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Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:37 pm
by dier_cire
Peace420 wrote:Well Ried what you're saying is that noone should ever go in your tent without you saying they can, which amounts to a Haven. Like I said, if you want to make sure something doesn't get broken keep it in a safe place, bring a tub for OOG stuff or delicate stuff. It's really that simple.
No. Not letting someone run the risk of demolishing your OOG stuff does not equal a Haven. A Haven is an in-game concept, it has nothing to do with out of game gear.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:41 pm
by GM-Mike
It's not an official campground rule. In fact, the director told people of Winter Haven (I think) that since we pay a security deposit, she would just take any damages accrued out of there. That said, and I bring this up because I think there is some wondering about this, I do not think that the director really wants us fighting in there (those were in fact her words when we first began playing so I feel real comfortable saying it now). So out of respect to one of the nicest people I have dealt with, I would like to keep it the way it is.

In addition to respect, there is a huge safety issue with the balcony where a lot of people sleep. It would easier than you think to get startled by a would be assassin and the next thing you know someone is falling over the railing and cracking their head open, not to mention the little room to maneuver in that area and the stairs of death should a flee situation occur. The main area (anything not the balcony) is considerably safer but there are many breakables. If we did allow fighting down there, it would be very unfair to those unable to sleep on the balcony due to limited space.

I agree with Reid that there is really no reason to go inside a tent. To compensate for that though, a tent needs to be easy to burn and no ingame valuables should be stored there. Either that or any tent that is able to be burned is considered to be looted. Temple is right that it would chode out the scout if it worked any other way.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:49 pm
by GM_Chris
Yeah what my Brother said :)

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:11 pm
by WayneO42
Yah...what Mike Said :)

Really guys, the ban on fighting in the Inn is not our idea. It is not a part of our game philosophy. It is a restriction of the site. We are looking at other sites do to some other things that have come up as well.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:16 pm
by Faerykin
So what you're saying is that people that stay in tents (as opposed to the Inn), don't have to worry about their stuff getting rifled through (i.e., no thieving) unless the tent is burned down?

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:20 pm
by dier_cire
Ovak Stonecrusher wrote:To compensate for that though, a tent needs to be easy to burn and no ingame valuables should be stored there. Either that or any tent that is able to be burned is considered to be looted.
The only time you should be storing in-game valuables in a sleeping tent is when you are in it. If no one stopped you in the burning, loot away!

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:39 pm
by GM_Chris
Yeah tents are not structures unless tehre is some kind of sign telling you they are and can be burned down according to teh rules which I think are like 5 minutes or something.


Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:02 pm
by General Maximus
What I have been told if you sleep in a tent in game and you did not pay resources/time to build an ingame building or have a Haven than you are considered to be sleeping in hut that offers you no protection. aka, some one can come up and slit your throat, steal any ingame item that's in the tent etc...

Here is the rules to burn a wood building down. Can't burn a stone building down.

A wood building can be torched to the ground. A torch must be highly visible and the act of burning must be made overly apparent to both those inside and outside of the building. It takes 4 people 10 minutes of
uninterrupted time to torch a wood structure. If any of them are disrupted then the count must be restarted. No amount of extra people will decrease the torching time and no partial damage will be done. It will be assumed those inside the wood structure are actively trying to put the fire out and it will only completely go up after 10 minutes. After 10 Minutes the people who have set flames to the building must place Flame Tags on each side of the building to represent that it is on fire. At this time all who are inside the building die instantly and are consumed in the flame. Also, any items in the building are destroyed.

Re: Building

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:16 pm
by Peace420
General Maximus wrote:What I have been told if you sleep in a tent in game and you did not pay resources/time to build an ingame building or have a Haven than you are considered to be sleeping in hut that offers you no protection. aka, some one can come up and slit your throat, steal any ingame item that's in the tent etc...
Right but do you slit that throat from outside the tent? Do 4 people have to spend 10 minutes burning it down before it can be looted even though it's not supposed to offer you any protection? I can understand people not wanting people in their tent but I don't want people where I'm sleeping either if it's in the Inn but guess what, it happens all the time, people gank stuff from the Inn every event. The OOG created by having to quietly wake only the person or people in that tent up and tell them they are dead and thier stuff is gone is no different than taking Inn fights outside to me. If you're worried about anyone getting away you use maybe the big circle in the middle of thr parking lot now and if they leave that they lose the fight, like Sumo.

and for the people that think it's not fair that the Inn is a safe zone I can understand your gripe, but moving it outside is not something the GM's want to do. The everyone non-com status I'd actually be ok with even though it's in the extreme the other way. Although that would make it much more like WoD

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:25 pm
by Faerykin
My thoughts are right there with Erik.

We stay in the Inn and any old Joe Schmo can walk on in and rifle through our stuff. We stay in a tent and all of our stuff is safe unless someone burns the place down.

That sounds all sorts of wrong.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:26 pm
by cole45
I know that people don't read signs, but what about a sign(or color, or flag)

Blue with Crosses = "Kill my ass from out side, don't step on my glasses."(I'm not allowed to have ANY TAGS in the tent.)

Red with Stars = "Come in side and try to kill you git. Come on, I can take it."(TAgs, I'm sleeping on them.)

(Yes i know they could cheat and bring the tags, but hey you can't make a rule to stop people from cheating....they wouldn't be cheating if they followed rules.)

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:20 pm
by WayneO42
How about something like below. Using these rules we make the first floor of the Inn a non combat, theiving legal area and the second floor a non combat area.

Non Combat Areas

Do to out of game limitations such as safety and site rules, there may be some locations on site where combat is not allowed. These locations will be identified by the GM staff and communicated to the entire Player base. Combat should not be initiated or directed towards these areas. In turn, a player should not flee from an active combat scene to one of these non Combat areas. Likewise, if a player leaves a non combat area to join a battle or aid those in it, they should not return to the non-combat area until the battle has finished.

If a scene in a non-combat area reaches a point where combat is inevitable, the players involved should find an in-game means of resolving the scene without combat or moving the scene to an area safe for combat. If this cannot be done, a game stop needs to be called. Then, a GM or other qualified member of the event staff will determine the best way to move the scene to a combat safe area.

A situation may also arise where a character may want to kill another character who is sleeping in a non-combat area. In this case, the player needs to find a GM or qualified member of the event staff. The GM will then enter the non-combat area and state, in a normal speaking voice, "Out of Game, Is there anyone awake who can hear my voice?". If there is no answer within a reasonable amount of time (10 - 15 seconds) the GM will state that the target character is bleeding to death. At that point, the player who initiated the action may leave the area unmolested. If the initiating player would like to target another character in the area, the GM will once again ask "Out of Game, Is there anyone awake who can hear my voice?". This process continues until the initiating player has run out of desirable targets or someone responds to the GM.

If someone responds to the GM, a game stop will be called. The person who responds will be told "You see a dark figure standing over (Target character's name). Do you pursue?" If the responding character chooses not to pursue, the initiating player must leave the area and may not initiate another attack against that non-combat area that night. If the responding character chooses to pursue, they can put on footwear, make themselves presentable (no naked fighting), grab any in game items within reach, and come out of the non combat area to confront the initiating player. A game on is called and the combat ensues. The initiating player may not flee the combat until "released" by the GM. The GM will base this time on how long they think it would take them to get into a position of escape. In some cases, the initiating player may not be released from the combat.

Just as people in a non-combat area are not 100% safe, neither are in game items. In game items cannot be left in non-combat areas unless otherwise approved by a GM. If, for example, you are sleeping in a tent (A non-combat area) you should leave all of your in game item tags outside of the tent in a weather proof container such as a plastic envelope or small tote. Please be mindful not to break the resource carrying rules on page $$. When a thief wishes to take an item from within the container or envelope, they must pantomime the action of searching and picking up items for one minute after which they may leave with the items. A thief must be mindful that they do not break the item carrying rules on page $$. Whenever possible, a GM or other member of the event staff should be present whenever any in game looting or thieving is done to avoid any out of game conflict.

If your items are secured within an in game structure that is represented by a non combat area they still need to be stored outside of the non combat area however, a note must be included with the tags that describes the fortification they are within. Anyone wishing to steal the items must first get a GM or other qualified member of the event staff to determine if they are able to successfully circumvent the security measures and pilfer the items.

Sometimes large communal areas such as Inns or Bunkhouses may be declared non-combat areas. When this is the case an area nearest a combat area should be used to keep everyone’s in game item tags following the rules above. Any thieving done from this designated area must be done with a GM present. Alternately, large communal areas may be declared non-combat but thieving legal areas. In these areas a thief may take items freely but may never move faster than a brisk walk. If caught within weapons length of someone attempting to stop them, the thief must drop the items and is immediately brought to zero life points. Traps may be set in non-combat but thieving legal areas.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:24 pm
by GM-Mike
Hmm, somehow what I said got WAY distorted from the original intent. I take the blame for poor wording so edit my post to just say the following: NO INGAME VALUABLES SHOULD BE STORED IN THE TENT. I suppose like Aaron said, unless you are sleeping there, which is what I really meant in the first place, in which case you loot after you burn it down. I hope that's clearer.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:07 pm
by Eli
Maybe people should not hide their in game stuff with their oog stuff. That seems like it is unfair.

If you are sleeping in the inn place EVERYTHING you have in game that you are not carrying on you in PLANE VIEW so anyone can walk by, Say I'm searching your stuff, do a count and pick the stuff up. Problem solved.

Same thing for tents, that are not representing buildings. Set your stuff where anyone can get to it, out side the tent.

BTW if I catch someone going through my personal stuff, like my wallet, we WILL have issues... I've seen way to many people get ripped off at LARP's for that crap to fly with me.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:10 pm
by Kalphoenix
Yeah, I have a problem with someone automatically able to kill someone "I fell you." While they are conscious and awake and able to move. You better believe I'm going to move my ass if someone is trying to kill me.

Wayne's rundown looked resonable to me, but a flat out "I fell you" while the person is conscious and responsive is cheesedick IMHO. That's too far one way, while No-combat is too far the other way.