Market Places represent the RRO’s investment potential through the expenditure of support. RROs may choose to invest in safe markets for small returns or may on the other hand choose riskier markets for bigger gain but also the potential for great loss. This is represented through Resource and Black Markets respectively.
If an RRO chooses to invest in a Resource Market, they are in effect lending their support to trade routes that the organization already controls, either independently through a bureaucrat or one that is run by an RGO that supports the RRO. This lending of support allows the trade route to run more efficiently and as a result be more effective. The amount of organizational points needed to effect a trade route depends upon the type of trade route. If the route brings in a primary resource (food, cloth, supplies), then each 100 points invested will increase production of that trade route by 10%. Thus, an RRO that invests 300 organizational points into a Food route will increase production by 30%. If the route brings in a secondary resource (hide, steel), then each 150 points invested will increase production of that trade route by 10%. Thus, an RRO that invests 300 organizational points into a Steel route will increase production by 20%. If the route brings in the mystic resource, then each 300 points invested will increase production of that trade route by 10%. Thus, an RRO that invests 300 organizational points into a Mystic route, would increase production by 10%. The points invested in a Resource Market must be maintained each event to continue getting the bonus.
Alternatively, RROs may wish to invest in a Black Market. Black Markets represent the seedier side of obtaining items and making profits. Points invested in a black market will grant the RRO access to a craftsman who will have items for sale and who MAY have information on the location of magical items. The more points invested into a black market, the better the items that the craftsman will have for sale, the better the deal that the craftsman will give (percentages in chart are based off of production costs in book, see Craftsman), and the better the chances that the craftsman will have information pertaining to the location of magical items. However, black markets encourage the presence of people with lower moral fiber. Due to this fact, the more points invested in a black market (ie the bigger the black market) the more lowly people will infiltrate the town. This is represented by one random trade route in game losing a percentage of their resources that is directly proportional to the amount invested in the black market. This trade route may or may not be owned by the RRO, and the resources lost are not recoverable. All of this information is detailed in the chart below
Points.......Sale Items.......Basic Cost.......Exotic Cost.......Magic Item Type.......% chance at magic item.......Effect on Trade Route
600..........Basic, Exotic........-10%..............+30%.................Major......................................20.................................-60%
700..........Basic, Exotic........-20%...............+20%................Major......................................40.................................-70%
800..........Basic, Exotic........-30%...............+10%.................Major.....................................60.................................-80%
900..........Basic, Exotic........-40%................+0%..................Major.....................................80.................................-90%
1000........Basic, Exotic........-50%................-10%...................Major....................................100...............................-100%
2007 Market Places
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