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Looking for Dallid

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:29 pm
by Smitty19
*Serith walks into the Traveler and looks around, after not seeing Dallid he walks up to the bar...

"Hey Korrigan, you havent by chance seen Dallid around lately have you? He and I are overdue on a sit down."

*Smiles to Korrigan

"But why I wait, ill take a drink, and how are things going with the rebuild?"

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:36 pm
by GM-Taki
*Korrigan is seated on a stool behind the bar. Some pieces of parchment showing blueprints have been unrolled in front of him and many bear circular rings from the bottom of his tankard. A light coating of sawdust can be seen on his hat and shoulders. He looks up when Serith enters and pours him a drink.*

"Dallid? Nah, I haven't seen him since we got back from the Academy. He's probably around, though. I can ask Rothek to track him down if ya like."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:59 am
by Smitty19
*Serith shakes his head

"No worries, im sure he will be around soon enough, just wanted to have a chat with him on the whole Paer'an being the super hero that he told us at the Academy."

*Shakes his head as he is dissapointed in himself

"I shouldn't Judge, but its just hard for me to trust many after all that has transpired the past few cycles..."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:25 am
by Marcus
Marcus looks up from some food at one of the tables.

Hey, Serith. I'm planning on going over to Witchwood Hold in a few days to help them with the new spring and with securing some treaties with local groups that they have been working on over the winter.

If you don't find him by then, I can see if he's there and send the message on to him.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:57 am
by Dallid
The door opens and Dallid steps into the inn.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:50 am
by Smitty19
*Looks to Marcus and nods

"Thank you for the offer, I might take you up on it..."

*Serith turns towards the door

"...but that seems unecessary as the gentleman of the hour has arrived."

*Smiles and beckons towards a seat next to him for Dallid to join him.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:28 pm
by Dallid
Dallid takes the offered seat.

"What may I do for you?"

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:33 pm
by Smitty19
*Smiles at Dallid

"Well to be frank, Id like to hear the whole story of the Hero of Haven..."

"We had talked at the Academy that you were going to discuss all the, things that Paer'an has been doing to save us."

"I just want to get that conversation started."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:41 pm
by Rothek
:rotheks ears perked up when he heard his name and got up from his spot by the stairs :

"Korgan need rothek?"

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:58 pm
by Zeira
Zeira chuckles for a moment while reading his book

"Paer'An is the hero of haven? I wanna hear this story..."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:13 pm
by Dallid
“All Paer’an has done for Haven…” Dallid repeats thoughtfully. “I fear my memory is not up to the task of relaying such a list. Indeed, I believe I am not privy to the whole of it.”

“But take the day of Esmerelda’s coronation as an example. The internal affairs of Haven were numerous that day, keeping much of her populace busy. But numerous, too, were the crises facing the town – problems ranging from mighty to personal. With all that was happening, one might easily be overwhelmed. Indeed, while helping with the impending festivities, I was simultaneously compiling a list of issues facing the town and assigning each a priority level. I believed many could not be addressed that day – perhaps not for moons to come.”

“Yet Paer’an was on top of them all.”

“While the bulk of the town played games at the tournament, attended the coronation, and reveled during and after the feast, Paer’an was gathering information, hunting down foes, locating artifacts, and assisting villagers in need.”

“Afterward, while the vast majority of the town relaxed or slept off the fruits of the festivities, he and I spent much of the remaining night finishing up that which required addressing – sometimes with additional aid, but often without, for few possess the fortitude and commitment of that Valkin’VI.”

“The the remainder of the night passed at a feverish pace. Paer’an had all ready done much of the legwork on the remaining immediate concerns of Haven and had compiled any information gathered by others. This enabled us to quickly put the final touches on each issue and move on to the next. Sometimes we could get others to aid us, but often our party consisted of just him and me. By the time we were done, all immediate concerns were effectively addressed.“

“And that night was not unique. Often in the past Paer’an would come to me with critical information. Often only he and I would be willing to continue forth to do what must be done. By the time of the coronation, I had all ready grown to trust and rely upon Paer’an to attend to the Greater Good, though he surpassed even my expectations on that particular night.”

“On the close of the feast, I stepped out of the Keep intending on seeing to some of the town’s more pressing concerns – only to meet Paer’an passing through the gate seeking assistance on one of the lesser issues. I offered my assistance, but only after my current concern had been addressed. He told me that it was.”

“After a quick description on how he has solved it, I thanked him, but told him a second issue still held priority over his current one. He replied that it, too, had been dealt it.”

“This went on for awhile – the exact number of issues I don’t recall – until we came down to the one he needed help with. I, of course, pledged my immediate support then. Unfortunately few, if any, others were willing to set out at that time – though all were asked – as their bellies were full. So we set off with what we had.”

“But Paer’an prefers to work alone, and does so whenever possible. He has worked with me, when necessary, and he has worked with others, when they are necessary. I have personally witnessed him help – even save – Haven on more occasions then I can recall, but hold little doubt that there are numerous other occasions that I have not witnessed.”

“It is by those actions that I believe Haven owes Paer’an much.”

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:06 pm
by Zeira
Zeira looked over as Dallid finished his speech

"I would say something to contradict that. However me speaking on the misdeeds of Paer'An is much like the pot calling the kettle black so I'll let men with better reputations put their opinion forward."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:14 pm
by Marcus
"Well, I'm not one of the kin, only a 'lesser mortal' (he says a bit sarcastically, after all the contact he's had with Valken'vi lately), but I have heard none of this of him as a newcomer to town. Only that this man seems to revel in being considered a "dark horse", and at least once has caused the entire town grief at the loss of some of their abilities due to a selfish wish that stripped them from people and gave them to him.

He is also wanted publicly on charges of murder in Witchwood Hold, to the point that they say they had sent representatives here to arrest him.

They say he also at least once sat in the window of the bar there and laughed uproariously at the follies of an unskilled group trying to defend themselves from murderous attackers, rather than going out to help them. All the while touting his own greatness as a warrior.

They even think he came back soon after and in disguise pretended to be another Valken'Vi that caused a lot of trouble.

That doesn't do much for a person's reputation. Whether true or false, I wasn't around to experience any of it. But so far, he is the only person here that I've been told of that enjoys such a bad reputation in two separate places.

And I would doubt that everyone save for the two of you have been refusing to help people in need. People are selfish, sure, but not 'most' of a group of people. In my own experience, many people who are labeled "unwilling to help" have just spent the whole time immediately previous to that labeling looking for that very same small group or lone person that goes off on their own with none, or at least a very small and non-detailed, mention of their plans.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:43 pm
by Smitty19
*nods at everything Dallid says

"That is great he has done so much for Haven, only question is, what exactly has he done and to whom...I would like details, because sorry to say, he has shown less than....amenable actions to some, and out right threats to others in town...."

" I am just trying to get a better picture on what he has done, I am all for second chances for those who are redeemable, but I don't want to make any kind of judgement without knowing more than he did some stuff, and it was good."

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:55 pm
by Malachi
Malachi listens intently, nodding at various points of Dallid's tale

"Now I can't say much about him, seeings how I've just recently returned, but I remember a few things about him from when he first appeared. I remember him being involved with the slaughter at the Argus farm, as well as being one of two people involved with that that were never punished for it. And most recently, I remember him stealing bits of essence from several people throughout Haven just a few cycles ago."

He waits, letting those thoughts sink in for a moment

"Another thing to consider: how much good did Corbyn do before he decided to murder everyone? I mean, Paer'An is his self-proclaimed servant."