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November 2005 Event

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:43 pm
by Kalphoenix
Got nailed in the junk?
What a surprise that must be.
Time to buy a cup.

Anyways, many thanks to the GMs and the NPCs for their hard work onanother event. Trying to gather my thoughts to figure out why I thought this was the least favorite of my events this year. Friday seemed ok, but something about Saturday seemed really off.

Hopefully my feeling will change before the next event, but I usually leave feeling like "Wow, I'm so sad that the event is over, I can't wait for the next one." I walked out of this one no knowing if I really wanted to come back and play again.

I was really upset, I surely don't want to point fingers since it's probably all my fault. I took off early Saturday night...I was really frustrated by all the OOC things that happened, making me miss things that I guess I would have been there for elsewise. Like, I was told it would take us 20 minutes to get back to the inn, while other people were told that, since Claude and the Dragon instantly made it back to the inn without teleporting, we would have too. I didn't find this out, since I was in the inn when the announcement was made.

I think all the ooc killed me. People called a lot of game-stops for things that weren't injuries. People were getting upset occ, throwing around a lot of accusations, a lot of people got physically hurt. I feel like the roleplaying by everyone really went downhill on Saturday. Everyone seemed really burnt out. No one seemed to hit the emotional level they should have for people getting lost and the fact that this could have been the end of the world.

I just woke up, I thought I would feel better about things and I really don't. Hopefully some discussion will help me figure out why I walked out feeling this way.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:59 pm
by Ug
I think maybe it was a little too much crammed in at one time maybe. At least my body feels like I just went to two events. Due to the "cramming" there were "time distortion" issues, issues with PCs thinking other PCs were their PCs when they were NPCs and PCs finding PCs where the PCs weren't but they were actually an NPC who was found to be on the side of the NPCs but they were just a PC and PCs thought they were sent by a PC but they weren't sent by the PC and they were an NPC who talked to a PC who wasn't there and...and I have no idea where I am going with that ;-)

HOWEVER, this event has given me an idea that I'll likely use at CARPS and would like to recommend to the GMs of Final Haven. A small investment in "glow braclets" all of the same color. Or orange tape, or tabbards, or somethin. I understand that much of the time the enemy looked like PCs, but sometimes they didn't and fighting against someone who looks exactly like their character, in their character's costume, blah blah blah, it gets to be confusing.

The weather was great on Friday, and sucked donkey balls on Saturday.

Now, enough with the bad portion of the critique and on with the other half.

FAN-TASTIC. I was run ragged, I was run non-stop, I was afraid for my life, I was afraid for the lives of others, I probably used like 20 mystic components just by myself. I think I was up till 4 am Sat and 3 am Sun. It was a hell of an end to a long running plot. The entirety of the storyline is prevailent and enjoyable, I saw and heard some great roleplaying, and there was a great deal of battle. All-in-all a good time was had by myself. The GMs had to make some tough decisions and there was quite a bit of pressure on them, and I think they put in 100% and did a fantastic job.

I might have had some more to say, but I'm gonna go collapse now. nite.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:30 pm
by dier_cire
Well, my thoughts were I had a blast! I am only able to make it for 6 hours and holy hell, it was 6 hours of almost pure live or die, come up with different strategies on the spot combat. Lots of fun. Getting home and peeling off clothes only to realize my shirt was stuck to me via dried blood, whoohoo! (sorry, if I don't get hurt something is wrong :)) My hip has turned a nice shade of purple and is a bit tender but otherwise it's all just scrapes and stuff that'll heal in a day or two.

I can understand the frustration with some of the game stops but the game is set up such that a pc doesn't need to know other skills than his/her own so when pcs start npcing, sometimes there needs to be a bit of explaining for understanding and smoother gaming overall (plus it avoids emotions getting out of hand :shock:)

On a side note I did see a fews things that I think could use some clarification/tweaking to smooth out combat. I'll post this in suggestions...

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:57 pm
by Ravinal
I agree with what has been said so far. The game stops, the O.O.C., (I did some of that, sorry), the arguements, as well as the general confusion at times detracted from the games enjoyment. I saw that the GMs were on top of things as much as possible. Having tried NPCing, I see how difficult that can be as well. (If I was unfair at any time or hit anyone too hard, I apologize.) Though, I can say that I was the fastest dieing NPC in both situations I was in :) .

I was late to getting to my own plot, darn college courses on friday night anyhow.... Atleast I got to the end of my plot, (I think) as of where I was almost taken out at the begining. It felt good to be kinda invulnerable for awhile; until I suddenly wasn't. :P Heh. Quite afew close to death situations. And quite afew perma-deaths. (One or two of them mine.) All in all, I had a fun time. The small situations, as I said, did take away from the game in general. And the GMs try to make everyone happy and give all a sense of danger. (An insanely difficult job, I would imagine). I feel they did more than most could or would. And if anyone would, thank Karen for the potato, for me.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:57 pm
by Kalphoenix
I hope it doesn't sound like I'm attacking anyone, I'm not, everyone did a great job, especially under the circumstances. I think having the two events so close together kind of took their toll on everyone too.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:13 pm
by Talana Isilisurë
I am sad to say that I am going to echo some of the sentiments of Delayne...

First, I'm not seeking to rehash some of the events of the weekend, with which I spoke to GMs already about, but I will apologize if I made anyone feel uncomfortable or enjoy their experience less by expressing my anger and frustration in the way that I did.

However, my frustration and anger was not based solely on GM behavior or rulings. Before I came back in with Grok (which at that point I needed to do to relieve that pent up anger into positive energy), I was packing to leave the event early - something I've never done at any LARP because I was so disgusted with what had been the culmination of things I had seen in the last two events since I returned to the game.

As far as players...

#1 - There are most DISTINCTLY out of game cliques that necessarily translate into in game cliques. I've been playing this game for three seasons now and it's always the same, no matter what kind of character I play (PC or NPC) and no matter what kind of character some other people play... if they're not in these cliques it is nearly impossible to get any amount of roleplaying out of them and even more assuredly impossible to get them to take your character seriously when they have something to add or contribute.

#2 - The hoarding of information is ridiculous. I understand there are in game reasons on occasion to hoard snippets. I understand that there are certain characters who necessarily will do so. I do not mind when something along these lines is a roleplaying thing. But there comes a point when you are actually stifling plot hooks and plot lines and it becomes impossible for those who aren't the right hand lackey for those in power to even understand what they are doing and why. There has to be a certain balance - and right now there are people who are choosing to play their characters in such a way that it's downright unenjoyable for others. Lighten up with the anal retentive information imprisonment.

#3 - Roleplaying is an after thought. There were several times on Friday night where I was in the thick of roleplaying (or trying to at least) and I had to ask others to please stay in character. I got so frustrated by game break I stopped bothering with it, because I began to feel like a nag. Unless people say, "Shut up, Tonia" I'm going to be writing an essay in the next couple of months with ideas on how to improve one's roleplay because I'm hearing waaaaaay too much "mechanics speak" and waaaaaaay too much description of what you're supposedly doing, as opposed to actually acting it out and doing it. I felt like half the time I was just wearing throwback garb and standing near a table, looking for my dice.

#4 - I know I'm going to catch flack for this one, though I KNOW I'm not the only one thinking it. There is a serious lack of maturity going on at these events lately. I have no idea how old some of these people are - some of them show great decorum, but many do not. There are those, too, who are "of age" and still act like asses. I'm not sure what can be done about this, but I think it may be time to consider an age rule to help preserve the quality of the game not to mention to ease my concern of "liability" should I be around when someone's kid gets hurt.

As far as GM plot...

#1 - I thought the Perfect Being plot was anti-climactic. From what we were told by Lady Correl, if the Perfect Being sacrificed itself, it would be enough to destroy ED. Perhaps the explanation was wrong or skewed to suit a purpose, but I was expecting insanely wonderful things to happen when Ian stood before the Dragon and instead it was like ED farted and didn't even excuse himself.

#2 - Despite some big bumps with the space time continuum, I thought the idea of us NPCing for each other was great. However, as has been mentioned, that needs to be designated. I'm starting to think of tabards kinda like the ol' basketball jerseys we used to have to wear in gym class.

#3 - We got to do some seriously neat ass shit in this game... from making mithril swords to searching and hosting Aspects to dealing with Dragons and buggy Dopplegangers, there were some really nice keep you on your toes plot themes running through.

#4 - You need to start providing an incentive program to NPC, because you didn't have enough and you poor guys were running ragged. The GMs should actually be NPCing as little as possible and should be available to answer questions as quickly as possible because we have way too many "bubble game stops" going on.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:36 pm
by Zydana
okay.. I'll start off by saying what I just told Matt. Val never really talked to Dallid or anything, but me, Angie, thinking that Dallid is dead and gone.. I just want to cry. And Dallid is NOT REAL! - he's just a character in a game. :cry:

I was really glad to have finally reunited Lady Rose and Lord Clover.. but I am very sad that the plot had come to an end. I had so much drive and determination to see it to the end - you could of dragged this plot on forever. I hope I will feel the same love and drive for a plot again. It's simply amazing that one would feel that reuniting a lost love would be a higher priority than doing what you can to stop a world-ending dragon, but I did.

There were a lot of intense moments this game. I don't think I've ever ran for my life as much as I have in this event. Collin running towards me, I almost trip over my clumsy self trying to get away in fear that he might get me. Learning of departed members of Haven, some that had been around and made their mark and others, I felt, had been too new to Haven to die. Trying to play the part of a healer.. WOW! I don't know how you guys can do it and not go home with an ulcer. First, trying not to stress out over who you can help and who you must let die as you're trying to help others. Durring this, trying to keep an eye out for any thing that might be getting too clost to you that will kill you. Geesh..

Overall I felt extremely useless at this event. I guess it all mostly being in the right place at the right time and of course things will vary from plot to plot and event to event.

This is my first year playing Final Haven, and thus far, I absolutly love it!


Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:05 am
by GM_Chris
This was a diferent type of event since we had alot of combat. (More than usual) It was played up as this would be it, but the Players did a very good job on every sub plot and were very successfull. The sword was stolen so instead of the dragon attacking the town with all our NPC's they instead defended the cave. This actually was pretty climatic for those envolved. Afterward though we lost most off our NPC's and we really didnt have the phys reps to compete as well as I would have wanted.

As for the OOC
Saturday night was very frustrating. It is very difficult to control that many NPC's to any degree, but perhaps all of us could have done a better job. There were also alot of rule issues that kept being discussed, most of which was the direct result of a "win" mentality. The NPC's wanted to win and would complaina about the PC's. The PC's would complain about the NPC's. I found most of it completely against the spirit of the game which is what caused my frustration which became evident at certain times.

The fact of the matter is there is NO way to write a rulebook that isnt up to interpetation. Some may disagree,but on the way home I had this thought: We have representitives that make it their buisness to write laws that do not have loop holes that are 10000 pages long and still we spend billions on legal fees arguing over them. I cannot write 1000 pages for each and every rule we have and even if I did we would still argue.

One example is machine gunning. I guess according to the rules you can machine gun certain weapon types, but to roll your toung in an inaugible way and act like that is legal is really against the spirit of the rules.

I also think there were times when players lost faith in rulings the GM's made and argued over them. All I have to say is "Did you win in the end?"

I would like to commend those people who just took what came to them without complaint. Who just sucked it up. There was a person who choose to die even though they had an item that would save themself. He/She choose not to use it because I forgot to give him/her the tag. Though it made me feel bad it was very cool to see.

Another was very nice to everyone even after getting a bloody nose.

In the future I would like to see the combat unfold and afterward correct those that need correcting in a more private manner. I think we need to stop pointing out hits you make on a person unless if is just seems like the missed it. (ie shield not going bye bye after 15 damage to it or the like.)

I have no idea. I dont pay attention. I will say our entire game is click based though. We encourage clicks to exist. I think OOC clicks need to be dealt with in character and in game.

GM's on the other hand do not show favortism. This is especiall true for Mike.

We could always use work inthis area and some people darn right suck. On the flip sideI think we have alot more really good RP'ers. Infact we have some of the best in all the LARP'ing universe.

Great IDEA!

Not every larp will be to everyone's liking nor will ever moment. I find it sad that some people felt they needed to leave because it got so bad, and for that I am sorry and think we can all do better. For the most part though I think it was just a very difficult event with alot going on that ended up getting very confusing because of last minute change in plans.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:38 am
by GM_Chris
I forgot to add....

I HAD A FANTASTIC TIME, even though I was frustrrated on Saturday.

Great RP moments I witnessed

Dallid talking to the wood wraiths
The entire group of PC's and their tension during the wraith attacks
The death of Dallid and how everyone acted.
Todd's dwarf
Nuk..everyone wants to kill her so she must be doing something right :)
The ga'vyn always seemed in character no matter what. Me liked
All entire party as they decided what to do with my woman abuser waste living haram man. Oh and the almost getting groped.
Soup with the royals
Atrum barking orders
Was told great things about the crafting of the sword.
The confusion and worry during the creation AND Bug plot
Erika's NPC killing creation
The clicking sounds the NPC's made while playing bugs.
The political intrigue I saw when I wandered into the INN
The two dragons and their dialog while in the town.
The draon disetigrating my NPC
PC's on PC conflict.
Donovan breaking swords to kill Bugs and Dewberry handing them to Him!!!!!
Ug turning into a staue to hold an enterence
Evan using his hold ground ability to stop the dragon knowing he was a dead man.

I know I didnt name everyone but I didnt see everyone either. Just saying there was an overwhealming amount of cool stuff that happened. Everyone seemed really geeked at dinner. Just think there was just a little tiredness and frustration with change in plans that ended up shifting the climax of the night to stopping the ritual instead of killing the dragon

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:55 am
by Ravinal
I am still amazed how for quite some time, Ravinal's (dead, dead) body was left in the middle of the road. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:56 am
by GM_Chris
Yeah and to add rainal taking chips from th bag was AWSOME even though it was a mistake and he didnt have to.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:31 am
by Kalphoenix
Please, yes, let me add that I really think all you guys are great, PCs and GMs, and I will definately be NPCing more often in the future.

I left because I was wet and miserable, my nose had swelled up enormously and I hit that line where I was getting upset OOC about IC things...I think there are times when you have to know when you've had enough and it is smart to back off. I needed a time out, basicly.

I was frustrated OOC because things I really would have liked to see/hear I wasn't around to hear (Damn my curiosity). If anyone can fill me in as close as possible on the dragon dialog that happened in the inn, it would be greatly appreciated. Mike and Karen are awesome dragons...I'm sorry to see the evil dragon go because Mike scared the crap out of me everytime he showed up. When he peeked up through to where I was in Robin's room, I almost bolted for it, my heart was beating so fast. In fact, so did Karen as Lady Corell, and she is friendly.

I both liked and disliked the suspicion that was cast on Delayne after her name was brought up by the dragons and she started wearing Corell's necklace...but I brought that on myself by talking fondly of the evil dragon out-of-character when we were on gamebreak. I do plan or berating some folks in character for that...since when I was just inside sitting on the bench looking morbid and trying to warm up, Ian tore past me pointing and saying "Don't trust her." I was pretty confused and hurt, since I had NO idea why he would say that.

I loved Claude switching sides, and made terrific sense IC. Kudos.

I think all the calls were handled fine and I don't really have any arguments there.

I think there was something else I forgot to say...oh well, I'm sure I'll remember it.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:11 am
by GM_Chris
I thought of something else!

The newsletter was pretty cool!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:22 am
by GM-Mike
I hope that no one ever thinks that we are going to be hurt by negative feedback. We understand that this is a game and that there are going to be moments that people really like and others that people really don't like. Naturally, as humans, we enjoy reading about how awesome we are, and, as you all surely know, we are...but it is in the negative feedback that we are able to improve the game. Now for my thougths why things went awry for some poeple:

This was an end of the world event, a plot that concluded, as it turns out, THE plot that we BEGAN the game with, which is extremely exciting. However, with end of the world plots, there was an extraordinary amount of combat and tension that escalated the tensions of players both in and out of game so that some people, myself included got crankier quicker--hey, by 7:00 Saturday I had a normal event's worth of being smacked in the face, groin, back of the head, etc. This made our fuses shorter. Second, whenever players NPC I have noticed that there is much more rule lawyering going on. I am not exactly sure why that is though I suspect that Reid is on the right track (though I'm sure the real reason is quite complex). Rule lawyering in the middle of combat is extremely disruptive and frustrating and makes some heads explode.

We will be starting an incentive program next year for NPCing, so that may help us out a bit. I too am sorry that the evil dragon is dead (we weren't trying to lose), and I'm further sorry he never got Delayne to serve him...The perfect being was never supposed to kill the dragon, only make it possible for you all to defeat him. I know it was originally presented in that way since I was there. My guess Tonia is that by the time it got to you the info was distorted.

Please keep the comments coming, both positive and negative while it is still fresh in your minds. We do appreciate it. I had a great time this weekend and am looking forward to some rest and another great year next year.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:17 am
by Ug
Oh! I also saw some turtling this event. I'd like to see us take a moment at game-on next event to explain turtling and why it is against the rules.