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FeedBack from Players Desired- New Advanced Rules discussion

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:10 am
by GM-Phil
Advancement -

20 Life Point

30 Hero Point (re-poppable currently)

40 Life Point/Advanced Character discilpines, paths option

50 Perk

60 Hero point (re-poppable curently)

70 Basic Speciality (or perk)

80 Life Point

100 Perk

120 Hero Point (re-poppable currently)

140 Advanced Speciality (or perk)

160 perk

180 Hero Point (re-poppable currently)

200 Life Point

220 Master Speciality (or perk)

240 Hero Point (repoppable currently)

260 Life Point

300 Hero Point (repoppable currently)

Perks (general abilities anyone could receive)

+1 LP (max 2 times)

+2 Combat reflexes (max 2 times) Under Discussion

+1 Read/Write Language

"Scavenger" - Choose 1 primary and 1 secondary resource OR 1 Mystic resource at the beginning of each event that you managed to scavenge during your downtime.

"Mule" - may carry 3 additional resources on your person.(Max 1)

"Diverse Training" - May purchase a Lvl 1 Discipline from a different lifestyle.

"Squirmy" - reduce the time to escape from Normal bonds by 1/2.(Max 1)

"Hardy" - Always reduce a resurrection chip draw by 1 chip before any other additions or subtractions (min of 1 chip).(Max 1)

- Pick one basic item that for your character requires no upkeep.. if that item is destroyed, choose another basic item.(Max 2)

- While carrying another character, you may move at any speed.

"Packhorse" -You may now carry 2 people at one time rather than only one.

"Helping Hand"- Can reduce the time of any skill of another person with a charge/completion time greater than one minute by 1/4, as long as contact is maintained. Time can be reduced to one half if both players have the skill being used. This skill has no effect upon the helping hand’s own skills (ie cannot be used on self) and cannot be used on spells or the brew time of potions (Though it can be used to reduce the mixing and ingredient time). Note: any skills that reduce time are factored after this skill and minimum time rules still apply.

Specialties (Path or Discpline specific add ons- must have original skill to but Improved one)

Empath -
Improved Upkeep Magic Items (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill can now create up to 4 Magic components per game without the need of a Mystic Component, they have learned to use their raw natural magic to do it.. they can still break down mystic as normal as well.
Idea 1 - Improved Transference (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill can now bring a character's Life point total to the characters max + Racial LP bonus + Lifestyle LP bonus. (Example a 4th lvl Savage Orc master Warrior could have a Lp total of 15 with an Empaths help) this does not change their max though.
Idea 2 - Improved Transference (Basic) -Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill has learned how to heal badly wounded comrades. The Empath may now transfer life into those with Lp totals no worse than -12.
- Improved Fear (Advanced) -Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now spend 2 LP to do a Lash magic fear.
- Improved Concentrate Magic (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now spend up to 3 Life points at a time to do an "X magic Lash" attack. Under Discussion (need ideas here)
- Improved Gather Essence (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now Gather the Essence of someone and if succesful no longer returns under the effects of Starving.
-Idea 1 Improved Greater Channel (Master) -Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may charge for 60 seconds and afterwards throw Continous "3 Magic" until disprupted, may not move but may pivot on one foot.
-Idea 2 Improved Greater Channel (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now after charging for 30 seconds decide to throw a "15 Magic", or a "5 Magic Vorpal", or a "5 Magic Crush".. Feedback desired

Healer -
Improved Healing (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill is no longer disrupted from Healing a target by damage or other calls.. they are only disprupted in they are dropped to 0 or lower life or move away from their patient.
- Improved Cure Disease (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now spend a 2 LP to Cure Disease or spend the 5 Minutes if desired. Under Discussion
- Improved Transfusion (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now Transfer life to a target whose life point total is no less than -15 Lp.
- Improved Cure Poison (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now spend a 2 LP to Cure Poison or spend the five minutes if desired. Under discussion
- Improved Torture (Master) - Through their advanced training the torturer may now ask up to 3 Questions of the target before having to Torture again.
- Improved Mass Heal (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now heal up to 4 people at one time or if concentrating all their healing on one target may heal them in 1/2 the time (I.E. 1 minute to half and 2 minutes to full).With this skill you do not gain the benefits of the Improved Basic Healing skill if you have it.

Rogue -
Improved Spot (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now spend 60 seconds to conceal a "Tiny" item on their body that cannot be found, escept for another character with Improved Spot who searches you for 2 minutes. Feedback desired
- Improved Pick Simple Locks (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill reduces the time it takes to pick simple locks in 1/2.
- Improved Barter (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill knows how to "Aquire" things well they now receive 1 cloth, 2 supplies and 3 food at the beginning of every event.
- Improved Create Trap/Disarm Trap (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill reduces the time required to Set or Disarm traps by 1/2.
- Improved Pick Complex Locks (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill reduces the time to pick complex locks by 1/2 and may spend 1 Lp to instantly pick a simple lock.
- Improved Avoid Trap (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill is immune to Trap damage and may also spend 1 Lp to Resist any Lash attack.

Sage -
Improved Basic Research (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now research 2 things between events instead of 1, and if only 1 thing is researched, the time is reduced for that one research item. Opinions?
- Improved Utilize Resource (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill counts as one Wealth level higher than what they check out as.(Must check out at Minimum of Common wealth to get this boon).
- Improved Augment (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now give out one Improved Augment that can stack with either a Talisman or Transmutation enhancement, but not another Empirical.
- Improved Waylay (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill the Knockout call is increased to 3 instead of 1.
- Improved Recall (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill always counts as an additional Sage for purposes of receiving hints.(This stacks with other skills that work the same way). They also reduce the time by 5 Minutes.
- Improved Mimic (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge the character with this skill may now Mimic up to 2 Basic path skills, or 2 1st level disciplines (or even mix and match.. I.E. 1 basic path skill and 1 1st level discipline).. Or you may Mimic one Perk with the following exceptions ( Diverse Training, Scavenger) - These Mimics follow all the rules of the original Mimic Skill.. you must spend time to Mimic both abilities. In addition, you may not mimic the same skill more than once at a time.

Warrior -
Improved Determination (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may still walk, talk, and carry another person while in the negatives.. they may not block incoming damage or use any skills.
- Idea 1 Improved Hold Ground (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill treats attacks to the back the same as attacks to the front. (still only works for melee attacks).
- Idea 2 - Improved Hold Ground (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill now gains 20 LP (instead of 10) from Holding Ground and at the end you do not drop to 0, rather you drop to the life total you were at before activating this skill or your current life, whichever is lower. 15 Second cooldown.
- Improved Endurance (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may continue to block damage while in the negatives, but still may not use skills.
- Improved Defensive Matrix (Advanced) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill reduces all damage from the back and front by 1, but may not move while using this specialty.
- Improved Parry (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now Parry Lash attacks with a number attached to them.
- Improved Rage (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill has learned to control their Rage and may now drink potions, carry characters, search bodies and perform Killing Blows.. They still may not use any LP or charge skills and must still make a 5 second count to deactivate Rage.
- Idea 1 Improved Combat Reflexes (Master) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill may now refresh all their Combat reflexes in 2 minutes, per the combat reflexes limitations.

I would love some constructive feedback, thanks.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:12 am
by GM-Phil
I think I got everything from the other thread updated into this one.. I know it doesn't look pretty but I am only moderately computer savvy..savvy?

So please, read through new and old to the discussions, please give any ideas on new things you would like to see, and things on here that may need to be changed..

Thanks to all!

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:12 am
by dier_cire
Greater Channel - 3 magic is underpowered. 15 for a 15 is overpowered.

The hold ground to the rear is still pretty powerful. The other one is beefy too, but it's also already in the normal advanced skills.

Defensive Matrix one kinda sucks. Why would you want to remove your ability to move for this skill. Or can you still do your normal skill too?

Rage one also kinda sucks. I mean if you have time to do any of those things, you have time to drop rage.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:20 am
by General Maximus
The cool down time for the seound hold ground idea is point less. You drop down to zero life when the skill drops. Having a cool down really doesn't do anything

Would not some of the healer skills over shadow the other healers in game? Why would you go to a healer that takes 5 minutes to heal a posion when you can go to this guy who can do it instanenteously? Maybe by spending a life point you cut the time in half or even 3/4. I don;t like the idea of 1 person having the ability to heal the entire of disease or posion in secounds. An even if they had to rest to heal themselves, they still could out strip a normal healer by miles. It's to be big of gap.

Need to make a note that the basic healing skill cannot be combined with the mass heal advancaed skill, or can it?

Improved spot, what is considered a small item/ Might want to put dimension or weight, etc..

Improved Ultize Resource is huge! You get a soak buff and a % increase in your over all support points. Way to powerful for a basic skill.

With Improved augment, the soak of the game just increased, I thought we wanted to keep the soak down? Has that changed?

Improved Concentrate magic should have a cap of 3 life that can be spent at 1 time. Doing 6 lash is huge

I aslo agree with what eric stated

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:33 am
by WayneO42
Improved Ultize Resource is huge! You get a soak buff and a % increase in your over all support points. Way to powerful for a basic skill.
Actually, you are getting +1 CR for free. Thats it. If you want more you would need to pay the resources.

I still think it should read: Improved Utilize Resource (Basic) - Through their advanced knowledge a character with this skill counts as one Wealth level higher than what they check out as as long as they have obtained a minimum of a common lifestyle

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:40 am
by WayneO42
General Maximus wrote: Would not some of the healer skills over shadow the other healers in game? Why would you go to a healer that takes 5 minutes to heal a posion when you can go to this guy who can do it instanenteously? Maybe by spending a life point you cut the time in half or even 3/4. I don;t like the idea of 1 person having the ability to heal the entire of disease or posion in secounds. An even if they had to rest to heal themselves, they still could out strip a normal healer by miles. It's to be big of gap.
This is true. Maybe a Life point and 1 minute to cure?
Need to make a note that the basic healing skill cannot be combined with the mass heal advancaed skill, or can it?
I dont think it should stack with advanced healing and it probably should be noted.
Improved spot, what is considered a small item/ Might want to put dimension or weight, etc..
I have always hated the concealment thing. Anyone else have ideas?
With Improved augment, the soak of the game just increased, I thought we wanted to keep the soak down? Has that changed?
The soak will increase by either 1 Life Point or 2 CR. I dont think it is that big of an issue but is something we want to keep an eye on.
Improved Concentrate magic should have a cap of 3 life that can be spent at 1 time. Doing 6 lash is huge
I agree.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:04 am
by dier_cire
The cooldown is necessary on the second Hold ground since you don't drop to zero. Otherwise, you'd be immortal. (ie I activate hold ground, burn through the 20 life, drop it, then reactivate, rinse and repeat)

And yeah, without the utilize clarification. Otherwise, why pay anything as Starving would upgrade to Common. 6 free resources is better than +1 cr.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:22 am
by Atrum Draconus
Ried can we please leave this discussion to this set of rules, there has been PLENTY of discussion on the other.

I like the def mat one, saves you 5 seconds and a life point and allows you to pop a potion in the middle of combat.

I would increase the life expenditure to 2 for the poison and disease. (paladin's outstrip the healer too, in fact most of the hidden disciplines I've seen outstrip the normal ones.)

The combat reflexes needs to be 1, that discussion has been had time and again. It's better than armor or life because it comes back on it's own and you don't need a regen skill and it does all the same things as armor.

There HAS to be a cap on the basic discipline one, I would suggest a cap of 1. And there's nothing stopping you from buying it up from there with your pts.

Drop the charge time on the 3 magics to 30 seconds and it should be about right. For the other option I think giving the option to throw vorpal or crush is good enough. 15 for 15 is definitely overpowered.

I agree that the cap on improved concentrate magic should be 3.

I'd like to see an option on the improved pick complex lock where you could spend some time and multiple life to pick a complex lock maybe 1 per hour or 1 per 2 hours. Especially since Passwall is gone and there are multiple hour locks in game. Personally I think there should be a cap of 1 hour for locks but thats a completely different discussion.

Improved Basic research I'd still like the option to reduce the time if you are researching 1 thing.

I agree with Aaron, improved utilize resource is a little too much for a basic skill.

For improved spot I would say tiny weapon size or smaller.

Again, I don't like skills that allow the warrior back protection, they have tons of front protection and they need a vulnerability.

Aaron the improved version you don't drop to 0 life, so the cool down is actually a good balance so as not to have the same thing as rage on the defensive side.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:23 am
by dier_cire
Atrum Draconus wrote:Ried can we please leave this discussion to this set of rules, there has been PLENTY of discussion on the other.

I like the def mat one, saves you 5 seconds and a life point and allows you to pop a potion in the middle of combat.


Aaron the improved version you don't drop to 0 life, so the cool down is actually a good balance so as not to have the same thing as rage on the defensive side.
WTF? :?:

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:27 am
by Atrum Draconus
dier_cire wrote:
The hold ground to the rear is still pretty powerful. The other one is beefy too, but it's also already in the normal advanced skills.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:30 am
by dier_cire
Atrum Draconus wrote:
dier_cire wrote:
The hold ground to the rear is still pretty powerful. The other one is beefy too, but it's also already in the normal advanced skills.
so the fact that I refered to the other list is a problem? But it's ok that the skill was 100% pulled from it... that makes sense.

The whole point was that it's beefy but since it was pulled from there is to be expected...

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:33 am
by Zydana
General Maximus wrote:
Would not some of the healer skills over shadow the other healers in game? Why would you go to a healer that takes 5 minutes to heal a posion when you can go to this guy who can do it instanenteously? Maybe by spending a life point you cut the time in half or even 3/4. I don;t like the idea of 1 person having the ability to heal the entire of disease or posion in secounds. An even if they had to rest to heal themselves, they still could out strip a normal healer by miles. It's to be big of gap.
How is this different from people going to a sage that counts as two or three sages by themselves for Recall? Don't they overshadow the other sages and isn't that ability already in play and has been for years? Trust me, yes, it happens.

For this new cure poison/disease you'd have to FIND said healer, know that they have the skill and then THEY would make the decision whether they would want to speed it up by giving up the life point. Healers are not warriors mind you. I would question if I wanted to do this durring a battle scene as it would put my own life in that much more danger (especially if there were 3 or 4 people who wanted an instant cure). Out of battle, sure, but again why spend 15 or so minutes looking for the healer that can do it instantly vs spending the 5 minutes with the healer that doesn't have the skill that may be with you already?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:43 am
by dier_cire
Warriors only have 3 life above a healer, which at the level this would be achieved isn't that signifigant.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:48 am
by Zydana
you're right, I did forget about all the extra life points and hero points, but my point on over shadowing still stands.

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:29 pm
by dier_cire
yup. The Recall upgrade would also make sages worse as any sage can be three sages and only take 10 minutes.

Of course, it's not like the number of healers would change. Healers are there for healing life more often than poison or disease.

However, the big issue for me is this 'effectively' gives the entire group resist poison/disease. Healers already have Awaken, but at least when the person is hit they can't walk over, get healed then go back in. The healer has to put him or herself in harms way to use it.