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After the Big Snow

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:27 pm
by Esmerelda
The courtyard of the castle lay piled in drifts of snow, with just a few narrow paths leading to the towers and gate cut throught them.

In the main room of the keep, surrounded by several sheaves of paper, the Queen sighed and pushed her research away from her. Too long spent piecing together the fragments of knowledge that survived the cataclsym made her head hurt. It was more than time to take a break. With a final frown at a formula she had yet to crack, she carefully marked her place and stood up and stretched. It was time to have some fun.

Glancing around the common room, so looked to see who was present to join in her plans...

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:33 pm
by Rothek
as the queen looked into the common room, she was met with the sight of a large beast man laying near the fireplace, the fire had burned down and was now just glowing embers and every once and in a while the room was filled by a loud snore.

the beast stretched out its hind legs and shifted, it let out a sort of half growl half sigh after shifting to a more comfortable position.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:08 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice kept checking the hour as she waited in the Keep common room. She still wasn't used to being behind those heavy walls, but she knew now that she could be in there without fearing for her life, and she now had a very good reason for sticking around...

She sat quite unassumingly, fidgeting excitedly as she quietly sewed in the far corner.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:44 pm
by Nick
~: A cantankerous clatter arose from a stairwell! Oh what a sound, of metal and leather and person as it fell, stair after stair, second after second! And then the cause of such, several semi-complete suits of armor and a small arsenal of various weapons tumbling down! And amongst all of that a figure clad in black, stark ivory face in brutal contrast to the colors coming down with him. :~

~: It was a few more seconds before everything came crashing to a halt, Legion landing on his back with one leg propped up on a breastplate, one arm pinned under an oversized maul. He blinked, shook his head, looked around. Saw he'd come crashing down just beside the main room of the keep! And Alice was there! And the Queen was there!! So he did the best thing he could possibly do! :~

~: Lickity-split he bolted up to his feet, tossing aside a few bits of battered leather and various metalworks. He threw a dopey grin on his face that made him look all the more foolish, and of course picked 4 words to try and play off the fact he and an armory had just come down the stairs with reckless abandon. :~

"Meant to do that."

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:20 am
by Esmerelda
As the clamor came down the stairwell, Esmerelda spun around in alarm. Seeing a prone body, she quickly ran over with a small cry of alarm. As Legion announced he"meant to do that," a stern look came over her face.

"How dare you interrupt the laidies," she said sternly. Giving Alice a conspiratorial wink, the queen turned back to the interrupter. "I'm sorry, but you're going to have to pay a forfeit now. So, how shall we amuse ourselves? You're going to have to think up a game for us," she pronounced with a smile...

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:21 pm
by Rhul
At the din coming from the bottom of the stairs, Rhul looked up sharply from the book he was reading.

After seeing that all was "well", he raised an amused eyebrow.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:18 pm
by Rothek
:rothek rolled over on to his back and let out a slightly irritated grunt as he slowly raised to his hind legs and shook his entire body starting from his head all the way down to his feet and tail. rothek yawned revealing two large fangs and then blinked a few times before he realized there were other people in the room,

upon this realization he looked around at them all and cautiously sank back to all fours. he scanned all around the room looking for someone he recognized, the white man? the forest folk? even the cub and her elf would be a welcome sight at this time!

rothek just slowly crawled backwards into a corner and watched to see what was happening.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:53 pm
by Zydana
Val, the elven woman, stood at a window that was typically sunny through out the day. Her back was toward the common room so that most could only notice her long dark hair and the back of her green velveteen dress. Beside her lay a white cloth that from time to time she would add a few herbs, leaves and cuttings she was taking from of one of her plants that had been brought inside for the winter.

At the sounds of the painted man falling down the stairs, she jumps and turns in reaction to being startled by the disruption of the peaceful quiet surroundings from just moments before. When it's clear that there is no cause for alarm, she lets out a sigh one would make if muddy footprints had just been discovered on a freshly mopped floor. She then turns back to the window and with knife in hand, goes back to her work.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 10:50 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice jumped in surprise as the figure crashed down the stairs in a fury of metal and leather armor and weapons. "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed as she stood up, her sewing dropping out of her lap and onto the floor.

When the unfortunate individual emerged from the heap of catastrophe at the bottom of the stairs, Alice immediately recognized the face of Legion.
He might have said he "meant to do that", but she certainly wasn't convinced! She looked to the Queen and Rhul, who brushed it off quite easily and seemed quite sure he was alright. Alice was sure a warrior like him was sturdy enough to brush it off like that...but still...that fall haaad to hurt!

"Are you alright?" she asked softly, moving closer to the heap of random chaos.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:10 am
by Gil-Galad
*Gil strolls in from the cold, a smile upon his face. The clinking of glass vials accompanies his steps.*

"Legion! Just the man I was looking for! I wanted to thank you for recommending that wonderous cake from that place in the fishing village. It sank to my gut like a rock, but it was delicious!"

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:02 am
by Dallid
Dallid sat meditating across from the base of the stairs. As the clatter begins and Legion ends up in a heap a few feet away, he opens one eye, then both.

"If you need help moving all that arms and armor, you need but ask for assistance."

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:24 pm
by Rothek
:upon hearing dallid's, the beast relaxed and crawled slowly forward back into view of everyone after a few steps he stopped and sat down on the floor and sniffed around as he looked at all that were gathered.

he recognized and remembered Gil, he was the cub's elf, so he blinked and chuffed at him as to acknowledge his presence.

his eyes came across esmerelda as he cocked his head to one side and blinked a few times as he became very interested in the shiny ring she wore on her head.

rothek's head quickly shot over towards the stairs as something fell down them and came into view, it was a black ball of something, he carefully watched as from underneath all of the arms and armor emerged, yet another pale face! rothek snorted as he watched legion wriggle out from underneath all of the armaments. there certainly were a lot of pale faces here, they were almost as prevalent as rabbit beast men he thought to himself.

rothek's ears shot to a point as the smell of elf came to his nose, at first he thought it to be Gil, but wait... it wasn't coming from him, it was close. almost next to him? he turned his head sniffing and snorting as the creatures head turned and his yellow eyes fell upon...the young blacksmith, Alice Tex.

this greatly confused the beast, he shifted himself so his entire body was facing her and stared at her with a quizzical look on his face he opened his mouth and spoke in his low and graveled bestial voice.

"you not elf?? why you smell like elf??" :he said looking at Alice and then looking to dallid:

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:02 am
by Rhul
Rhul finally smiled, and set his book down to go over and help with the painted man's piles of steel.

Hmm......despite your determination, I think that when I am not needing it, I may endeavor to keep my personal armor safely ensconced in the basement for the time being. It seems to gather enough dents as it is, without adding wayward stairs and walls to the mix.

Although, why, pray tell, are you bothering with all... this? Piles of armor, weapons and accouterments don't make me think "Legion" on a normal day. (he indicates the pile)

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:23 am
by Serena
Following Gil in from the cold was a ball of fur and snow that could only be Cariel. Since coming to the keep, the wolf-girl had grown less frightened of people and took great joy in tumbling about in the snowy courtyard. Shaking bits of snow from her ears and tail, she hugged her master about the waist before scrambling closer to the fire. She greeted those she knew, Dallid, Alice and Legion, with a bright smile, looking at the pile of metal-coated-Legion with confusion. Noting he did not seem to be hurt, she greeted Rhul and Rothek with a shyer wave before making her way to sit at the Queen's feet, tail wagging in happy greeting.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:20 am
by Nick
"Interupt the..but I..and the...A what!? A forfeit?! What do you want me to forfeit, my pride? I already did that during the landing! Wait what? A game?"

~: A quizzical look overcame his face as he eyed the Queen, wondering just what kind of punishment this was. He looked about the room, to the gathered faces. What could he possibly come up with? He had to by time, so he stammered, stuttered...and was saved by so many people all speaking with him! :~

~: He turned to Alice, immediately breaking out into a smile that split his painted face. He leaned in, deliberately away from the Queen and whispered something to her, perhaps praying the leader of Haven would be hard to hear it. Then he pulled back, and threw a pained note into his voice. :~

"I dunno...I think I might have hurt my arm...and my back...and my everything..."

~: Then came Gil-Galad, with words of prays for Legion's choice of sweets. Sweets...sweets...sweets?...sweets. Sweets. :~

"Great to hear you liked the cake, Gil-Galad. I must say it weighed me down as well. Mmm...sweets..."

~: Next was Dallid, and Legion gave to him a sort of wave with what may or may not be his "good arm" after the tumble. :~

"I'll keep that in mind..hehe.."

~: And Rhul the Mighty, who would be met with a sort of sly grin from the Valkyn'Vi. :~

" be entirely honest none of it is 100% mine. Its just things I've collected, most of which is either too cumbersome or overbearing for me to use. So I was gonna toss all of it into some sort of communal armory for everyone. Does that sound more like me? Probably not...probably sounds even less...hrmmm...I think I'm starting to get the hang of being a good guy.."

~: And lastly the wolf-girl, who was greeted with the same pained wave he had given Dallid. On top of that Legion produced a piece of beef jerky from one of his pockets, and gave it a toss to Cariel once she had settled down beside the Queen. :~