Excerpts from The Thousand sayings of Dien’Shi’Kotor.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:23 pm
Excerpts from The Thousand sayings of Dien’Shi’Kotor, Sen’s God Mother.
“All Men want Power,Money, and Love. These are often the same.”
“Kings, are but men, only more so.”
“Battles should be fought over dinner.”
“Never ask your enemies to bend the knee, it puts them too close to your Achilles tendon.”
“Fear not the enemy that threatens. Fear the enemy that smiles, and bows.”
“Conquering armies do not kill the staff. There are always crops to take in and dishes to do.”
“Youth and Talent can not defeat age and treachery.”
“Trust no one. Not even yourself. We are always our own worst enemies.”
“Hate is like love. If someone hates you, you can use that to drive them.”
“It is better to stand behind the throne, than to sit upon it. There is simply more to hide behind.”
“When the candles go out, that first instant of darkness is the blackest.”
“When a weapon has been broken, it is never as strong as it once was. It becomes an entirely different kind of tool.”
“If it wasn’t painfully difficult, it wasn’t done right.”
“The wisest one in the world is the one who knows nothing.”
“If it ain’t broke, you haven’t tried hard enough.”
“No plan survives encounter with the enemy.”
“Pick your opponents as carefully as you pick your friends.”
“The goal is to outlive everyone else.”
“It’s good to be in charge, it’s better to be unnoticed.”
“All Men want Power,Money, and Love. These are often the same.”
“Kings, are but men, only more so.”
“Battles should be fought over dinner.”
“Never ask your enemies to bend the knee, it puts them too close to your Achilles tendon.”
“Fear not the enemy that threatens. Fear the enemy that smiles, and bows.”
“Conquering armies do not kill the staff. There are always crops to take in and dishes to do.”
“Youth and Talent can not defeat age and treachery.”
“Trust no one. Not even yourself. We are always our own worst enemies.”
“Hate is like love. If someone hates you, you can use that to drive them.”
“It is better to stand behind the throne, than to sit upon it. There is simply more to hide behind.”
“When the candles go out, that first instant of darkness is the blackest.”
“When a weapon has been broken, it is never as strong as it once was. It becomes an entirely different kind of tool.”
“If it wasn’t painfully difficult, it wasn’t done right.”
“The wisest one in the world is the one who knows nothing.”
“If it ain’t broke, you haven’t tried hard enough.”
“No plan survives encounter with the enemy.”
“Pick your opponents as carefully as you pick your friends.”
“The goal is to outlive everyone else.”
“It’s good to be in charge, it’s better to be unnoticed.”