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Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:27 pm
by GM_Chris
LOL not a prob babe


I dont have wisdom.. I have small moments of calm between spastic fits of weirdness.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:35 pm
by Faerykin
Eh - toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:18 pm
by Bob-Z (kabre)
just read that "utter" comment, HAHAHAAHAHA *squirt* :D

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:25 am
by Wyrmwrath
Chris, you misquoted me pal...
if they are a good RPer and their PC would stay behind, then like myself they really have 3 choices
IF a players set up his Pc to care about orders given by a superior ranked house member, cares the what impact ignoring the kind requests of other PCs to stay behind in this case so as to avoid conflict or increase the difficulty the other PCs will have in the new town they are trying to aid, or was created to be generally willing to go with the flow and do what’s best for town...then for the players to suddenly go against that just because they "wanna attend" is bad role playing. That’s not to say that a plausible reason cannot be found by a good role player, just that if a PC was created with a personality that would make the PC chose to do what was asked or ordered, then a good role player would make that choice.

Personally, from what I/Jux have seen of Nook, I can see her saying "kiss my black rump, I'm going!"; I can also see her deciding she doesn’t care enough about the residents of Frostfell to risk herself for such racially biased presents. Neither would surprise me and I would consider both good RP choices. I honestly don’t know the other PCs well enough to make similar evaluations, but I was in no way implying anyone should make their Pc chose anything other than what a real person with the personality and views identical to the PC would chose to do. That is what makes good RPing, would someone who really felt and believed as "this" PC do that/not do that.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:00 pm
by Tonia Glowski
Okay, I've been gone for two weeks and am just getting a chance to catch up with this, so please allow me to say this:

Just roleplay your character. If you wanna go and your character would go, then go. But I can't believe people are going to be upset if EVERY single plot wasn't designed to be ideal for them and their character concept. This weekend is designed to be VERY roleplaying intensive. There are certain factors which have been set up to complement this.
Now what would be bad Role-playing is if we as GM's played our NPC's in such a way that instantly slaughtered undesierable races infront of said rescuers.
You're absolutely right, Chris.

For more on the Frostfell weekend, see my other post.