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Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:24 pm
by Wyrmwrath
It seems its time, again since I havent been active in a tad over 2 years and there is a new gaggle of players that have little experience discussion with and bantering with be on the forum and over rules in particular, to re post this.

In only two instacnes since I started hitting the forums about a year ago, have I posted anything that was meant to offend. Both were in responce to the person in question attempting to be condesending or being obviously derisive. The latter, when discussed with that player, ended up with a very amicable conversation.
I will state that in life or here, I will not tolerate such and my responce will be anything but tacit.

In a general debate/conversation I am generally blunt, to the point, passionate and sugar coat nothing. I expect the same from those I am debating/discussing/arguing/bantering with. I am a big boy and dont take personally whats not intended to be so. If I think something is meant to be personal, I just ask.
So if anyone has fealt that my posts were mean spirited or mean or meant to bully, they were not and I apologise. If I were that kind of fella I would NOT be working on plans to drive an extra 6 hours to pick up someone from the flint area that doesnt have a ride to WH.

If you have issues, leave the GMs alone and direct your questions to me, I will not bit your head off for sending me a PM and discussing it like adults. Unles you have a tasty head of courcse...

Also if your going to respond, please do so in a PM so as to not splatter this on the forums should it become a heated conversation

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:14 pm
by GM_Chris
I wanted to add some support here, Brian is not being mean so please don't take his passion as a personal attack.

Here are some things which might help.
1) If Brian is passionate on something he probably will not change his mind. For example, if you told him the sky was blue and he really believed it to be green even showing him its Blue would be a hard sell.

2) If you are arguing with Brian and you feel he keeps going and going and going and you are getting frustrated that he just never seems to get your point of view then simply stop debating--see above.

3) Always remember you don't have to convince Brian of anything. You have to convince Gm's if you want something changed so if you made your point (see above) then you can let it go.

4) As above I too can get annoying to argue with. I care a great deal about all of you, even Brain. Just because I dont agree with you doesnt mean I think your stupid or anything either, but I will ask alot of questions like the supreme court does because frankly I dont want to change any rules.

I have successfully changed this post to all about me

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:10 am
by Wyrmwrath
I wanted to add some support here, Brian is not being mean so please don't take his passion as a personal attack.

Much appreciated Chris...

Here are some things which might help.
1) If Brian is passionate on something he probably will not change his mind. For example, if you told him the sky was blue and he really believed it to be green even showing him its Blue would be a hard sell.
Blue?...BLUE?! are ya daft is so obviously green...peasents...
2) If you are arguing with Brian and you feel he keeps going and going and going and you are getting frustrated that he just never seems to get your point of view then simply stop debating--see above.

3) Always remember you don't have to convince Brian of anything. You have to convince Gm's if you want something changed so if you made your point (see above) then you can let it go.

4) As above I too can get annoying to argue with. I care a great deal about all of you, even Brain. Just because I dont agree with you doesnt mean I think your stupid or anything either, but I will ask alot of questions like the supreme court does because frankly I dont want to change any rules.

I am NOT annoyang to argue with... I am frustrating to argue with...HUGE difference!

I have successfully changed this post to all about me
ya post stealing bastage...

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:31 am
by Grimm
Brian... are you not playing nice with the boys and girls? *wink* You're a bastard, and you know it. But, I have never known you to attack anyone who didn't first go for your throat. I'm sure you have a soul under all that bark somewhere. *wink*

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:47 am
by Wyrmwrath
what is this soul thing you speak of? It sounds interesting...

what do they eat?

can they be attack trained?

do they come in different colors and textures?

I have so many questions, I would like to start collecting them in jars I think....

...wait...its not the goop that gushes out when you crush somones hopes and feelings under your boot is it? thats stuff is SOOO hard to scrape off!

Ya know a friend once said I reminded him of a wookie...after my death glare he said it wasnt because of the smell or how big n hairy I am, it was because they are just big, log even when just talking, hard to understand, intimidating and imposing, and generally just big teddy bears...unless your poking them with a stick or bullying someone. Then they just slap ya so hard as to spin your head off or tear of your arms and beat you silly with your own fists.

I guess its time to make myself a bowcaster...

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:08 pm
by GM-Mike
I too would like to add support here. Neither my brother nor Brian are mean people. They are both nice people. Ironically, people seem to think I am nice where in reality I am a total ass.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:13 pm
by Wyrmwrath
For all thats holy! :shocked!: ...who let Mike out of his cage and restraints?!?!? :bad-words: My God there are women and children nearby! :eating: Oh the carnage...the carnage.... :2gunfire: :onfire: :evilbat: :new-alien: :microwave: