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Final Haven October Event, 2006

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 8:19 pm
by Onimaster
Well, and here I had hoped there would be someone already talking about the event and I would have something interesting to read as I wait for the muscles in my legs to stop throbbing in pain. lol

Overall I'd say the event went well. Some surprises, some disagreements, some bloodshed... and that was all just OOC. LOL.

Seriously though, I hope Erik's hand is alright. We probably should have knocked him out and made him go use that insurance stuff he raves about at the hospital for some stitches, and I hope Scott's road rash heals quickly.

I think the plots ended quite interestingly, and it was GREAT to finally use our arcane abilities effectively. Not that we want an army coming to our homes to kill us every event. It was just nice to be... Tolkenesque again, and not sitting in the cold for hours leading up to the attack.

There was a great deal of role playing I liked. Brett and I shared some great moments of soul searching with some ironic twists. What happened to Amagus was unfortunate, but I suppose inevitable. Will be interesting to have Atrum back, and I am sure next year will be strange with the talks with Roderick.

I also want to thank Travis, the ladies, and everyone for a fine and exquisitely delectable feast and dance. Everything was great, and it only took 2 min for me to get chocolate on my 'dress clothes' before talking to the king. I am sad that I never got to dance with anyone.. :( I was planning to do so, and Vaun even asked me once while I was in a meeting, but something kept getting in the way. And then there was the Drow attack... and Shale's dance card is always open for Drow attacks (Them attacking us, or us them... no matter.)

Next year should be very interesting, and I hope people make it to Winter Haven's last event this year on November 10th. (Shameless plug)

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:32 pm
by Indira Al'Estrella
I had a blast.

It may have been a coink-y-dink, but ending saturday night big battles earlier than 2 or 3 was great. I think everyone was zonked.

I wish I'd gotten to do more on Friday and Saturday during the day, but post dinner was enough to make up for it. We couldn't have asked for better weather, and the turn-out was great. My only complaint is that my character flipped out before the feast and took off, so I couldn't join you all. It smelled great and it was obvious a labor of love put it all together. So Thank you all.

Thanks Art for the warmth! Perhaps next time we should get a little less wood though, that's a large burden for you to bear.

Thank you NPCs for all your work, and for all the game stop tolerance. If you could listen to the Sunday morning dialogs concerning game improvements you'd hear a great amount of constructive debate. that means you have created a forum of gamers that understand some mechanics have to be taken into consideration, but they can still share and respect other ideas.


Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 10:45 pm
by Ian_McAllister
I too had a blast, and loved the sheer amount of action and role-playing that went on! It was also great to see some more new players, I hope they had a good time!

I wish I could think of more to say, but my words will not come except for SWEET GAME!

Oh yeah I also thought the Feast and Ball were awesome and think we need to do more like it in the future!

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:43 pm
by crig
i had a lots of fun fun npcing, the thing i still hart now but its ok. my friend cory had at final haven, now he want to go to w.h

i hope all to guys had fun !!!!!!!!


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:18 am
by cole45
Thanks to everyone who help me cook for the feast. Sorry about the sudden food shortage. I thought 25 pounds of meat would be enough. I appreciate all the nice words, and of course, dishwashing.

Murie definiatly gets a round of applause for the great idea, and the organisation of the feast.

GM's, Nice job with letting the PC's have the feast with a hint of intrigue. The ball felt like the most "real" piece of FH in a long time. Everypne seemed so engrossed in their characters.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 9:32 am
by Smitty19
Wow is the only thing that comes to mind when I think of this event!

It was a huge ordeal for my character, and one that I definitely loved!

The shear amount of battle, the ramifications that will come from those battles, and the whole thing being wrapped up by a awesome feast and a wonderful ball, that is total immersion in my opinion.

I also can say that I had some very good roleplaying moments, and just would still like to say how much I hate Phil and Scott! You guys made the event with that showing, it TORE me up big time! I really think I was able to solidify Voralen's mental state about the loss of his troops, and you guys made me take my character to a whole new level, that I really wasnt expecting!

To all those that I had a chance to really Role-play with (ie, Shale, Talana, Olan, Egon, Corbyn) I really enjoyed it alot! It actually felt like I was someone other than just a goon with a sword!

Overall I have to say this was my favorite event, and The battle to save the King, in woodhold was BY FAR my most Favorite Combat!

Thanks to all the people who helped with the feast, and to the NPC's and GM's who did an excellent job as always! BTW Chris i hope your trip from Iowa was made worth it being able to beat on us all weekend!

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:05 pm
by Eilonwy
I'll try to be more specific later, but for now-

*Puurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......* (the deep, contented rumbling goes on and on...)

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:41 pm
by Onyksi Rin'oviryn
Wonderful event. Wonderful food.

The chocolate fountain was my favorite part.

Anyway, two things.

First, the constant game stops for spells going off, I don't think anyone really liked it, so we should find another method.

Second, the Woodhold castle plot a few of us did went absolutely flawless. It didn't feel like a game, at that point. Went so smooth. Plus, being a spellchucker, everyone was really courteous about throwing packets back to me, and there were no arguments about it.

I'm also really impressed by the number of people who dressed up for the ball. Seemed like everyone at least made some effort to wear something nice. Was a very good time. We should have one every year.

Great event. Thanks everyone.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:04 pm
by Joelovett
I wasn't actually planning on coming, I just went on a whim, but I'm now glad I did. Defending the fort, and then attacking another one immediately after, was great. Give me hordes of soldiers to fight and I'm happy. Plus it was great to play a very practical character among all these high-minded types.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:11 pm
by Midnight
The good:
I had a fantastic time all around. This was one of the first events that I finally felt like my character was a part of the town, not just someone who happened to be around. I finally felt as if being an arcane was valuable. I felt useful as an arcane, for the first time ever. I loved the ball and loved the food. The dancers were very lovely. It was nice to see everyone getting along fairly well (although the inner strife is also fun on occassion!).

The Bad:
I had problems with both spell packets and game stops. As a spell caster myself, I had so many problems having enough spell packets, even though I had stocked my own bag with many before each battle. In the midst of the army attacking the Order's keep, during one game stop we were told "Spell packets are in game" and that we could not go get them OOG. Subsequently, we were scrambling for them after we exhausted our supplies, and had to wait for NPCs to use them against us to get them back.

In a later battle, we PCs were extremely upset to see NPCs gathering spell packets OOG. The explanation then was that NPCs do not have enough spell packets. I will happily donate cloth to the cause.

What is said needs to be maintained. Either they are in game or they are oog.

Secondly, I had no problems with the game stops and there was quite a lengthy discussion on them Sunday morning in the Lodge. One NPC argued that they disrupted game continuity while every PC that spoke up said that they didn't feel that way at all. I think that the Arcanes present were just happy to have been useful for once. I know I was. There is no other way to represent large spells such as arctic blast or river of stone effectively.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:56 pm
by Kalphoenix
I think I have to agree with Voralen, that it has been a huge emotional ordeal for my character (more this entire year, in Delayne's case), and one that makes the game more intense.

Many thanks to the cooks and assistants for the feast, it was delicious and if we ever do so again, I will make sure I bring food to donate. The ball was done very well and everyone seemed to enjoy it OOC, although Delayne was uncomfortable with it.

I'm sorry I didn't get to partake of much of the ball food as I had lost my appetite by then, although everything looked delicious (and I'm glad the GMs and NPCs all found reasons to be at the ball). I did manage a chocolate covered strawberry and I noticed Wayne toasting marshmallows. I particularly enjoyed Fesco's Savani character, very animated.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:08 pm
by Teela Rainbalm
I enjoyed myself very much. It was a really good event with great pacing. We actually got to finish up a long-running plot with the Ishani. The ball and feast were TERRIFIC. I liked the fact that a lot of people stayed in character for the feast, even though it was technically game break. I also thank the guys that were actually brave enough to stand up and dance. Wielding a sword is not the only form bravery takes. Plus, dancing can lead to a different kind of sword-wielding . . . :wink:

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:46 pm
by Tony Ku
Not exactly sure what to say, but I'll do my best to brief and to the point.

I had fun and needed to have a boost of adrenaline to forget my cares for a while. Thanks to the NPCs who took blows from my fist reps when they got cold (I may put in a layer of carpetting foam to soften them up). Thanks to everyone who gave me a political pitch, something I sorely had wanted to hear since the first time I came. Thanks to the GMs for putting in enough dire circumstance to make it hard to get bored. Thanks to everyone involved in feeding me, whether feast or ball.

I really don't have any fair complaints to make, and though maybe some rules suggestions, it seems the magic system needs attention before any of my thoughts. Good job, hopefully I'll see everyone next time.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:42 pm
by Corbyn
Great event! The series of caves on Friday night was incredible. The effort put into that by the GM staff was awesome and much appreciated. I loved the PC dynamics and the whole ball atmosphere was intense. I can honestly say that this is the first year end event that I would categorize as 'feel-good'. To have some of those multi-year plots wrapped up successfully in addition to the wonderful community atmosphere generated by the ball had me leaving on Sunday feeling satisfied with no doomsday hangover. A very nice change!

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:32 pm
by Lilliana
I have to say that I had absolute wonderful time! I did not know what to expect for my first event, so I was full of different thoughts on what could happen and it was far more fun than I expected! I learned so much and had so much fun meeting the wonderful people of Haven. I have to say thank you to all for welcoming me into your home. You all were so wonderful in and out of game and it is extremely appreciated. I was in disparate need of escaping reality that this event really helped. I feel I finally found a community of people from all over that can come together and have some simple fun. I am looking forward to Winter Haven and for the new year of Final Haven to start! :D