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Rebuilding with Hope

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:23 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice sang softly in Elvish as she worked. Her hammer, Moon Song, rang loudly as she worked, making new materials and nails for the Rebuild. She had no idea what had caused such a horrible black entity to creep into the Keep one night and destroy the building they called home, but she hoped that spring (the essential Rebirth of Nature) would bring a Rebirth of Hope. She gave the heavy hammer another swing, the metal shard beneath it clanging under stress, bending to her capable skills. She then set her hammer and project aside. The day was hot…too hot for so early in the year, and the forge fire wasn’t helping. She could feel her pale cheeks burning from the exposure to the heat. She walked over to the barrel of water the Smiths kept nearby and dipped her sore, red hands in the cool liquid. She splashed her face with the water, instantly feeling refreshed and cooler than before. Wiping her face off with her (cleaner) sleeve, she sighed in reflection. There was so much work to do, and no way of knowing if it would make any difference at all in the long run. Still, she had to hope for the best…she had no choice.

She stared out across the land. She’d made her choice long ago to stay and make a life for herself here with her friends and loved ones. She wasn’t going to let it fall to ruin. Not while she still had breath in her lungs. She’d been gone here and there for days at a time these last few moons, but she always returned. She always came back to help the rebuild when they needed her most, then she would leave again. She never stayed away for more than a few days, however, a week at the most. She knew she couldn’t stay away. Here was where she belonged. Here was Home.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:12 pm
by Nick
"Even if our races didn't have the best history...I've always liked the music."

Another one who hadn't been able to stay in any one place for too long. Too much to do, too many places to be to help. The Fishing Village, still a mess after being raided by the undead and what-have-you. Now with the loss of the great Keep, well, temporary housing had been erected. At least he could set up a tent.

"Or maybe it's just you singing it."

Legion still had that peasant garb to him, having been unable to find a suitable set of armor that didn't chafe him somewhere or irk him with gaudy appearance. So he remained in the drab whites and tans of a shirt and pants, dark spots from dirt and whatnot splotching him here and there.

He'd come out from behind a tree, perhaps waiting for her to be done with her work rather than bug her during such. But he was swift to walk right beside her, bumping his shoulder down against hers.

"Glad to see that hammer being put to use against metal...rather than monsters. Or polar bears. Gotta watch out for those, heh."

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:26 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice was happy to see her friend. She giggled at the polar bear comment, remembering the winter that she fell through the ice running from a polar bear. She smiled at him in her own sincere way, "Glad to see you feeling better."

She nodded towards his clothes, "Are you sure you wouldn't want a suit of armor to go with that? You know I could make you something light and durable." His new manner of dress and mannerisms in general worried her ever so much, but he was still the same man overall...the same Legion she knew.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:40 pm
by Rothek
After Alice had wiped her face, she would notice a rabbit darted past her, it looked as if it was fleeing a predator which in fact it was, it quickly ran off into a thicket of deeper into the woods and was gone. Not a minute later rothek came bounding on all fours from where the rabbit had come from. His head was down on the ground sniffing the area around him then it shot up to smell the air bwhen he did he caught sight of the girl. Alice was back!! The. beast was overjoyed and relieved to the point where he had completely forgotten he was chasing anything.

The beastman turned and then stood to two feet before walking over to greet his friend.

"Hello Alice!" He said as he started to pant happily.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:12 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice waved cheerfully to her fanged friend, "Hello Rothek! Glad to see you safe!" She immediately turned her attention back to Legion, giving him a playful nudge back with her shoulder. "It's good to see everyone is still safe. I heard about Francesco's ghastly death...though I daresay he chose his own end. He died doing something he believed was the right thing to do, and for that, I wish him peace, wherever he is."

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:13 pm
by Nick
"It isn't that I don't want armor, because believe me, I do. It's finding the right suit that...well...fits me. We..Valkyn'Vi that is, express ourselves outwardly as much as we can. If not for my paint, well, I'd be just some albino humanish thing. So I want to find a suit that fits my...colors."

Putting thoughts to words was a struggle at times. He wondered why he put so much emphasis on appearance, only to be met by a dozen and a half answers. All of them right, even if a few were selfish. Still a grin set itself upon his face, perking up those reds and blacks that slashed across his white skin and gave him a healthy bit of color.

As Rothek bounded over Legion couldn't help but chuckle, even if there was an eyeroll somewhere in there. He at least managed to preserve the smile, and gave a half-hearted wave to the wolf man.

"How's it goin' Rothek?"

The nudge snapped him back into a more cheerful demeanor, but the topic was saddening. So the edges of his smile drooped at the mention of Francesco, and all he could really do was give a nod.

"For an authority figure...well...he's the only one whose name I'd toast to...Hope we can all go out the way we want to.."

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:23 am
by Rothek
Rothek trudged up to the young woman and pawed at her arm before nudging her shoulder with his head. The beast leaned on her a moment but also took care not to weigh to heavy, he was much larger than Alice after all.

" rothek happy Alice is safe. Rothek was 'fraid Alice was still in keep when the black bad come. Rothek run into keep to rescue peoples but white man say all were out when keep fall."

Rothek shook and sent all manner of refuse zinging from his fur, legion would now notice the beast was nearly covered in bits of broken twigs, brambles and he had bits of white fuzz sticking in-between his fangs and claws. Apparently chasing this rabbit had Been more of a task then rothek had originally thought.

" hello pale face legion, rothek hopes you is good. Rothek was chasing a rabbit but rabbit very fast. Rothek think it was same rabbit he chase at the thinky place.

The beast snorted and shook again sending more pieces flying.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:01 pm
by Smitty19
*Serith smirks at Legion as he is walking through the area surveying all the work being done on the new construction

"Only one you'd toast to huh?"

*Smiling at the young Valkn'vi

"I do hope that you could at least not spit while talking about me when the inevitable happens."

*Clasping Legion on the shoulder

"I hope all is going well with the youth troops under your and Nobles care?"

*Smiles as he turns and looks to Alice

"Good to see you again Alice, glad to have another skilled craftsperson helping rebuild after that.....what the hell can we even call it? A growth, a Void, I think I am just going to call it a GIANT PAIN IN THE ASS!"

*Bows a bit after his slight outburst

"I appologize, just was taking a look at the progress before I head back to Woodhaven to take care of my Duties."

*Bows and salutes all those Present

"I will take my leave, enjoy the weather, it has been....strange to say the least."

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:06 pm
by Alice Tex
At Rothek's comment she nods thoughtfully, "Yes, I am so terribly relieved to know that everyone made it out safely." She smiled sweetly as the man-like beast spoke to Legion. "Hopefully, my working wasn't what spooked the rabbit. They are such skiddish creatures."

At Serith's enterance and comments, she bows to him in kind. "I'm glad to be back here, where I belong, lending a hand where I'm needed most." At his exit, she shakes her head and jokes, "Never any time to chat when you're so busy keeping Evil Forces at bay, right Serith?"

Something Serith said makes her tilt her head in confusion. A phrase he used when speaking with Legion. Once Serith takes his leave, and Rothek goes back to sniffing out where his meal went, she turns back to the one she was speaking with before everyone appeared. "Youth Troops?" she inquires. "Are you training young ones in the village to be fighters?"

Some time ago they'd been accosted by bandits in the road, a fight that cost a villager or two their limbs. She couldn't say she wasn't relieved by the thought of Legion teaching the youth of the village to defend their own.

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 1:44 pm
by Nick
"Well Serith, if you were an authority figure I'd toast to you upon your expiration. But since you're just a royal badass I think I'll chug a keg when we lose you to drown my sadness!"

He returned the expression, right hand going to Serith's left shoulder a white smile broke on a white background. But something Serith said caused that smile to just sort of droop, and Legion looked away for a few seconds.

"They're good. Very good. I've been running them through some drills that keep popping into my head. Don't know from where. A lot of stamina training...and morals. Basically just the rights and wrongs I know of. They're a good bunch."

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:10 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice smiled at Legion's last comment, "They have a good teacher." She looked at him thoughtfully, "I was not aware that you were training the youth of the village. That's very consciencious of you. With all that's happened, it's comforting to know that they are learning to defend their homes and families from the evil in these lands."