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A stranger at the gates of the keep

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:07 pm
by Marcus
It has been several hours since Abaddon rang the newly hung bell in the tower of the new keep. A chill breeze is blowing, but children still scamper in the safety of the walls. The sounds of the keep's continuing construction are a steady background rhythm in the clear air.

Suddenly the peace is broken as one of the guards in one of the towers overlooking the gates gives a shout of alarm:

"There's someone outside the gates!"

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 8:45 am
by Abaddon
Abaddon walks out to the gates of the keep. The billowing flag of the house of chance is raised high above it's wall. The Belltower reaches up toward the sky as the painted man crosses the snow covered yard.

"Who's there?" Abaddon asks in his most congenial voice.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:29 pm
by Marcus
*As Abaddon looks out of the gates, he see's two men standing on the road outside. One is a serious man wrapped in a dark cloak, masking much of his face apart from a goatee. He gives the impression that he is entirely certain of himself and his abilities, and gives off a palpable aura of magic.

The other is obviously a Guthrie, though he seems taller and more serious than what would be normally seen in a member of the halfling race. He is clad in a mixture of armors, mostly leather and chain, and carries a very large wooden hammer capped in steel. The strangest thing about him is no doubt the eyepatch that covers his left eye. The terrible scar that reaches out from either side of the patch shows the extent of the wound it covers.*

"Hail, the gates!", the guthrie says to Abaddon. "We heard the bell, and I recognized it's sound. I take it you are survivors from Haven? May we approach? We mean no violence, my name's Daine Stonebridge."

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:15 pm
by Smitty19
Looking up as The Valkn' Vi speaks Serith slowly releases the magic he had started to conjure. Not saying much he just surveys the scene around him, keeping an eye out for anything that could be mistaken as a "Problem"

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:33 pm
by Aurora
*A young woman, hearing the noise from inside the gates walks up to Abaddon. She is carrying a shield and a shortsword dressed in fairly thick back leather armor from head to toe . She surveys the two outside closely and then turn to Abaaddon.*

Mr Abaddon Sir what do we have going on out here?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 1:58 pm
by Abaddon
"Aurora, It looks as though we have visitors. " Abaddon says, pointing for the gates to be opened. The new iron gates open with a crack and the courtyard of the keep becomes visible.

"Welcome. As you guessed this is where the survivors of Haven have gathered. While I am not one of them, I have given them my protection. You would feel free to enter as long as you keep to you oath do no violence. I am called Abaddon, and I am the achanomach of this keep. Ingram is the one who built this place.

Inside you will find food, shelter, and cards if you like that sort of thing."

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:04 pm
by Aurora
*Aurora looks at Abaddon and nods. Although she is very polite and kind a part of her appears to be keeping an eye on things in case there is a problem as well.*

Visitors, eh? Have we found anything out about this visitors yet or why they are looking for the survivors of Haven?

*Turns to the visitors*

I'm Aurora, Aurora Darksbane. Like Mr. Abaddon here I am not one of those people from Haven. I am actually from Caldeonia, at least that's where I have resided for the past six years or so.

*She smiles warmly*

So is there anyone among the survivor of Haven who you are looking for?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:48 pm
by Marcus
(Looks to Aurora, and his shoulders slump a bit)

Am I looking for anyone? No, milady, I have no one left that I might look for."

(turns to Abaddon)

"But I may have something that may interest you, sir. I am unnofficially the leader of a group of refugees, mostly women and children, from the Haven valley. They have been in my charge since we left the Fishing Village as the elves torched our homes on the night of the betrayal. We heard sometime back that others escaped that night, and we have been trying to pick up your trail since then. When we heard the bell ring we knew we had found you.

I'm sure many of them might be able to find relatives among those here, and if I can offer any help, I would be glad to. I was an apprentice blacksmith back in the fishing village. In fact, if I hadn't been trying to get some things done in the forge that night, we probably never would have made it.

I hid everyone I could find inside the main forge, but one of the Elves still heard one of the children and found us. I had to kill him, but not before the bastard did this (indicates his missing eye). I figured we couldn't stay there any longer, so we fled, and have been living as best we could ever since, trying to find you and keep ahead of patrols.

(waves to Serith)

That's where I met Serith. A patrol found us as we entered Caledonia's borders, and if he hadn't got the drop on them, we'd likely be dead. Been traveling with us ever since.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:13 am
by Abaddon
"Excellent. Bring them inside. We will make them warm, dry and full as best we can. We will find as many billets for them as we can." Abaddon says. "You are called Serith?Well Both of you are welcome inside. Do yopu have any wounded or sick among you?"

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 5:37 am
by Aurora
I'll go inform Esmerelda of the new arrivals. You should probably take the survivors to the location where the others are at Mr. Abaddon Sir.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:34 pm
by Smitty19
*Nods to Abaddon as he mentions his name

Still watching everything going on, and keeps a pretty close eye on the majority of the people inside the gates

After taking a once over of everything inside, Serith visibly relaxes to the point of almost looking somewhat "comfortable"

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:48 pm
by Abaddon
"Why don't you come with me. Most of the survivors are here and over there. There is a tent camp on this side of the courtyard for those that didn't want to stay in the main building with strangers." Abaddon says.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:50 pm
by Aurora
*Aurora looks at Abaddon*

If you have things under control Mr. Abaddon Sir I'm going to check that new tavern.

*Aurora smiles at the newcomers and heads off in the direction of the tavern.*

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:02 pm
by Marcus
Thank you Abaddon. They shouldn't be too much trouble to squeeze in- there's barely more than a score of them, not counting Serith and me. We were camped a couple of miles east when we heard the bell; the two of us came here alone in case there was trouble.

Luckily, we have no seriously sick or wounded. Other than the bumps and bruises you might see after traveling cross country we have been pretty lucky. Well, other than my eye, but one of the ladies was a healer's assistant, and made me up a poultice that helped heal what could be healed. Food's mostly what they need.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:15 pm
by Abaddon
"well bring them here. We have enough food to go around for the time being. Luckily Ingram happened to have the supplies we have now. We are all working hard to secure local sources of course. " Abaddon says.