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An Unwelcome Surprise

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:59 pm
by Esmerelda
It was a low key night at the keep. For once there wasn't a sudden crisis that needed to be dealt with immediately- no monsters attacking, no visions of the end of the world. Supper had been a merry affair, with much joking and a calm sense of comraderie enveloping all who were present.

The dishes were all washed and put away. The morning's bread had been set out to rise overnight. A friendly match of chess involved several of the keep's residents. Fionna and Val were working in the alchemy lab. Everything seemed right for once. Deciding to go for a quiet perch on one of the towers, Esmerelda headed back to her room to grab her shawl for some protection against the brisk evening air. As she opened the door to her room, the latern light glinted off something white upon the floor.

Another letter. So many of them lately! Wondering whom this one was from, she smiling picked it up. Her smile soon faded as she began to read, and her in her horror she let out a small cry of fear and anger...

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:44 am
by Dallid
Dallid appeared in the doorway, a dagger held ready in the event of close-quarters fighting. Despite the drawn weapon, his voice was calm.

"Is there a problem?"

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:42 pm
by Nick
~: Puruising the hallways of the keep the alabaster body bristled at the sound of a scream. The obsidic jaw worked as an ivory smile lit behind black bladed teeth. Legion was off at once on a full sprint towards the source, more than likely a bit further than Dallid had been. Sooner or later he'd get there. :~

~: Wait...was that scream from the left...or the right? Always go with right... :~

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:24 am
by Esmerelda
White faced, she turns to Dallid.

"How dare he!" she stammers in rage and fear.

She hands him the piece of paper.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:18 pm
by Nick
~: Left...right...right...left....CRASH! Legion had just rounded a corner, hauling his white marble posterior and those black poofy ninja-like pants at top speed when he flew right by Esmerelda's door. Kicking up on his heels to try and slow himself while simultaneously twisting at the waist to try and change his course of direction had him perfect the most epic slide down the remainder of the hallway and into the wall located there. :~

~: With a grumble and much brushing and bruising of the pride he would stand, muttering something about walls being in the way, and Esmerelda's door not having enough bells and whistles. He would have to no...don't think like that...don't think like him. A snarl erupted from behind his deathly visage as he arrived behind Dallid, intent on discovering the source of the commotion in his fowled mood. :~

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 10:47 pm
by Ark
Ark slowly walks around the corner with his scarf in his hand, flicking it at the floor. apearently he had been taking a drink when the scream had broken the silence of the keep, as well as his grip he had on his cup.

he stands curious and tries to peek over Legion and Dallid at the letter, but to no avail, so he decided best to just cross his arms and lean against the wall waiting until someone explained the situation.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:18 am
by Dallid
Dallid watches Legion’s overzealous efforts with amusement and sheaths his dagger as the Valkin’VI regains his footing and approaches the door.

“Your speed and commitment are admirable – impressive response. A little more control may be in order, however. Rest assured there is no immediate danger.”

He turns his attention to the letter and his eyebrows raise immediately, followed shortly by a slight smile tugging at the edges of his mouth.

“So, Abbadon lives. Not very surprising, I suppose. And he wants to settle in Haven – expected, given recent events possibly tied to Mistralla. While his motives are selfish, his claims that he can be an asset to Haven are not unfounded. He requests a pardon and promises loyalty.”

“Yet there are issues to resolve. Let us define them. What, exactly, has Abbadon done that requires absolution?”

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:33 pm
by Nick
"Very dangerous over short distances..or something like that..if memory serves me he burned down the House of Chance and took lives in the process..."

~: Legion looked to Ark, giving the taller man a nod as he folded his arms over his tattooed chest. Despite the news he seems eerily calm, the jaws of his mask closed to conceal his lips. His eyes have that intent stare, an unblinking gaze going from the letter to Dallid, to Esmerelda, and back to the letter. :~

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:27 pm
by Esmerelda
Esmerelda nods to Ark and Legion.

"Thank you for your quick responses. I aplogize, I was not in any mortal peril. Merely shock and disgust that one such as he would attempt contact again." Her voice drips anger and contempt.

Taking a deep breath, she turns to Dallid. "Issues?" Her attempt to keep her voice from raising is only halfway sucessful. "That's a more than polite way of putting things. He's wanted for the murders of Charlesk, Edward Valcona, and Gabrial. Only those are only the ones we're certain of! Who knows how many other people's essences he has stolen to create magical items of power! That doesn't even take into account the black markets he was involved in to the detriment of Far Reach. And destroying the House of Chance and everything in it that beloinged to townspeople..."

He whole body tenses up as she speaks, and anger flashes in her eyes...

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:36 pm
by Ark
Still leaning against the wall staring at the one accross from him Ark pipes up.

"Did the letter say anything about anyone besides himself?"

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:21 am
by Dallid
Dallid hands the letter to Ark (PM). “He speaks only of himself – in his own way.”

“This subject, as with any matter of justice, is best faced objectively. Did anyone witness him committing these acts? If he did commit them – what were his motivations?”

“Abaddon’s world is one of suspicion and scheming – true. Such a person can be a great asset, or a terrific burden, depending on his role in society. My own impression of him is one who to which lies and subterfuge come easily, but who also reveres loyalty above nearly all else. If he’s willing to give you his, accepting him into Haven is an option worth consideration.”

“He has made poor choices in the past, to be sure. He had forged a bond with an extra-planar entity for short term gain that had far-reaching consequences. I suspect it played a significant role in the destruction of the House of Chance.”

“And we must also keep in mind the relevance of the time. Far Reach essentially consisted of two hostile camps – both sides actively working against the other. Abaddon’s loyalty was to Ingram, and he performed as such. That time is ended. Abaddon might be viewed as a former enemy soldier willing to reconcile and integrate – much in the same way as many of the Elves we work with today.”

“But if he has crimes that must be answered, first they must be listed. So, from a standpoint of justice and law, what exactly do we accuse of Abaddon?”

“So far with have the murder of Charlesk, Edward, and Gabrial. The Destruction of the House of Chance. Black market Activity – activity that must be clarified. What further details may be added?”

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:28 am
by Haku
As he walks up to the Keep in silent reflection of his recent talk with Zeira and the happenings on the other side of the portal, he takes a moment to breathe in the crisp autumn air. It's late in the night, but what better time to take care of business?

"That's odd, the lights are usually burning low at this hour..."

He hangs his travel-stained cloak by the door, and after a quick stop in the kitchens for a snack, makes his way through the castle to report to the Queen. When he rounds the corner, he overhears Dallid.

"Details may be added to what?"

He takes a bite out of the apple, gives a nod to Dallid, Ark and Legion and a slight bow of his head to the Queen.

"Apologies for being away, but when you have a free moment there are a few things I need your advice with, my Queen."

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 4:40 pm
by Ark
Ark reads over the note carefully and considers it for a while before handing it back to Dallid.

"the conclusion i come to out of this, and of the short time i was in the house of chance. is that he may have been following orders of the one he swore his loyalty too."

he nods at Dallid

"i think his view of Abaddon being an enemy soldier is a very good one, he may of just been doing what he was ordered, if he is willing to swear loyalty to you....."

his voice trails off in question.

"perhaps he would allow the truth to be learned from him? i know we have many here in town who can get it from him with our without his cooperation. in any case he has set his sights on Haven, and if he wants to come here i doubt he will stay away if Ez says no."

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:21 am
by Haku
"So, that traitorous wretch has finally made contact... I had a feeling it would only be a matter of time."

The words are whispered, barely audible to the ones around him but no one could mistake the venom dripping from every syllable. He turns his full attention to the other Painted One, ignoring everything and every one else.

"Will you honour your oath, the pact that was made outside the still smouldering rubble of the House I was sworn to defend? Will you aid me in bringing the light of justice to him, so that he can no longer hide behind half-truths and false promises?"

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:53 am
by Nick
~: Legion pivoted on his heels, facing Paer'An' and seemingly blotting out the rest of the world. For all intents and purposes the entirety of existence didn't exist, save himself and the other Valkin'Vi present outside the room. :~

"Seek the truth. Behold the truth. Reveal the truth. That is the law and the whole of the law. I will honour my oath."