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Speaking of a get-together (Winter Party)

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 3:23 pm
by Samantha
Now that I'm back (back again) and am able to help out more, I was talking to Mike and Wayne about brainstorming ideas for a Winter Party. I know it seems far away but from a logisitics point of view, it's never too early (and anyone who knows me knows I'm a planner and if you don't know me, you know now).

We all love the lodge in Ionia because of the monster sledding hill. However, it's bugger all cold and the facilities haven't really improved all that much (still no running water? Puh-leeze!). However, if everyone seems attached to the place, then by all means we can probably make it happen and Wayne and Colin can get to designing this year's Sleigh of Doom (ha, get it sleigh/slay?).

We also thought that somewhere's around Lansing might be a good, central place to plan for, as it's a good half way for both the East and West sides (I picture a fantastic ritual opening of the Party, where the Powers of East and West unite in the name of merriment). However, I'm not too terribly familiar with Lansing, so if any of you Lansingites have ideas of potential locations, spit them out!

Lastly, if we make the party a pot luck affair, it will help keep costs down for everyone. That way, if you bring a dish to pass, you may only have to chip in for the rental of the facility. If you choose not to bring food or supplies, you may pay a bit more, but it's the fairest thing I can think of.

Now hereign is where some cooperation, coordination, and organization comes into play as far as who brings what. It just avoids the mishap where 10 people bring the same thing and we have enough pasta salad to feed a small country.

So tell me what you think, gang. I had a great time at the event and was so glad to see some old and new faces and I hope I get to meet more of you formally as time goes by.

Lend me your thoughts!


Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:07 pm
by Kidwynn
I'd be willing to help coordinate things...

I actually have some free time after the location du jour is selected.


Winter Party '08

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:11 am
by Torakhan
Ionia is a bit of a stretch for almost everyone, and if the Lodge was closer to the hill, and we had running water, it'd be awesome (I still love chucking huge ammounts of wood into those fireplaces!)

I guess for location and amenities (manitees!), what are the priorities?

• Sledding hill available
• Drinking allowed
• Can hold between 15 and 30 people
• Running Water
• Fire to warm up by
• Kitchen or prep area
• Somewhere (roughly) between Muskegon and Detroit (if we can manage)

Is there any place like Bittersweet that offers a building to rent for the night with this sort of thing? At If $10/person went towards a building, that's $300 if we had 30 people. The trick would be to get people to pay (non-refundable) by December though, I'd imagine.

We know what Ionia has to offer (What about the Hunting Lodge? Other than freaky stuffed animals on the walls, what about that? Fireplaces, Kitchen, Indoor plumbing and right next to the Hill?) Other than driving location that might be our best bet so far?

Any other ideas?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:38 am
by GM-Mike
The Hunting Lodge is not an overnight thing though. We would have to be gone by midnight. If people don't care about that then the cost is about 300 for the day. They would have heat and a kitchen

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 9:50 am
by Torakhan
Ovak Stonecrusher wrote:The Hunting Lodge is not an overnight thing though. We would have to be gone by midnight. If people don't care about that then the cost is about 300 for the day. They would have heat and a kitchen
There's no way to get them to let us sleep overnight in it? Even with our mostly good record?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:27 pm
by WayneO42
Nope. The Hunting Lodge is actually run by a seperate group from the park itself

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:35 pm
by Samantha
WayneO42 wrote:Nope. The Hunting Lodge is actually run by a seperate group from the park itself

Well, yeah, the basic needs were pretty much laid out (and I'm talking WAY basic) but the challenge would also be finding a place that would then let us crash like the weary hard core soldiers of fun that we are. (I know I'm setting myself up for this, but the first person that says, "Hooah" is getting a banana smashed in their face - you just wait.)

And would we want to stick to the same rough time period of Jan/Feb? After that, depending on where we go, the issue of snow will be (as it always is) a big question if sledding were still a concern.

So I guess just keep hunting around/thinking of locations and have your people call my people.


Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:32 pm
by GM_Chris
Denny Crane!


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:46 pm
by Samantha
I'll get you yet, Denny Crane!

Just want to renew this a bit to keep folks' minds working. Karen is getting harp gigs at what sounds like a VERY cool place in Ypsilanti, but she just started and there's more info to be gotten on that, anyway. I'm not sure how wild and crazy we would be allowed to be, though. And it's not exactly centrally located, but it's an idea.

I remember many moons ago going to a couple of in-game CARPS balls at VFW halls and the like. As I recall the one was actually really nice, with a full kitchen and the whole bit. There are a ton of places like that I might be able to get info on but again, folks would have to depart elsewhere for sleeping arrangements which would mean designated drivers and for those of us with critters, the need to make arrangements for them, too.

At the moment, I'm still disdainfully unemployed so I could search, but phone is probably the best way to get a hold of me right now as my internet access is shakey at best. If you don't have my numero, PM or email me and I can see you get it if you have any brilliant ideas.


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:35 pm
by Torakhan
I guess the question is: How important is outdoor activities to the LARP party? Is it a day-long thing, or an overnight thing?

I've only been there for the last 3 years in Ionia, so I don't know what it was before that. To me, it's been about big fires, big areas inside and out, drunken sledding and being sort of separated from the rest of the world.

If outdoors activities are important, do we want a hill that is right outside, or is a short drive/walk alright?

If we rent a location (hotel rooms, banquet hall, meeting room, cottage), is sleeping there important too? Or is it just a morning-to-night sort of thing? Would we need to sleep in the same room, or would cheap suites be more likely?

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:46 pm
by Wyrmwrath
I know I'm setting myself up for this, but the first person that says, "Hooah" is getting a banana smashed in their face - you just wait.

Sooooo... a response of Semper Fi gets what?!?!?!


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 3:47 pm
by Torakhan
Wyrmwrath wrote:Sooooo... a response of Semper Fi gets what?!?!?!
Carry on!

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:06 pm
by Samantha
Personally, I am either way on the indoor/outdoor issue. It's just been too brilliantly convenient at Ionia to have the outdoor (drunken sledding) plus crashing option (for post drunken sledding) available all in one space (and I've only been able to make it to one party there). It's just that it is still quite cold there and no running water really bothers me, especially when there's massive amounts of food going to be involved. Evan's done it these years past, but he may have more patience for it than I do.

Also, in trying for the least expensive option (hence the potluck concept), I'm not 100% sure what's most effective.

How much was the lodge in Ionia? That may still end up being the best option if all else fails.

