Looking for Mel and Anna

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Looking for Mel and Anna

Post by Dallid »

*Dallid had stayed within his room all the next day following his return from the Chaos realm. The time away from his beloved Phantara had sapped him greatly, leaving him weakened and sickly. But rest, meditation, and communion with Nature had gradually revitalized him. His mystic glow returned, his health improved, and finally he emerged from the Inn.*

*He traveled across the road to the House of the Crescent Moon, and used his key to access it’s interior. There, he sought Mel and Anna.*

*Finding them absent, he inquires as to their whereabouts with the guard at the door. Learning they returned home, Dallid next travels there.*

*He knocks at the door and awaits an answer. Should they be home, he speaks to Mel*

“I have questions for both you and your daughter, and will answer any you have for me. But first, are you satisfied with your treatment?”
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