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Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:36 pm
by Serena
As the raised voices died down, Cariel peered out farther from behind Gil-Galad. Dropping the piece of leather from her lips, she fixed her golden gaze on Dallid and rose, albeit unsteadily, to her feet. As she gathered her balance, she stepped away from Gil-Galad to sniff at the strange, shining man who smelled of life itself. She looked up at him and smiled genuinely, giving a clumsy curtsy before stepping back nervously.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:05 pm
by Haku
ooc Sorry for my late reply everybody, I was at work all day

He stands there calmly, allowing the elf's accusations to wash over him. He's been accused of far worse, and the trial is still vivid in his mind.

"Perhaps you should refrain from any more comments on the trial, elf. The defendants were given more than enough time to explain their actions, which they did, and witnesses and testimonies were both given freely. Perhaps these concerns of yours should have been brought up at the trial, not months later. I'll also presume that you merely forgot the fact that the Queen herself presided over that trial and the only part that I played in it was asking the accused certain questions. Strange how you are so quick to condemn Ashearth but also quick to defend two who knowingly offered sanctuary to a vampire, when the promise of sanctuary was not theirs to give. This matter is closed, the trial and sentence already carried out."

As the Painted One pauses to collect his thoughts, he pulls the hood of his cloak up. With his face hidden in the shadow, he reaches back and unties the wrap covering his eyes. His movement is deliberately slow, and he takes his time stowing the fabric away in his pouch before again addressing the group of gathered individuals. His voice is icy cold, with all emotion drained away.

"Perhaps you mistake me for someone who cares what has happened in your past Elven Stranger. Should I be impressed that you fought for Silvandar? Do you yearn for recognition because you chose self-imposed exile over murder? I'll presume you don't yet know who YOU are addressing, elf, but know this... There are individuals here with far less patience than myself. Your attempt at trumpeting your own self-importance is boorish at best, as actions here speak louder and clearer than any amount of long-winded speeches of ones' past."

He never raises his voice, but the conviction behind every word is almost visible. As he leans against the wall, he watches the beast-child run up to and inside the Keep in his mind. Ever vigilant, but knowing that there is more than enough capable bodies if things were to truly get out of hand the Lord Marshall calmly watches the situation escalate. As soon as Sir Franchesco draws his blade, the Lord Marshall moves in between him and Ashearth.

"Sir Knight, I ask you to sheath your blade. You should know more than any present where the road of vigilantism leads. And you Ashearth, common sense would tell you that there is more than enough capable bodies here if this beast-child were to prove a handful." He pauses to a moment to read the official writ that Ashearth hands him, knowing full well what it says since he was there when the Queen wrote it. "By official decree, Ashearth is allowed free and safe passage throughout the lands of Haven, so long as he doesn't hurt a citizen. Unfortunately, the beast-child is not yet a citizen, and it appears she wasn't harmed by Ashearth's spell. As much as it pains me to say this, he has not broken any official law and I have no jurisdiction over him. While many would use common sense as an argument, there is no law that encompasses that. If any here disagree, please, feel free to voice your concerns."

The Lord Marshall returns back to where he was leaning against the wall but a moment ago but is careful to watch for any more signs of aggression from anyone present. The bruised and foul-smelling dwarf that shambles into the courtyard barely receives a glance, as he's more concerned with the group in front of him. A slight nod at Val is the only acknowledgment he gives the Champion, but he prays that the dwarf does not make the situation worse. [/i]

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:33 am
by Gil-Galad
*Gil-Galad starts to get upset at the judgment, but stops himself to think for a second. He relaxes, and sighs.*

"I respect your decision, Lord Marshal. I take my leave of this, but with one parting statement. You may want to see that law revised, else foreigners of all kinds may find this place most unwelcoming. Letting citizens assault non-citizens, magically or otherwise, is not looked highly upon by most."

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:59 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
Franchesco hesitates for a moment before he sheathes his blade. The old man takes a deep breath and shakes his head.

"This is a sad day indeed, when evil men can hold up a piece of paper and be exonerated for their purposeful wrong doings. I will be speaking to Esmerelda on these matters but not this day for she is to be wed and I would not spoil this beautiful day with talk of law."

"As a matter of fact you should all be heading to the mining village soon if you plan on attending. I will be here guarding the keep. Slade and the rest of the guard will be at the wedding however to keep things safe."

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:19 am
by Gil-Galad
"The wedding is so soon? I had not been told when it would be held. In that case, my trip will wait. I shall pack my things, and find something decent to wear. Farewell. Cariel, if you would follow me, we're going to get ready to meet the Queen. You wanted to do that, remember?"

*He beckons her to follow with a hand motion.*

"Also to you, Franchesco, I must award praise. If I stood in your position, I would have needed much more convincing to stay my blade. I applaud your... What's the word... Perhaps 'patience'? No... Restraint. Definitely restraint. Also, be aware the mace you hold is likely a focus for Ashearth's powers, and you limit him somewhat so long as you keep protective custody of it. As a castle guard, I would hope that is within your power to do so. If not, then the power of law is indeed very limited here."

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:26 am
by Dallid
“Well spoken, Lord Marshall. Indeed, while mistakes were made, no one was hurt, nothing was damaged, and no harm was done. Cariel does not appear even distressed. Even Ashearth’s intent was passive. Given this, while we each may take issue with his method, any official sanction would be excessive. Authority must be firm yet fair, lest it do more harm than good.”

“But overall many concerns have been brought to light and all of us have been granted much to consider. Let us take these words to heart and learn from them.”

When Cariel greets him, Dallid returns the smile and nods back. “Welcome, young one. I apologize for the initial scene of your arrival here, and hope you rather come to regard Haven as a warm and inviting place.”

As the Dwarves approach and address the group, Dallid looks up and waves.

“Greetings, traveler. You may find rest from the road here in Haven.”

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:47 am
by Serena
Cariel smiles warmly again at Dallid. At the mention of meeting the queen, her ears perk up and she turns to Gil-Galad, tail wagging. Nodding enthusiastically, she goes to follow him, but stops, turning back to those assembled. She gives Franchesco a thankful smile and gives another clumsy curtsy to the group. Her voice is soft and childlike as she speaks,

"Good... To meet... All. "

She turns again and chases after Gil-Galad, grabing his arm and smiling.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:04 am
by Francesco DeLemuerte
"No, Ashearth is entitled to his property under the laws of this land. I will not be so petty as to take anothers gear because of this. Ashearth knows that the moment he is caught acting outside of the law he shall know justice. Hopefully that will keep him in line."

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:36 pm
by Rhul
As the people talk and argue amongst themselves at the gates of the keep, some of them may notice quite a large man coming down the road towards them. He is clad in a full set of plate over maile, with his face covered by a large helm. He is made to seem even bigger by an immense black fur cloak and hood, made out of what looks to be bearskin, and carries a long claymore of Caldonian make over one shoulder.

He carries himself with the bearing of a man who has been travelling for some time, but is returning home to the castle. If he sees anyone looking at him, he raises his hand in a hail.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:50 pm
by Tyr Murkel
The clack of boot heels and jingling of trinkets echo through the hallways of the keep. Out of one of the passages steps Tyr Murkel. He adjusts his hat and straightens his bright jacket.

"What is causing all of the uproar now?" Tyr inquires with an upraised eyebrow "Don't we have a wedding to be preparing for, more importantly a wedding reception!!! I have a good feeling about this one: song, dance, drink, and food just what we need to stave off the winter cold!"

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:19 am
by Onimaster
There is a moment of awkwardness as Vaal holds up the stump where his right hand used to be attached, and then switches to his left to shake Brodder's hand, "Vaalfodor Helldrummer, Clan Chief, Champion of Life, and diplomat to the dwarven Homelands. Korrigan has a fine Winter Seasonal brew in his casks, if you're game? "

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:36 pm
by BrodderHammerfall
(sorry for the delay there )

*As Vaal switches hands Brodder gives a confused look to the stump that is his right hand then Happily shakes the left hand *

Well met Vaalfodor ...ah'd say the rest bu' then ah wuld feel lees o 'man by comparison O' tha name , seem ye got sum stories yerself lad and ah think we kin share over a nice winter brew , hell at this time ah'd take myself any brew that wasnt made in a pissing tub *he gives a toothy grin and wait for Vaal to lead the way*

(continue in the Inn ? )