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September Event

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:35 pm
by Smitty19
Well as it seems that I am the first to write feedback ill give you my impressions of the weekend....

Overall It wasnt one of my favorite events, but it had nothing to do with the gm/npcs or players. I do think that 90% of my dissatisfaction came from the weather, even though it was quite soothing to fall asleep to the sound of the rain, being stuck in it for the entire event was a drag!

The plots that i was involved in were fine, I loved getting mad at a group of teens larping at a larp, that was entertaining for me, to hear Karen tell me off about being closed minded, and cynical of their wanting to get away from it all, the telling her she pretty much had it spot on was great!

I was kinda bummed that I didnt go out the plot that I had found, only because it seemed to be second fiddle to the events that happened friday night, and Serith certainly is BAFFLED at the dissapearance of Gabrial!

The feast/dance as always was simply PHENOMANAL! The amount of effort our awesome ladies put into the events are simply astounding, and I want to give a big thanks to Melissa, Danielle, Shea, Paula, Angie, and anyone else that helped, and I didnt mention by name! You made a Fat man very happy....with food and dessert!

Saturday was ok, I loved that we tried to figure out what exactly was wrong with the footrace of the Caledonian Games mostly cause there was no lethality in it.....think about it.....every other game had some aspect that violence could ensue!

My Character felt that he was only a specator, which in every right he should be, cause I bring no physical merit to the games, and enjoyed watching the pit fights and the Drinking contest! Which btw, I totally kicked that drinking games ass! At least my drunken ass believed so!

Saturday nights story telling.....from what I could hear while being off in a was AWESOME! The story/ballad of Haven that Karen wrote was simple amazing! Melissa read it to me later in game, but made me smile at the mention of some huge parts that made me feel all warm and fuzzy while being equally sad at the same time!

Overall the event was fun, mostly for the character development i was able to bring in, but the weather was a big downer as well...cause i just dont want to get sick!

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:15 pm
by Ark
i agree that the weather wasn't the best but i still had fun, the party seemed to go over great, but ArK isn't that fond of partys so he stayed upstairs for the most part

fun moments

the games, i got to particicpate in them one way or another and they were awsome, dan great job on geting the boar, i thought that was going to take forever and surprised how easily you got it, orien "my arrow is malfunctioning i require a new one", mike coplaining in character at the pit fight that the combatants were not fighting to the death, and Waynes story teller for wearing those pants.

bad....actually the only thing was the weather, had a great time, look foward to the next

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:33 pm
by Aurora
I think I'm conscious enough to do this...

I absolutely despised the weather. I believe we are all so water logged it isn't even funny.

I had an absolute blast this event even though is was super rainy.

Friday night was a little slow in terms of "doing stuff" but I personally was busy. After I finally got into game it was pretty exciting.

Ingram pretty much took care of one of the reasons Aurora came back from where she was pretty quickly. He found the bell and got it back. Going with sylas and the Gendarman to take the bell to the dwarves....the hike was long and the dwarves reaction was priceless.

When I got back to the House of Chance and the "crew" arrived is when things got interesting for Aurora. Here were these ga'vin looking for Fin so Aurora was explaining everything. Fin's brother being alive...priceless considering all his family was suppose to be dead It was some great character stuff. I was SHOCKED not really any pc who isn't aware of a few thing asked Aurora about her markings when she was about, but hey I was still having fun.

Saturday...OMG Dallid you are a rock star. Granted Aurora felt like she'd never get her armor on for he kept getting her to take care of Red Tear symbols but I so loved it. After I got my armor on the ga'vin got to see Aurora fight and that was just a blast. I love having a core group that runs around together getting stuff done. I unfortunately missed out on the games being a vigilant little witch-hunter, but honestly it didn't matter to me for the fun factor was there.

The fight with the skeletons and all was just a blast. Ingram, Aurora, all the ga'vin....I loved it. Matt fearing me in just the right direction to go holy shit and doing first aid and all was fantastic. Also taking in the "Gothrie" was fun as well.

The feast was what it was. It was a great feast ladies. Aurora didn't stay long because well there was IC reasons, but it was awsome what you guys did and how the food was served.

The ball itself....

1. Lana helping Aurora get ready for the thing was some fun roleplaying. Doing the I have no idea how to get into all this "girllie" stuff was great. I personally loved the late arrival down the stairs for Aurora for it fit the character. She had just gotten back from taking care of Red Tear so it was just fantastic.

LOVED the brief time Aurora played spoons.

The werewolf attack...FANTASTIC. As well as the roleplaying prior to the attack. Granted getting screamed at is NEVER the best thing, but the fight blew off a ton of steam for my character. I think I had one of the biggest grins on my faces after the first werewolf attack.

Again fantastic roleplaying and I LOVED Karen's story.

Ingram getting all angry after the shadow thing was priceless....

Great event guys and now I gotta wait until my November fix....ack.


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:40 pm
by Smitty19
OHHH and i almost forgot.....

BYE WAYNE!!!!! Have a blast in playing Curling way out in NZ!!!!

Have a safe trip and come back to us, but I would totally understand if you stayed away after such a trip! (c:

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:32 pm
by Aurora
Yes WayneO...good luck in NZ you will be very much missed.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:17 pm
by Pugo Redfang
Agreed... Wayne you take care and we hope to see you when come visit us all again.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:10 pm
by Esmerelda
Well after a hellacious 5 hour drive home (94 was closed at the Illinois/ Indiana border due to flooding) I'm here and thought I'd put in my two coppers worth...
Despite all the rain, I absolutely LOVED this event. Granted I spent a good third of it cooking but that was part of my fun. Friday night kicked off with a bang for Es considering within the first half an hour she had at least 4 people wanting to talk to her at once. Of course drama soon ensued with her two young wards (what would an event be without that? :lol: ) which lasted throughout the weekend. Returning the bell to the dwarves was very completing. To be able to fulfill a task that her brother had started meant a lot to Esmerelda. And then it was off to the LARP where it was fun to relive some old memories. (And SoCo Eli played an awesome dragon!)
Waking up to MORE rain on Saturday, not so fun. (Why can't we ever have an event where I can keep my hair curly for the whole thing? Mike we need to pay you more to fix the weather. :D ) I was glad for the excuse of making breakfast to not have to go out in the rain though. My NPC stint in the afternoon was fun but Wayne-O I will surely miss you much- no one plays Guthrie Poker like you do. (And I LET you win, seeing as you were leaving and all)
Saturday from game break on was surely my favorite part of the event by far. This year Esmerelda finally got the party she's been trying to throw for the past three years to what appeared to be a great success. The feast was fun, hopefully no one was bored too terribly much by the speech before the eats. The party was even better. Lots of chocolate, friends and fun. Seeing Aeric's ghost broke her heart and made it whole again all at once. Her amazing conversation with Ingram in the rain gave her a new perspective on things. And after a year of waiting, she finally got her dance with Atrum. (Thanks Erik for being such a good dance partner!) The story telling contest was amazing at least for the ones that I heard. Wren's poem meant the world to Esmerelda. Sitting with Shea on the picnic table listening and reliving it all at once was one of my favorite moments of the weekend. I loved the ball gown with sword look for the werewolf attacks. Guess I'll have to get a swordbelt made to match the dress. Esmerelda was a little sad she didn't get to use it.

A WONDEFUL event overall. Big, big, big THANK YOU to the ladies that assisted in the kitchen- Fiona, Shea and Malahim (Damn it LLeana I can never remember how to spell your character's name) And to the clean up crew of Atrum, Calhoun and Mohdri. I couldn't run the meal plan without all of your help. Another big thanks to everyone up at the keep who set up for the party there. It's hard to run a party at two locations at once, and couldn't have been done without your help.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:08 am
by Fionna
Yes, the weather stunk but there's nothing anyone could have done. Despite that I had a great time. All of the role playing was awesome. Even though I was not really involved in any plots I got to do a lot of great role playing.

I had a great time helping Esmerelda get ready for the feast and setting up for the party. The party was awesome. The storytelling was amazing. The poem about Haven made it feel like I was there. (It was nice hearing another perspective of what happened b/c all I (oog) knew was what CJ told me.)

Welcome to all of the newbies that came this weekend. I hope you all had a good time. (not that I am much less of a newbie.)

One little personal beef: To all who stayed at the House of Chance. I don't mind helping clean up, but having to clean up a kitchen I didn't even use was a little disappointing. When CJ and I finally got back to the fort and were done fighting with very heavy, dirty gates, I assumed the inside of the fort would be clean and ready. Unfortunately, when we got inside we had to mop the floor and clean up the kitchen. Please help clean before you leave so one or two people are not stuck doing everything. I understand that some of you like to take off right away, but pull the trash or wipe down the kitchen or something. PRETTY, PRETTY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Thank you for listening to my little mommy rant.)

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:07 am
by cole45
Had a great event.

Melissa, nice job with all the party stuff. The food was great, the party was great. Nice job everyone who helped make food and stuff, it was amazing.

Friday was rough for me. I didn't really sleep and was busy the entire time. Gambling, talking, fighting and chatting all ate into the evening.

Saturday was busy. from trekking into the woods to chase Red Tear circles, to hunting down gorilla hippos, it was a busy day. I had to beg off a red tear plot to get the House ready for the party.

The alric plot was great, and Wren as a story teller was AMAZING. I want to see her more often.

the werewolf fight was cool, and seeing them use their abilites(jumping) was really cool. The werewolf "peace" was funny too.

anyway, thanks for the great weekend.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:33 am
by celegar
well, i enjoyed myself at the event, because i enjoy larping.

that being said there were a few things Trusk liked and a few he didnt, but then again c'est le vi.

the good:(in and out of character)
-trusk standing guard at the door outside in the rain, made me feel quite tough when everyone else was staying inside, besides taki of course who was out there with me.
-generally being able to act like, what seemed to me, as the only town guard, besides the people in town, but they dont count because they are doing other stuff whereas i was doing naught but guarding.
-going berzerker on zera in the pit fights(hope i didnt hurt you to bad
:wink: )

the bad:
-big gaps in stuff happening. although im all for buildup, i get kind of bored when theres something that people say is going to happen, but it takes like a half hour of "being prepared" for it to happen.
-not enough wandering monsters. i want to crush things, thats whats fun about being a town guard. :lol:

the ugly:(aka stuff that couldnt be helped)
-puddles, having to walk on the sides of the roads in order to avoid them, didnt much care for having to do that.
-silly infighting between the tavern and house of chance, btw, Trusk(the prehistoric barbarian), even as simple as he is, thinks all the people who take part in these little fights are stupids. and especially when trusk talked about using the fort as the fall back for the tavern and people responding with saying that they didnt want that since it was tried before and didnt work, comon, seriously, are you so petty to want to stab each other that badly that you dont want to USE THE FORT FOR DEFENCE! serisously.

my comments:
-was fun, wasnt my funnest event, but enjoyable(excluding weather, which was not bad at all)
-enjoyed talking to korrigan (not corbyn) outside the tavern while we guarded it.
-overall, i give this event a 5 out of 10.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:57 am
by Zydana
celegar wrote:-enjoyed talking to corbyn outside the tavern while we guarded it.


Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:58 am
by Atrum Draconus
I think you'd feel different if your character got betrayed and died inside of the same OOG gates. I know Atrum was ready to cut down a new person in town for not opening the gate and saying people weren't allowed to leave.

As far as the event, the part that I was there for was really good. I can't believe that most of the rest of the people in the battle royale let the known rogue stand there on the sides of the battle and take potshots at peoples backs.

It was good to hear the stories that were told and Atrum was happy that Es finally got the party she'd wanted. There was no way that it was going to go uninterrupted, but it still went well.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:19 am
by celegar
Zydana wrote:
celegar wrote:-enjoyed talking to corbyn outside the tavern while we guarded it.

o wait, that right, corbyns the guy that betrayed everyone to the elves, i meant Korrigan. but seriously, whats the big deal with hating corbyn so crazily, seems to trusk that the inn hates the house of chance just as much based on how many things they accuse them of doing.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:22 am
by Dallid
It’s hard for me to write feedback about this event. All my disappointments and frustrations are all in-game, and, from that standpoint, this was an excellent event. I’m left with driving goals and a sense there is much to do.

But while Dallid is thinking “Far Reach has a long way to go”, Doug can’t help but feel “This is hopeless”. The potential for improvement or advancement as a town is positively awesome, and that’s exciting, but that’s because the current situation is so incredibly bad, and that’s depressing.

Indeed, this is the first Haven event where my character could not, in good conscience, give his support to anybody. This is made even more painful by the fact that withheld support reduces the town’s potential and effectiveness – and so is Dallid sabotaging his own goals.

I felt very accomplished and important for having scouted out all those Red Tear rituals set up to bring harm to Far Reach. But I was the one to find them all because few other PCs did any patrolling at all. The lack of defensive action on the PCs part following the devastating Red Tear rituals of previous events was very disappointing. That those of the House of Chance were willing and able to swiftly deploy and destroy those rituals was encouraging, however. Being able to finally find and destroy some Red Tear operatives was a real sense of accomplishment. Not taking any prisoners was a profound disappointment.

The werewolf episode was another mixed bag. That most PCs chose to fight with the vampires against the werewolves in the initial conflict was too disturbing for words. That the werewolves were open to a second chance at brokering peace between them and Far Reach was too amazing for words. That there are many PCs who will not give the peace process a chance is a crushing blow. Between them, the vampires, and the inevitable werewolf elements that will oppose peace, I can’t help but feel the effort is doomed. Still, facing tough odds can be exhilarating.

So lots of strong feelings all over the scale – all generated by in-game happenings. So in the end, have to give major kudos to GMs, NPCs, and players alike.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:22 am
by Zydana
That my dear, would be a discussion for a different thread.

BTW - I'll get around to feedback eventually. I promise.