The Golden Acorn Roleplaying Awards

What did you think of the last event? Post your opinions and disucss the comments of others here!

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The Golden Acorn Roleplaying Awards

Post by Talana Isilisurë »

I'm hoping this will encourage better roleplaying at the game:

I'd like to start a tradition and perhaps the GMs will indulge me...

At the end of each event, I think players should nominate player's roleplaying in the following three categories:

Best PC Roleplaying Moment: One specific moment, whether reaction, action, expression, and/or physical representation of an event occurring.

Best PC Event Roleplaying: The best example of someone staying in game, roleplaying their character's every waking moment and the best ongoing character development (what they learn, endure and mature from).

Best NPC Roleplaying: For non-GMs or perma-NPCs (though they would certainly be welcome to receive honorable mentions!), the best exhibition of roleplaying and interaction with PCs.

Have these nominations every event. You can have a separate box or do it online. Announce the winners 1 week before the event. Recognizing and honoring good roleplaying will hopefully encourage it in people who enjoy the 15 minutes of fame and you might even consider giving winners a Hero Point, and 3 time winners one exta 20 point skill of their choice.

Whether you decide to do it or not, I'm going to be posting my votes and sharing the good experiences that I had.
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Post by Onyksi Rin'oviryn »

love this idea. i think we have the best roleplayers around, but recently it's been lacking. i think this would be a great way to encourage staying in character, at the very least.
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Post by Talana Isilisurë »

Best PC Roleplaying Moment: Blondie as Claude du Sinjin in explaining to Talana why it was he accepted servitude with his new Master, ED. Though still not justifiable, it was an excellent glimpse into the sad psyche of those who go sour.

Best PC Event Roleplaying: Nuk. Hands down. From responding to Donovan's "gesture" to dealing with the hatred and animosity from town, she was all around ominous, as well as a sympathetic character.

Best NPC Roleplaying: Farbarian as the Lute Playing Schizophrenic. Holy cow I wasn't expecting that... he even cried as he talked about the voices in his head that told him about the horrible atrocities done to the children...
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Post by Zydana »

I thought of this too, acutally. But instead at the end of the year. Have catagories like -

Best plot
Best NPC roleplaying moment
Best PC roleplaying moment
Most Valuble PC

I wanted to have an award for a GM too.. but "Best GM" doesn't seem right. Then you can have other awards like

Worst mishap
Most memorable quote (or moment)
Funniet moment
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Post by Talana Isilisurë »

Perhaps these could have annual "finals" where the winners of each category go against each other for a final vote, but I don't want to lose sight of the purpose of this award and that is recognition and encouraging others to do their best to roleplay their hearts out ... a little friendly competition always helps! :)
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Post by GM_Chris »

Im not against it. One thing to warn against though is if you feel there are clicks in game this could turn into a popularity contest.

Also these types of things will often time go to the most noticable person and the quiet RP'ers are missed.

Just playing devils advocate
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
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Post by Talana Isilisurë »

GM_Chris wrote:Im not against it. One thing to warn against though is if you feel there are clicks in game this could turn into a popularity contest.
I'm okay with that, since I'm paying people to vote for me...

p.s. Feel free to make your nominations for one or more of the categories... don't feel obligated to submit nominations for all three categories, if you don't feel it is deserved.
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Post by Onyksi Rin'oviryn »

Best PC Roleplaying Moment: Robin trying to console Nuk while she was sick and trying to explain to everyone what happened to her. Not many people saw it, but it was amazing.

Best PC Event Roleplaying: Sethreal. A lot of things between Nuk and Seth were culminated this event, with Seth proposing to Nuk on the bridge, trying to explain to her why he went into the fire again, and being forced to choose between two people he really loved. Again, not something many saw, but it made for some very intense and memorable moments. Showed a side to Sethreal nobody has ever seen. Much clapping for JJ.

And since I didn't interact with any NPC's, I don't have a nomination for that category.
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Post by Zydana »

Okay.. I'll put in my nominations.. but mine will be over the entire year (sorry) I feel I don't interact often enough with many people so here are my observations.. I warn you, I'm very indecisive.

Best PC Roleplaying - (PC to NPC) would have to of been Ug after we discovered that the relics we had been collecting from the pit of creation and such, had been switched for phonies. Ug is sitting there meditating and in walks an NPC. Ug immeditly jumps to his feet and has a heated discussion with him if he's a dark elf or not. - April Event
(PC to PC) - I can't pick out one exact moment, but the interactions between Robin and Incarious while he was trying to make sure she remained safe. - July event

Best NPC Roleplaying - Hands down, Karen. I think Karen one of the best role players I will ever see in my lifetime. More specificly, as the dragon. When she first walked in the inn her motions and awareness didn't seem right. I wanted to ask if she felt okay wearing the skin she was in, but that being my frist event, didn't think I should and was still to afraid to interact too much. Again later, I applaud the rage she had when she discovered the relics were fakes. - April event (I guess I like angry dragons)

Best Plot - I have to state my bias for the Lady Rose plot. - whole year. Other than that - The Death Tree plot. I was so F***ing scared while we were in the dark, Wayne. - July Event

Most Valuble PC - umm.. let me think on this a bit, otherwise I might defult to Dallid and his tendencies to be at the right place at the right time and save everyone's butt over and over again and be a hero to Haven (this is all word of mouth as I'm not involved in combat much)

Best GM - umm.. could someone come up with an idea how to rate them or should we drop this catagory?

Worst mishap - Marie's (Alorah) wardrobe malfuntion Sunday - October event

Most memorable quote (or moment) - I'm torn between Nuk puking her guts out after being touched by the essence of light - November Event -or- Eli becoming overwelmed by either rage or hate and throwing 18(?) magic at Dallid, and Dallid just fell over at exactly the right time as if he'd acutally been hit with something. - October event. Honorable mention - Matt playing Younger Quetzel and his quote of "get off the mantel" (I wasn't there at the time, but geez, I hear it repeated enough OOG) - April Event

Funniet moment - Nuk as mentioned above. I broke charater and stood there giggling. - November Event
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Post by Ravinal »

Best Event Roleplaying: I do have to say that Nuk did some great roleplaying from what I had seen. Even the "If you need help, Ravinal, I will be there as well." That confused Ravinal quite a bit. I think he will still think of her the same way as when he had to hide the dark elf symbol on his forehead.

Best Roleplaying Moment: Sethrel's plot about his family. And promising to perform the ritual. He did a nice job.

Best NPC Roleplaying: Blondie does evil pretty good. (surprise surprise) lol. Though for me it's a tie. Karen has been a constantly great roleplayer.
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Post by GM-Mike »

I'm surprised that the Best GM is difficult to come up seems clear to me...
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Post by Zydana »

Well Mike, if you could come up with some traits that would define how the Best GM should be chosen, please, let's hear them.

If you want to base it on, who I think I should suck up to at this very moment.. well the winner would be Mike. That's just because you just posted.

but that would change hour by hour to reflect which GMs are around and posting. :P

Even if the question were, "Which GM do you enjoy roleplaying with the most" or "Which GM do you prefer to follow on plots," I would still be unable to choose.

so until then, my choice is "Waymicis"
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Post by GM-Mike »

traits, hmm, how about, best looking, most intelligent, best sense of humor, best all around nice just seems so easy
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Post by GM_Chris »

Well Mike according to your criteria I would be choosen every time and who wants that. :)
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
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Post by Talana Isilisurë »

Actually... I have an Honorable Mention nomination...

Best PC Roleplaying Moment: There were only 9 of us preparing to go fight the dragon (Nathanael, Talana, Pugo, Ogrom, Dewberry, Gideon, Indira, Lambic, Ug - I hope I listed everyone) and we knew we were absolutely going to die, but possibly disrupt ED's ritual and afford the rest of the world time to get the sword back. We were talking about what options we had and which spells the arcane casters had. Finally, very begrudgingly Talana admitted that she could raise anyone who fell into an undead to fight. In HATING undead, she was ashamed to even admit the option, but she looked around a moment as everyone paused to consider it and Dewberry finally responded, "As long as I am up and fighting this son of a bitch, I'm all for it..." and everyone else nodded and agreed to it, giving up any possibility to be saved. What a moment of self-sacrifice that was for everyone. It was a very solemn moment and incredible as most of us likely would never have allowed that under any other circumstances, but Dewberry's response captured exactly what we were all feeling.
Talanalassë Isilisurë
Elven Artificer
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