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Calling all Magistrates

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 11:24 am
by Dallid
Once again, Dallid travels the lands of Haven spreading word that the Magistrates, plus Fiona, are requested to meet at the keep to discuss the confidence meeting. At the appointed time, he arrives back at the keep and enters the common room.

"Magistrates, please introduce yourselves and provide your opinion of the confidence meet."

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:10 pm
by Francesco DeLemuerte
Francesco waits for the others to arrive. He was not an appointed magistrate but definitely wanted to be present for the discussion. As he takes a seat nearby the old man nods respectfully to Dallid and those present.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:45 am
by Ark
(OOG) matt and christy know this is here, but do not deal with this stuff on the forums, they deal with event matters at events. they will both be at the next FH event, at wich time things can be taken care of in character.

thank you :wink:

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:15 am
by Brey
Brey walks into the keep. Pulling a few nails and a piece paper from his sleeve, he begins nailing it up using the pommel of his sword as a hammer. Satisfied with his work he steps back, and speaks aloud.

“Dallid, and Francesco you may want to take a look at this letter. I just received it from Ark, and I must admit that I am more than just a little disappointed."

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:16 am
by Brey
(A letter written in Arks hand writing)

the queen is still the queen, she is away and has left two in her stead to lead the town, there is still law, and three magistrates to oversee that law, as well as a champion to protect them, and many to defend them.

sunny, serith, and gabriel.
are going to be pardoned for there actions, as they did what was done with full authority from the queen, the law has spoken.

know this very well. if you threaten the lives of anyone in haven, or seek to usurp its leadership, know that you do so without the backing of the people, and without the backing of the law.
you will be seen as criminals, traitors to haven and its people, and brought to justice.

I am champion of haven, protector of its people, and bodyguard of the magistrates. i tell this to you as a warning, to stop whatever your planning, and that over a dozen people want you and cristo dead, including some of the magistrates. despite this of all people Sunny has said that you need not be killed, and will leave things alone.

through my influence i have made it known that you and cristo will be left alone. HOWEVER, if anything happens to serith, gabriel, or sunny, any of the magistrates, and fiona or korrigan, and there is any hint you had anything to do with it. . .use your imagination.

any questions, concerns, comments?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:17 am
by Brey
After reading the letter so all present could hear, Brey begins speaking to those who have gathered for the meeting.

“What I do not think most people understand yet is the fact that Sunny, Serith, and Gabriel received permission to kill one person that night, not three. No one knows the real reason why there was permission given to murder Abaddon, or if there was even any evidence to back up those reasons. What the people wish to know is whether or not it was in fact a just punishment and necessary for the safety of our people, whom he is one of. As of right now the reason given was “Abaddon was doing something to those girls that was VILE, and we acted upon it” as Serith has stated. The truth of the matter is Sunny, Serith, and Gabriel murdered Kami, and Mary. The same “girls” they are currently using as a scapegoat for why the assassination needed to take place.”

“The reason why this trial has to be taken seriously is because everyone needs to know what happens when you murder someone here. Do you get pardoned of your crimes, or is it something that gets dealt with, and punishment given that matches the severity of the crime committed? I believe we need to nip this in the bud before it becomes acceptable to murder and steal without fear of consequence. The person who leads us must lead by example, and allowing murder, and theft will only lead Final haven to its destruction.”

“The Queen knew about Kami, and Marys deaths, and did nothing about it. Now our current leadership has decided to follow suit. This is why we believe a new leader is needed. We do not intend to kill anyone, or take anything by force. In fact we are fighting for the exact opposite. We would like people to feel safe within these lands without fear of being murdered, and we wish not to have a neglectful leader forced upon us.”

“In this statement Ark says that some of the Magistrates want us dead. I do not think I want people who throw out death threats so casually to pass judgment on a trial that concerns murder. Magistrates must have a keen eye for what is just, and fair. I do not believe the other two Magistrates were chosen for having that quality. I believe they were chosen because they are friends with our Queen, and will act as a stacked deck for her while she is away. Fiona was chosen to be our leader for similar reasons, because she is Esmerelda's friend. She was not chosen for her ability to be a great leader, or even chosen at all by the people whose lives will depend on her ruling correctly. If what I have seen so far is just the beginning of what life will be like in Final Haven under her leadership, I believe we have just cause to question whether or not she is fit to lead our people.”

“I am of the opinion that she is not fit to lead. I am of the opinion that the two Magistrates who should be here at this meeting are neglecting their duties, and instead spend their time threatening death to citizens of Final Haven. I believe we have three murderers walking these lands who will be pardoned of their crimes if our leadership does nothing about it, and my belief is she will not.”

“Dallid, Francesco you both know as well as I that what is happening here is unjust, and goes against everything Final Haven stands for. We need to stand up for what is right, and do what needs to be done for the safety of Final Haven, and its people. The facts are Sunny, Serith, and Gabriel killed two people that night without permission, a women and child. They also robbed Abaddon without permission, and attempted to murder Abaddon with permission they should not have been granted. From their own mouths all three have openly admitted these facts in public. We need to put an end to this now before it becomes commonplace for these acts to go unpunished.”

“Never have Cristo, or I wished death upon any citizen of Haven, and never have we committed murder in these lands. So why is it Magistrates wish death upon me? Why is it that three murderers are allowed to go free? It is because our leader is unfit to lead us to a better Final Haven, and would rather side with murderers than do what is right.”

“The two Magistrates who wish death upon my Brother, and I should not be allowed to pass judgment at the trial. They have shown us that they are neglectful of their duties to the people of Final Haven by not attending this meeting, and will not even listen to all sides at the trial before passing their judgment. We need magistrates who will listen to all sides, and give an informed, and just judgment. Not just decide murders are justified without evidence or reason, and be done with it.”

“We are all fools sometimes, but those who represent our people must limit how often they allow themselves to act as such. Belief that our Leader, and all of Final Havens representatives do what is right with the power we give them is key to the people feeling safe and secure in this Kingdom. We need to take steps towards what Final Haven needs to be. A place where the people can live in peace. A place where people from all over can come to feel safe, and secure. A place where it is not acceptable to murder one another. We can make this happen if we all work together.”

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:15 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
Francesco reads the letter

"Sounds like one fool speaking to another. Ark is not a magistrate nor does his word hold any bearing here. He does not speak for the magistrates. When the other two magistrates arive they will determine if Fionna is to be leader."

"And if the people wanted otherwise they would be here. You are not their representative. Neither is Ark. No one here is. Their voices are being overpowered by idodic rants and letters with death threats."

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:37 am
by Brey
Brey turns to Francesco

"Am I not a citizen of Final Haven? I am speaking on behalf of myself, as well as fellow citizens who share my opinions. I do not in any way suggest that everyone feels this way, but as the situation stands now, if someone did want their voice heard, sticking their neck out onto to the chopping block may seem far more dangerous than beneficial. If they hold their personal safety above that of all of Final Havens, they will stay quiet, and wait this one out for fear that they might be silenced forever if they speak up. As you can see from this letter I have received, if you try to make your opinion known, people will attempt to silence you with death threats, and if you keep talking they will murder you. Using two thirds of the Magistrates who can apparently pardon or put you to death on a whim. As of right now there is no law. Only Magistrates. Something I am not comfortable with. Especially if most of them would like to see me dead for expressing my opinions. I suggest we make some changes so citizens can feel free to express themselves if they would like their voices heard."

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:07 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
"What 'fellow citizens' are you refering too? Are you talking about your adventurer friends? That is 12 people at most...out of over a thousand people who reside in these lands."

"The 30 or so people here are of little concern to the man who is struggling to feed his wife and child. His biggest concern is if the fall harvest is going to get his family through the winter. Not who stabbed who in adventurer town."

"All you are doing is ranting and speaking of abstract laws you would like to see put into effect. But you have no plan for improvement that people can actually follow, you have no one to support your stance other than a few adventurers and you are being persistantly disruptive."

"Go let the people in the farms and mines know your opinion. If they are unhappy with the methods being implimented here they are more than free to speak their minds. They do so quite often...It just isn't about law or judgement. They are more concerned with the taste of the brew and why their wives won't let them buy a new tool from the blacksmith."[/i]

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:43 am
by Garritt
Garritt is entering the keep after returning from Witchwood hold. He reads the letter, and then looks to the men nearby.

"Alright, this shit is enough. All that's being accomplished here is to make all the citizens of Haven worried about what's looming on the horizon. I'll say it right now, dammit. I don't agree with this declaration. I'll protect anyone who can't do it themselves, but I'll never threaten anyone with death. If anyone wants to put us in danger, now that's a different story.

He looks at Brey.

Yeah, you're a citizen. So are the rest of us twenty or thirty 'heroes'. You know who else is? Several hundred other people who work all day to support our campaigns in return for our protection. And all the rumor mongering and bitching up here affects them, too.

And you know what they think? They're scared as all hell. Because as the people in the surrounding villages here have told Fionna, the last time this sort of thing happened, when all the so called 'heroes' were in opposition to each other, was the Night of the Burning Skulls. And that was one single night that people around here have spent more than two fucking years reversing.

So, Fionna's not fit to lead, eh? Everyone has been happy enough to get what they needed to live from her these past few months, haven't they?

You hate Esmerelda and how she led? You were just fine doing missions for her back in the winter when she tasked you with finding more mystical crystals for the town's needs.

And I never got my question answered back in the keep, amongst all the yelling. Why are Cristo and you so much more able to lead? You are always yelling about things, but I never hear a good damned reason why you are a good choice. Just how everyone's a worse one than you. You claim that you have all this support, but just as many people like Fionna.

Yeah, it was bad that the two girls got killed. You know what? Blame Abaddon.

First he made an enemy of people, people who lived through the Noght of the Burning Skulls and don't want to see another Corbyn come up from amongst the ranks and kill us. Hell, he's already consorted with a demon AND killed several people. Murders just like the ones you put on Serith Gabe and Sunny.

Second, he happily took in a child who had been tainted to the heart by a man who you claim was a Necromancer. And yet noone had a problem with that. She happily made claims - while under Abaddon's tutelage- that she was practicing dark magic. Noone had a problem with that. She was eight years old, and fought in battles alongside us. Noone had a problem with that.

Also, Kami herself never seemed dangerous. But yet every time she made a move to talk to someone, Abaddon ran, RAN! over to shut her up. How can that be anything but suspicious, coming from a man who makes it clear he "walks in the darkness".

Those two might not have been guilty of a thing, but Abaddon is guilty of making it seem otherwise. He picked on people and made enemies, and then surrounded himself with innocent women and children. Why does noone seem moved by that!?!

Gabe and Serith's jobs were removing evil people before they could make their move. I would have done the same thing that night, even if the two girls would have tuned out to be horrible collateral damage because of it. You either take those risks, or you cry after somebody actually makes a move and kills a lot of people and you count up all the ways you could have stopped it before anything happened.

Like I've said before Brey. I've walked into battle alongside you and Cristo and Theon. And I've stood my ground against what seemed like certain death with you as well.

But you're a damn hothead. It's just how it is. It's not something I would ever wish harm upon someone because of, but you need to know that's how you're looking.

And I'll say this. Because of that, you really need to rethink how publicly and how vehemently you speak of people. Because circumstances can make those words do a helluva lot more harm that good amongst those who overhear them. Casting doubts at other people like this doesn't make those people look bad. To the townspeople of Haven, it makes us all look bad. And if they withdraw their support of us, we're all well and truly fucked.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:03 pm
by Brey
Brey continues speaking to Francesco

"My Brother Cristo is out traveling across Final Haven letting the people know how he feels about the current situation. He has been describing his ideas for various programs that will be of great benefit to the people of Final Haven with or without us around to help get the programs started. So in the event we turn up missing due to a lack of law on murder, they may continue to move forward as people with a plan on how to improve their quality of life. He has been asking them what they believe should be done as well, and has been for weeks. We are not idiots, and understand that all of Final Haven does not dwell within the walls of this keep. And what exactly is it I am disrupting? You, and Dallid waiting in a room? I came to speak to you, and Dallid because my life was threatened for speaking up, and I brought it to your attention, because I see the two of you as goodly, honest, and level headed individuals. I have expressed my opinions on what I feel as a citizen, should be done to improve my life, and that of the people around me. I suggest we make a law that says people cannot murder each other. Is that to much to ask? What do you have against people not killing each other Francesco? I'm sure most everyone in this Kingdom would be happy to know there is something preventing others from killing them, and getting away with it. Even the farmer still fears death as much as any of us in "Adventure Town". As for those who share my opinions, there are many more than twelve, but I will not say specific names, because they might turn up missing in the night if i do, and until there is a law that prevents murder I doubt anyone besides myself would look into it."

After Garret speaks Brey turns to him and replies with a smile

"There are many reasons why I believe Cristo would make a good leader. In my opinion one of the more important things he would do would be to make laws that address murder, and theft. So if you murder someone you will be executed, and if you get caught stealing you will have a hand removed, all of your belongings will be forfeited to Final Haven, and you will work in the fields under supervision for a full year. If that doesn't keep people from murdering, and stealing in Final Haven than I don't know what will. You must take a hard stand on the worst crimes so they are less likely to occur. There are many things we can do to make Final Haven a much safer place to live in, and there is much we can do for the people who live here if we invest into Final Haven itself with coin, effort, and the will and drive to make this a better place by working together with the mutual goal of putting Final Haven before ourselves. By raising the quality of life of our people we will be strengthening Final Haven as a whole as well. We need to start by admitting we have a lot of work ahead of us in order to make those changes. I implore anyone who has ideas on how to make Final Haven a better place to let their opinion, and ideas be heard. If you believe you can do a better job than our current leader, and wish not to have to cut your own neck in order to get ideas out, and things done that will benefit Final Haven, then please run for leader. I believe many citizens would make great leaders for Final haven, but unfortunately Fiona does not fall into that category, and nothing she has done since she was given her title has changed that opinion. If I saw her taking a stand on issues, and doing what was best for Final Haven my opinion of her might change. As of right now I believe Cristo would be the best choice. He has the drive and holds Final Haven and its citizens above all else, and would do everything in his power to make it a better place for everyone except murderers, and thieves."

Brey chuckled at the las part, and winked at Francesco

"Feel free to seek him out if you want specifics. He has many programs you might be interested in helping out with. If you believe we should be doing everything we can for our fellow citizens then your help will be greatly appreciated by all. I believe you can find him in the fishing village today."

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:44 pm
by Francesco DeLemuerte
"Well maybe you should go help him with that instead of giving speachs inside of the keep. It would serve your cause better."

"I don't disagree with all of your ideas...I just don't like your methods. Slandering Fionna is shameful and to be honest she has had this whole thing dropped in her lap with little warning and fewer details. Give her sometime to assess the situation and make a educated decision. Then make your judgement about her leadership capabilities."

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:31 pm
by Brey
Brey cocks an eyebrow at Francesco as he speaks

"It is not considered slander if it is the truth Francesco. I have many issues with Fiona being our leader. I will share with you the two that are the most important. I will then give you an example of the same situation but with different individuals. Then you tell me how you would feel if you were in my position."

"Number one, Fiona was not elected leader, she was given her position without the people having any say in the matter. This position cannot just be given to someone as if it were a hand-me-down piece of clothing. Our lives depend too much on the person whom we grant leadership powers to for us to stand by as it is passed on without the permission of the people. Not until I brought up the fact that there should be a vote, did a confidence vote begin to take place."

"Second being the fact that she believes the attack on Abaddon as well as the deaths of Kami and Mary need to be forgotten, and let go. She believes the Queen's word is law, and if the queen said it must be done than it must. We need a leader, not a follower, and no doubt Fionna believes that same authority can be wielded in her current position of Regent. No one in Final Haven should have that kind of power over the rest of us. The power to simply say someone deserves death, and have them killed without question is a gross misuse of power. It is a classic case of being drunk on power, and I will not stand by and watch it happen while it rips Final Haven to pieces."

"I asked for the confidence vote, and the trial for the murders. I shouldn't have to call out for justice every time something unjust happens. Our leader should be handling this. That is why I believe Fionna to be unfit. She is not doing her job. We are doing it for her, and it is getting harder and harder the more people see that our leader does not care."

"Let me paint you a picture that may enlighten you on why I feel the way I do. Maybe if the characters change, you may feel differently."

"Dallid is King. He sends my brother's and I to kill you Francesco. Then in the process of attempting to kill you, we kill an eight year old Fiona, as well as Esmerelda. Dallid does nothing about the murders, and then he leaves. When he leaves, he hands the position of Regent to Abaddon without the people's consent or a word to anybody. Abaddon also does nothing about the murders and says King Dallid's word is law. If these events occured, would you not be screaming for justice at the top of your lungs?"

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:24 pm
by Abaddon
"While I don't think we have had a chance to see Fionna as leader to test her mettle, we do need Haven to pick their own leader.

No matter how many of those Ezites want it, Esmerelda was nothiing more than a diplomatic tittle. Her word was NOT law. It was in name only. I was there with Korrigan and Dallid on the night she was elected. ELECTED not granted, not divine right. We chose her to be in charge and gave her the TITTLE of Queen so that other nations would deal.

Now, we have to CHOOSE again. We may yet choose Fiona, or Francesco, or Dallid or Cristo. But all of us, especially the small folk need to choose so we feel like we have a voice.

I have no issues with Fionna if she is chosen in this way, or any of the others at this point. Cristo makes some fine points in private and certainly could make a decent figurehead.

But we need to let the Dream of Esmerelda go. Yes under her rule it was easier to abdictate a to her because seemed fair. We trusted her. If we elect someone now, we must trust them.

As for the trial against those who harmed me, I have no interested in punishing those who harmed me. But I have yet to hear any evidence that the Queen ordered them to kill the girls, and bribe/threaten the others. Should the trial reveal that IS the case, well Haven must choose justice, I will not pursue it on my own.

Yes, I have done things. I spent resources that would melt the minds of most of you saying the town. Who turned back the spells between the battle of haven? ME. Who blocked the healers? Me. Who stood against the champion of the red tear and reverse their spell? Me, and none of you would have been able to do it. Who defeated the huge invincible undead abaomination before it could be used in battle? Me. I defeated in seconds what Haven could not defeat as a WHOLE.

I stole the eleven magic items from their hands. I fed the Caldonian's when they were hungry. I paid for the resistance in haven. I am not a hero, I only do what other can not, or will not do for themselves.

While I am concerned about the magistrates, I am more concerned that Fionna and others make a true bid for leadership." Abaddon says, standing in the corner.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:51 pm
by Francesco DeLemuerte
"No Brey. I would not be screaming like a child for justice. I would be waiting for the magistrates decision on the matter because I swore myself to this kingdom and the queen. The queen is the voice of the people, as such if she says Fionna is to act as regent than the people have said it as well. Until they say otherwise she is in charge."

"I hear a lot of talk of how Fionna is incompetent and unfit. The same could be said of Cristo if people were so inclined. We all have weaknesses but it is what we do to overcome such things and learn from them which will determine a persons worth."

"So far I will say this. Cristo has done little to convince me that he is ready to guide the people of this land into prosperity but brings up good points as to things that need to be done for the future. Fionna seems to lack the confidence she will need to succeed as a representative but a recommendation from the queen, which whether you like it or not, holds great bearing and has been helping managing the territories here for years. Both of them have shinning records when it comes to bravery and deeds done on the behalf of the folks here."

"What will they do to show us that they can overcome their weaknesses? Do they have the ability to bring that same bravery they show against the enemies of Haven against their own personal flaws? What do you do when your greatest enemy lies within you?"

"I for one look forward to see what will happen."