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Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:03 am
by Wyrmwrath
Let me point out the fact that there is way too much whining about not being able to drink potions during cool-down, simple fix from the pc side, stop your cooldown count drink your potion and restart.

...and let ME point out that drinking the potions during cool down wasnt even the topic being discussed. Not sure where you saw whining about that.

In fact your post is the only....mention... of the topic I have seen.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 11:17 am
by Altearez
If you click the numbers in the bottom right corner of the forum it will move you from page to page, there you can review previous posts, and I do believe there were multiple pages where drinking potions during cool-down is mention. If you cannot locate said previous posts I'd be more than happy to quote and repost them. That seems like a waste of space, if preferred I could PM them to you.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 3:15 pm
by Wyrmwrath
Nope, since your post made it seem like the whining you were eluding to were in THIS thread.

Since it isnt, not my concern.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:04 am
by Altearez
If I don't want to see it, it must not exist. lol I love the human race.


random question, parry does not stop any appended call after vorpal, I'm talking about knockout, posision, root

BTW rouge hamstring does "2 vorpal root" per 1LP for a advanced switchout skill, whereas warriors can do 1 crush for 1LP.

huh seems like warriors got nerfed, thought we dealt swinging damage, but hey I could be crazy.

Back to my question If I parry Vorpal Poision I still take the poision damage.

so a warrior in full kandium can be hit by a vorpal poision or knockout attack and if he parries he is incapacitated but if he doesen't he would be ok.

I want to make sure I understand exactly how unparriable vorpal effects are.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:13 am
by cole45
your confused.

parry did not get nerfed. it remains as it always has.

if you parry a vorpal poison it drops the damage to zero and zero poison doesn't do anything.

calls with numbers in front of them must affect your life. 0 can't affect your life so nothing happens.

the flip is that KNOCKOUT states it to be equal to your armor, and 0 knock out is equal to the zero armor that vorpal creates.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:24 am
by Altearez
where in the rules does it say vorpal reduces the amount of armor you have to 0.

the way it was explained to me

vorpal BYPASSES current armor points because it's like being stabbed in a weak spot in the armor, or a spot that isn't covered by armor.

so how does a parried vorpal bypass 10 AP,Vorpal Armor cannot protect against vorpal damage.

from the rule book
This type of damage by passes armor and the character is affected by any other effects attached to the call. Generally this is only a number call so if a character was hit for “9 vorpal” any armor would be by passed and 9 points would be subtracted from the character’s life point total. If a character was hit with a “9 vorpal Knockout” attack, the attack would by pass armor and the knockout effect would be applied, and thus the character would fall unconscious for 5 minutes.

If the call was reduced to "0 vorpal knockout" and it still actually hit me I would fall unconious.

Parry/Avoid-reduces the muber to 0 bla bla bla.

to parry is to prevent a weapon from hitting your person preferably by hitting it with your weapon.

what your telling me is that vorpal knockout surges through weapons.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:24 am
by Zeira
No it does not surge through weapons. It has a number in the call therefore it does not surge.

Here is an example of Vorpal KO versus Parry.

I attack you with "4 Vorpal Knockout"

You choose to use your Parry skill, which transforms the number in the call to 0. The rest of the call remains the same.

Now the call is "0 Vorpal Knockout"

Vorpal negates any armor you are wearing, making your armor points 0. For Knockout to function the call must be equal to or exceed the defenders current armor points.

The call of 0 Knockout is equal to your current armor total of 0 so the knockout is successful.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:40 am
by Morgan
This ^

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:55 am
by Wyrmwrath
Since the PURPOSE of parry/avoid is to prevent the attack form landing and afffecting the user, if the vorpal knockout still works, parry/avoid is in need of a fix. Obviosly the skill just needs to be reworded to eliminate this unintentional loophole

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:58 am
by GM-Taki
Why can't Parry just completely negate a frontal melee call? It's already restricted to a narrow scope, costs a life point, and is rather predictable. Let it do what it's intended to do and avoid all of the nit-picking.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:59 am
by cole45
it is NOT a loophole. its deliberate just like the fact mass heal doesn't work at zero.

zero is a number. only non number calls surge.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:41 pm
by Zeira
Yeah...Warriors need to be afraid of Sleep and KO. They should be shaking in their heavily armored boots because that is the intention of the Vorpal KO.

However if you are a warrior who allowed yourself to be hit with a tiny weapon in the front you should be ashamed of yourself and take a dirt nap anyway. Any self respecting warrior should be able to tap the assassin to negate the attack.

This isn't Seer Sleep, where all you have to do is tag someones sword and put them night night.

And if you want to resist KO and Sleep play a Paladin or Man at Arms.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 1:35 pm
by Wyrmwrath
it is NOT a loophole. its deliberate just like the fact mass heal doesn't work at zero.

the fact taht its intentional doesnt meanits not a loophole. Parry/avoid was designed to allow a warrior to NEGATE any weapon attack form the front. this LOOPHOLE, intentional or not, goes against what the warrior skill was intended for.

Yeah...Warriors need to be afraid of Sleep and KO. They should be shaking in their heavily armored boots because that is the intention of the Vorpal KO.
They do need to be afraid of them, just not when weapon delivered from the front.

Hell the skill is called parry/avoid. the AVOID part implies the attack never lands. How does it still take effect if it never lands?!?!?!?!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:01 pm
by Zeira
When looking at rule mechanics always remember that the name of the skill is irrelevant. Might as well call it Path 5/ Tier 3/ Skill 4.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:39 pm
by cole45
exactly. Don't get rapped up in the skill's name.

The vorpal knockout exclusion was designed to make vorpal knockout a half step between knock out and true sleep(which VORPAL KNOCKOUT replaced.) Sleep was non parriable as a NON NUMBERED call and surged through the shield, which was lame.

this is a half step between the two.

this requires a person to charge for a minute and hit you from the front. don't let them do it.

(Don;t get too worked up. This isn't going to change.)

you have two annoying situations. 1 the sleep affect. The assassin walks up and tags you on the tip of your spear and you fall sleep from four feet away. or the shield, he could do that too.(can't parry this.)

or 2. he strikrd you in the shoulder and you can parry it but it effects you even if you do. number 2 seems vasly less cheese dickish to me.