Rules confusion

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Rules confusion

Post by Wyrmwrath »

While NPCing last event I encountered a few new skills, one of which was being used/explained incorrectly by what I read in the rule book after the event.

It was the CALM skill. From the rule book:
The healer has the ability to calm the savage beast within. Healers may spend a life point and
swing "charm--calm." When hit, the target may not swing for more than one damage until they
rest for ten uninterrupted seconds. You must have the soothe skill in order to use calm.
It was being blended with the following effect from the rule book:
The empath may spend a LP to throw Charm-passify. When hit with a passify you cannot attack
the person who charmed you unless you spend an uninterrupted 10 seconds to break out of the
effect. You are allowed to attack anyone else while passified however. If you are attacked by the
person who charmed you the passify is broken.quote]

THe NPCs unfamiliar wit hthe call were told that damage cap was 1 AND you could not attack the person that initated the call.

Just an FYI unless they have been combined and that isnt in either rule book.
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Post by Zeira »

You are correct. There has been no change. The confusion lies in the similar wording of the calls which causes people to confuse their effects.
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