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November 2006, Winter Haven

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:27 am
by Onimaster ... c.php?t=95
GM-Matt wrote:Hello People,

Well, I am finally back home, and I feel like my eyes are on fire with body aches like crazy. This weekend was wild, and we had our share of ups and downs. Some of the new players left very unhappy, and the rain... the worst larp weather I have ever seen (But not as bad as it could have been).

But still, we persevered and things kept getting better and better until I'd say when all was said and done a good event with some of the best moments I've had in larping.

I really want to thank the players for coming out, and for being upbeat even in the worst of the bad weather.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:53 am
by Shea Stonebrook
Seems strange to feel the need to post in 2 places but I do...this is the Same as I posted on the Winter Haven boards...
I'm still thinking about things that have happened (had some winter haven dreams :) )

Things that were very cool...the role playing for the most part between the PC's and NPC's: Khal talking with the leader Dwarf at the cave (although we were all standing outside in the pour COLD rain); talking with that oriental guy who wanted to kill himself because he was dishonored; bardering with the little trolls; being in the cabin while Crazy Sally and Atreus were "getting it on"(...I was trying to get warm in my electric blankent, but trying give them their privacy); talking with John Fisher...trying to figure out why he's so different this time with his new fiance' ;talking with Jessica in the cabin during the fight with the ghouls; I heard about the ghoul butt shaking at Rosamund because she couldn't hit him with her booms;

Things that were not so cool: OBVIOUSLY the cold rain Friday (GM's had no control over that I know); the late Game on; No warm central meeting place it was very difficult to get to talk to other PC's that didn't share a cabin...very difficult to include people and form a solid group or groups and discuss plots and what to do..., lack of PC's staying "IN CHARACTER" it made it very hard to stay in character when nearly everyone around me was not... :(

I have a lot more but no time....Thank you Everyone!! I did have a blast!! great getting to know the new people who showed up!!


Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:13 pm
by Amagus
That event was one of the very BEST I've been in! :D Guess the Warrior Path is the one for me, 'cause I had an absolute blast. Easy fights, challenging fights, and impossible fights - this event had it all and kept me thirsty for more! RP with PCs and NPCs alike was terrific.

Being awakened multiple times during the night initially sucked, but once I was out of bed and RPing/fighting, the adrenelin was pumping and the happiness flowing! I cherished every experience. Can't wait for the next event!

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 4:32 pm
by cole45
That means alot doug!

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:04 pm
by crig
it was alots of fun this event and too all peolpe who stilled at the event you rock !!!

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:44 pm
by ColtenBlack
The november event was my first event, and frankly... IT KICKED ASS! I didnt expect to have as much fun as I did. I cant wait untill the next one!

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:31 pm
by valkenus
I told you that you would have a lot of fun, lil bro! ^.^