw this event. I noted to Phil at one point that I’d done a lot of reading this event, which in turn meant that someone had done a lot of writing. Thanks for taking the time to enrich our experience by providing engaging and interesting hooks for the plots you throw at us. I especially liked both the story behind the Necklace of Protection and the “Roads” plot with Emory and Badger. Even though I didn’t get a chance to see the conclusion of the story myself, reading the letters and hearing battle-hardened characters like Noble and Legion say “Aw, those spelling mistakes are adorable, we have to get these two together!” was very fun.

For the record, I may have been responsible for pushing the pace a bit with the Necklace plots. After being present for the plots that dealt with the Bracers and the Sword, Korrigan was not going to make the mistake of delaying any effort to shut down Corbyn’s shenanigans. It did seem like we had a lot on our plates this event, but no more than we’ve had in other intense events in the past. I got the feeling that many of the players were already tired when I started gathering people for the run on Corbyn’s Fortress on Saturday night, and even though I was tired as well, there was no way Korrigan was going to say “let’s put this off till tomorrow”.

I’d also like to thank the staff for running my plans to move against the Red Tear. Even though we didn’t get everyone I was looking for to the first meeting, it definitely felt like the beginning of something significant and makes me look forward to seeing how it all comes together.

Having been part of the NPC staff at WH for a few years now, I can see why you might want to close NPC camp at some point, but I agree with Amanda that it’s bad form. If we’re lucky we get started at 9:00pm on Friday and play till around 10:00am on Sunday, which means that with a three hour game break on Saturday we’ve only got about 35 hours of In-game time every event. The “closures” I heard proposed would prohibit players from interacting with the world for around 10 of those hours, and while everyone needs to sleep, that’s cutting off almost a third of the game. I’d highly recommend staggering shifts so that even if there aren’t major plots running at certain hours, the world outside of town doesn’t have to disappear completely.

Check-in was much faster and smoother this event, so kudos to the staff for streamlining that process. I liked having some of the territories coming in in-game, but I also think that trying to bring everything in-game didn’t work this event. The pace of plots and other happenings created a lot of situations where interactions either didn’t happen or were missed. The same can be said for the in-game attempts to recruit military groups – what was supposed to be a large number of informative interactions was instead one abbreviated encounter that gave me no more information than I had before hand. I’ve been working on some of these things for more than a year now, and while I’m more than willing to be patient and considerate of people’s real-life commitments, the lack of any progress is becoming frustrating. If the number of players and work involved in the economic / military system is too much for poor Jared to manage, let’s see what we can do about getting him some help.

I heard some similar grumbling from players who were waiting for their research (or reseacrh) all event and left without ever getting the benefits of their skills. Putting points into a skill that takes place OOG or is primarily non-combat/role-playing based means that the only reward that Player gets for those points is when they actually get the things their ability says they should. I know Phil (Barry the Bartender) waited for research that never came and was told this event’s Augury boon would give him something next event. That may be because of the cliff-hanger nature of this event and the short time till the next one, but the research issue is more disconcerting. If the new research flags (which I thought were neat) are an addition to the existing system, great, but I’d rather see all the existing uses of a skill covered well than have nifty new additions and several folks waiting one or more events for their core research. If, on the other hand, the new research flag system is designed to take the place of the existing research system, then communicating that to players is paramount.

So, again, while there are some improvements that would help the game, the shortfalls didn’t prevent me from having a great time at the event. Big thanks to GM Jared for all the work he’s put into the economic side and kudos to GM Mike and GM Karen for keeping us in amazing stories. Thanks to Christen, Bill and the other NPC’s for their hard work as well. I refuse to thank Brad, because even though he’s an awesome staff member, I’m still mad you guys stole him from us and made him join the dark side. :)

Bah! Who am I kidding? Thanks Brad, you’re the best daffy professor ever. I’ll see you all in three weeks.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:57 pm
by Marcus
I had a very fun time at this event, but I'll admit that there were some pretty large downsides that kept it form being more than just the good side of average.


Mostly a single thing, but an important one.

I totally echo Taki and Doug (and Amanda) on the plot-writing. I have such a hard, frustrating time putting my ideas into written form, when I can see them so vividly in my mind.....I have nothing but respect for anyone who chipped in on any of it.

There was lots to do, but not enough to become overwhelming. Just right; thumbs-up to the staff. There was plenty to keep me busy and engaged as a player, but not to the over-the-top bewildering level that was thrown at us during the Spring Event. I did enough on Friday and Early Saturday to match what I have done at entire other events.

I do think the "Plot of 5" that dominated the event could have been slowed down a bit to do two things: To literally force it's spread over two events, and to stop it from dominating the smaller side plots.

An idea: Maybe something could have been put in that the entrance to Corbyn's hideyhole plane was tied in it's opening to the moon-phase at the next event (Bloodmoon?)

We could still have done the other 4, but then the last would have made a great Friday night plot of the next event, with the crescendo happening over Saturday. The land becoming a vision of Blight over the night separating the two would have made a great transition to keep the feel going, which I think might get lost over the next few weeks. (it also raises the question of what happens to all the populace of haven valley? Is something that we apparently cannot stop going to set us back in a huge way by starving the populace between events?)

Another good thing was all the friends I got to interact positively with as our characters. It always ads a cool dynamic when parts of our characters are different from us as people. (Though I unabashedly will admit to anyone that Marcus is just C.J. with magical healing abilities and a title I'd have to be a British citizen to get, lol!).

(once again, only a couple key things, but they keep getting repeated over the events)

First: Why did every NPC we came up against this event dual-wield claw phys-reps? No matter what level of damage call (an especially bad thing that compounded), I was constantly being absolutely obliterated by NPC's with two weapons that swung as fast as I could, and almost every time it was "2" or more. It kills all my immersion (and the feel of tactics) when all I see are red and white sticks on the field because I know how the fight is going to go against me because I have a single heavy two-handed phys-rep, but 90% of the time, they will swing as much or more than me, with two weapons, faster.

It would be so fun to go up against something like a group of highwaymen, with true-to-life weapons. Maybe the leader is wielding a big two-handed weapon (or sword and shield), with some henchmen beside him with just single swords and/or spears. Then maybe an empath or archer in the back for support.

Then the PCs could use tactics buy having certain PC's have their roles against certain weapons (guys with shields to tie-up polearms, flankers, etc), rather than just crash into the NPCs and yell numbers till it's clear.

The above sentiment is also made a bit worse when some player calls never, ever seems work on NPC's that they are designed to go against. For example "Repel". I have now played this character for a year and half at two chapters, and have only had that skill work at a single event of each, though I attempt to use it quite a bit at every game, especially as I can easily heal the LPs back myself.

The same with "Banish". If you are going to have skills that can "only" work on supernatural monsters, then they need to have greater instances of effecting those to offset the fact that they are completely worthless at other key times against mundane threats. For instance the "Nightmares" that we faced on several occasions. They were completely immune to every call but normal damage. It wasn't even made clear if magic was hurting them. It rapidly became a case of which side could throw the most damage the fastest and loudest. We had a group at one time with four guys who could do Banish, and ended up simply running away bleeding because it was a simply fight of attrition against things that dual-wielded 2 and 3 and took much more than 20 damage to die.

On this same note, though: thanks for having Charm: Calm work on a lot of monsters this event, especially that affected the Wyverns on the Corbyn plot. On that plot, with the very high damage from a high number of NPC's at once, us Healers could have easily became stuck into a vicious circle of only ever using Healing/First Aid/Surgery for a hours-long plot, which is hugely boring. But that one single skill in itself made us feel extremely useful for something on a plot other than just keeping fighters alive to keep fighting, because we could be a force-modifier.

Very cool.


Another unfortunate thing is something that none other than the PCs can solve. I think this actually marks the first event in 5 years where I felt like I was openly criticized for not roleplaying a character like other players thought I "should", as if each archetype has a sub-category of emotions and quirks that everyone has to portray.

Players need to remember that if a character deviates from what they think is "appropriate" or "normal" for that archetype, rather than being dismissive or abrasive towards them, constructive interactions could very well uncover roleplaying and backstory reasons that players have made an effort to create, and that's what this game is about.

Balanced against the good, though, I still look forward to the next event!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:03 pm
by Marcus
As an addendum to my wall of text, I echo Taki on the research angle.

I was told that mine would come in "at a later time in the event", and I'm not sure it even did. The closest thing that I might link to it's appearance didn't even come to me, and the new playtest give other characters who didn't even look into what I did the option to get more than I did, in addition to anything that might have actually come in for them!.

It really takes the wind out of something that a player has thought of looking into completely on their own that might be an angle other players dismissed at the time, and then later seeing those other players given a nice big underhand pitch that lets them know they can find more out about it.

World fluff could hugely and definitely benefit from the new idea of Research (but with a longer time, like half an hour), but shouldn't overlap what players have been doing in between events. Leave that credit to them.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:01 pm
by Lemmy Litgher
Most my complaints are my own fault over the GMs, so I'll berate myself later.

We didn't get back from game break til around 8. So, unless there was a quest to the bar...

My bitches are as well research. Over a year... I understand, understaffed and everything.

Regional advisers. A year...

I am curious, since the 4 biggish plots were written to only have 10 or so PCs involved, what was the plan if we got those done with in the first several hours that we could? I bet you were just counting on the fact that getting the player base organized is like wrangling pissed off, egotistical cats.
:wink: :lol:

Roleplaying seemed spotty, maybe was just who I was around, so meh, I'll take the blame on that too. I know its hard for me to make in character small talk...

Was there much swag dropped this event? I know I saw some coin come in, and a few nifty items, but, didn't see any resources come in, in game. Maybe I just missed it...

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:46 pm
by Noon
Considering this was only my 4th event ever, not counting NPCing Winter Haven once the week prior, I enjoyed myself. Still not sure what the hell I'm doing, and still dealing with social anxiety, I found everyone extremely helpful and eager to get others involved without being to pushy. This helped me alot when I was ready to get out and do something while still allowing me to back off to be alone if I needed to.

As was noted by others I also felt the Tower plot could have been toned down a bit so people knew it wasn't as big as many thought it was, giving people time to do other things instead. Did enjoy the random dream attacks floating around afterward though. Not that I was attacked at all. I just found it funny, I'd walk by perfectly fine, and the people behind me all of a sudden find themselves in the middle of a nightmare. I like the various side plots going on for people to pick and choose from depending on which way their paths or noses lead them while combining some in there as if all roads lead to the same place.

I'm finding myself a bit overwhelmed by the spoken about Walluby mentioned earlier, but at the same time looking forward to what I might be able to do with it. If I don't get Blue killed first......

Meguech agus thank you everyone...I'm enjoying myself more each time I'm there...

May You Always Have Enough,
Noon a.k.a. Blue

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:44 pm
by Abaddon

The tower plot was an issue. That being said I really liked that plot. I got suckered by a "mage tower" and was not prepared for the mechanical awesome that was to come. Lots of people don't like Sci-fi in their fantasy but that's not me. I love the rides and the mechinations.

Brad gets better and better as a GM.

I rather enjoyed the wyvrn fight as it was hard as balls yet no one red chipped and I felt like i could contribute. (Potions for the win.) I also loved that when they were going to do something horrible they fell back and called out "one I breath in" so you could get the HELL away.

When I swapped characters I actually got to the apex of two years of planning, research and spending. I watched as my plan unfolded and chnaged the game. So I am excited to say the least.

People can't live in the kitchen. We have to share that space with every PC, so you guys can't use it as your office. I know you have stuff to sell but if it's in Dani's way, or any of the other PCs you gotta get out of there.

I'd kill a man for taco soup. The end.

Thanks to Staff for letting me play abaddon on ZERO notice. I have alot of complex stuff and I know it's a lot of work.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:41 pm
by Kayla
This was my first FH event so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I had a really great time!

First, though, I'd like to issue an apology for my PCing - as it was my first event in two years, I haven't role played in a long time. And my skills reflected that, in my opinion. So if I was out of character more than I should have been, please forgive me.

Next apology. I NPCed for most of Saturday (starting with the switches plot, for the half who was there). I believe I did more or less ok, minus, again role playing. I didn't kill anyone (except in the magic circle/lava swamp plot, where I was supposed to give a really tough fight. And I apologize for making whoever I fought use a magic item AND a hero point! If I had known your soak I would have been less aggressive!) but I felt as though several people were unhappy with me, and the posts above mostly confirm it, so I humbly say sorry and hope that you all would be alright with me NPCing again after I start role playing better.

With that said, the time I spent PCing was awesome, and I was amazed with all the different stuff going on! At SH there really wasn't ever enough people to do more than one thing at a time.

I had a great time and will try to go to the October event.

PS: thanks to (I believe, and sorry of I'm wrong) Kyle for letting me borrow that armor! I felt BA wearing it :P

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:17 pm
by Malachi
I thoroughly enjoyed this event. Maybe I'm the odd duck, but I love having too much to do. It forces me to make IC choices as to what is more important to me. I really enjoy the idea of a cliffhanger event, but probably only once a year tops.

The Red Tear plot on Friday was challenging, to the point where we almost sounded retreat. The smaller plots I dealt with were also fun, and challenging in both physical and mental aspects.

The Tomb of Gromms Mother was crazy fun. I agree with Cirrus, more buttons!

My favorite plot was Corbyns Fortress, even though I didn't actually get to the meat and potatoes of the plot. When the Wyverns rushed the tunnel, we had two people down for a long time before they could be moved, so Theon and I made the choice to Hold Ground in the tunnel. Truth be told, we thought that was the end, so we figured we'd go out in style.

I'm glad we won! :)

I only have one negative thing to say about this event:

The "Starfish" call should only be used in serious situations. Like, your insides are on the outside kind of situations. Since I started Larping, I've only ever seen one cookie shot be considered a 'starfish'-worthy hit, and that was Brett, last WH. Other than that, I've only witnessed one other Starfish, and that's when Eric Brand almost lost his eye at Port Huron. It should not be used because you're afraid that your character bit off more than they could chew and is losing a fight, and it has become an increasingly more common problem. Mike has an idea for a solution to the problem, and I agree wholeheartedly. If I recall, it goes as follows: If you utilize the Starfish call, you are required to White Sash for a minimum of one hour after recovering from said injury.

Other than that, this was one of my favorites events thus far, bravo!